The best Russian singers

The best Russian singers
The best Russian singers

In this article you will learn about the most famous, popular and sought-after pop artists in our country. They are very different - young or rejuvenating, beautiful and original, talented or not. But the public loves them, no matter what, whether it's a new hit or long legs.

Russian singers
Russian singers

Variety centenarians

These are the "oldest" singers in Russia. Photos of these pop divas regularly appear in glossy magazines and yellow press for many years, and crowds of fans still hunt for their autographs. This list includes: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Larisa Dolina, Nadezhda Babkina, Nadezhda Kadysheva, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Irina Allegrova and Valeria. Of course, this is not a complete list, only those pop artists who are currently able to gather full houses at their concerts are included here. Note: even though Alla Pugacheva left the stage, she can return at any moment and gather a whole crowd of fans.

Russian singers. A photo
Russian singers. A photo

The most beautiful Russian singers

This list includes those pop divas who don't even have to sing. It is enough just to go on stage, and millions of men's hearts freeze from such unearthly (and barely covered) beauty. Well, if they are also talented, have a good voice, then nothing can resist thiscrushing force. So, the most beautiful singers in Russia are Vera Brezhneva, Anya Sedakova, Anna Pletneva, Zhanna Friske, Nyusha, Tatyana Kotova, Tanya Tereshina, Yulia Parshuta (Yin-Yang group), Sati Kazanova, Svetlana Svetikova, Valeria, Yulia Kovalchuk, Anna Semenovich. It is these divas who not only sing well, but also invariably attract male gazes. Many of these singers starred for men's magazines: Playboy, Penthouse and other similar publications. And this once again serves as proof of their beauty.

Beautiful Russian singers
Beautiful Russian singers

The most sought-after singers in Russia

You can be both beautiful and talented, but only the desire of the audience to get to a particular singer at a concert or get her to a corporate or private party is a real objective indicator of the demand for a star. And demand always creates supply, and the most sought-after artists receive the highest fees. However, I would like to note the fact that Russian singers, like their foreign colleagues, often overestimate the amounts they receive for their performances. There are several reasons: firstly, the thought - "what if they give just that much", and secondly, self-promotion - "look how popular I am." And, of course, the expectation of a purely psychological effect - for many people who "order" stars for themselves, the status of the performers is important, and not the quality of the songs at all. This is what many Russian singers use, asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars for a half-hour performance to the phonogram. Alla Pugacheva is considered the most expensive: she asks for €250,000 for 5 songs, and only on the condition that she does not need to move away fromMoscow further 500 km. Next comes Elena Vaenga - she asks "only" € 200 thousand for a forty-minute performance. Among the younger generation, the singer Elka can be noted - she takes € 100 thousand Zemfira can be ordered for € 150 thousand. But the entire "Brilliant" group, wholesale, will cost only €20,000.

As a result, we can conclude: Russian singers still do not reach world celebrities in terms of fees. And none of our stars yet can match Rihanna, who made $8 million in one night, Beyoncé ($2 million for a performance at a private party on a yacht) or Christina Aguilera ($1 million in one hour).
