Film "Crew": roles and actors, plot

Film "Crew": roles and actors, plot
Film "Crew": roles and actors, plot

"The Crew" is a Russian disaster film from director Nikolai Lebedev, whose previous film "Legend No. 17" was a hit. The sympathy of the audience was divided - some liked the picture, while others compare it with the "Crew" in 1979, believing that the actors and roles (2016) were not so well matched for the film "Crew". The reviews are so ambiguous that you should familiarize yourself with the main characters of the film and the actors who played them.

Movie plot

This is the story of a young and talented pilot who dreams of working in the sky. After another job loss, Alexei Gushchin begins to fly civilian aircraft and learns to work in a team. The aircraft commander, co-pilot and flight attendants - it is their joint and well-coordinated work that ensures people's safety.

In the film Crew, the roles and the actors who play them are of great importance. After all, it is the courage and willingness to do anything for the sake of salvationpeople, reveal the characters and show them from a completely different side. A natural disaster on the island forces everyone to exert all their strength to the limit, and Gushchin will have to accomplish a real feat - to raise the plane from the burning island and be able to save all the passengers.

crew roles and actors
crew roles and actors

"Crew": Roles and actors. Pilot Alexey Gushchin

Pilot Gushchin is shown to the audience as very capricious - because of this, he often loses his job, and hardly gets a job as a trainee co-pilot. During his flights, the moral principles of Gushchin are shown - it is hard for him to put up with an unfair attitude, but it is not always in his power to change anything. And the complex relationship with the co-pilot Alexandra is also constantly tested. Due to the earthquake on the island, the pilots have to operate in an unconventional environment, disregarding orders. Gushchin saves people by going through all sorts of trials and breaking many rules. Although after he has to change jobs again, now Alexandra is next to him.

crew actors and roles
crew actors and roles

Danila Kozlovsky, who played the role of pilot Gushchin, began his acting career in 1998, acting as a bully in the TV series Simple Truths. After that, he decided to enter the theater academy, and from the second year he began to act in films regularly. Kozlovsky has more than thirty films to his credit, he starred in the Hollywood film Vampire Academy, as well as in a Chanel commercial with actress Keira Knightley.

Crew commander Leonid Zinchenko

PilotZinchenko is shown as a strict worker who follows the rules. It is difficult for him to pass the exams, as he takes only the best pilots into the team. Although Zinchenko does not like Gushchin's short temper, he sees him as a talented pilot. The relationship in the Zinchenko family is complicated - the wife is upset that he is not at home because of work, and the son Valera does not obey his parents and lags behind in studies. The last straw is the son's affair with an English tutor, after which Zinchenko decides to take his son on a flight with him. Once on an island flooded with lava, he makes a difficult choice - he takes people out on a plane, leaving part of the team and his own son on a burning island. Reunited with his son, the father realizes that playing by the rules is not always necessary, and this changes his life.

crew actors and roles 2016
crew actors and roles 2016

Vladimir Mashkov, who played the pilot Zinchenko, began acting in films since 1989. Prior to that, he repeatedly changed places of study, including the theater school, from where he was expelled for a fight. The audience highly appreciated Mashkov, so his career both in cinema and in the theater began to develop successfully. Vladimir Mashkov also proved himself as a director, screenwriter and producer.

Flight attendant Andrey

A young man is in love with stewardess Victoria, always ready to stand up for her and protect her, but she wants to see a more courageous person next to her. On the burning island, Andrey shows real heroism - he takes people out of the fiery trap, almost dying himself. And this makes Victoria change her mind and be with him.

film crew actorsand roles
film crew actorsand roles

Sergey Kempo actively played in the theater, and began acting in films only in 2009. His most popular film work was the role of hockey player Yevgeny Zimin in the film Legend No. 17.

Film "Crew": actors and roles. Pilot Alexander Kuzmin

Kuzmina works as a co-pilot, and because of her position constantly fights against the prejudice of society that there should not be female pilots in the sky. Alexandra begins dating pilot Gushchin, but their relationship ends in a serious quarrel. Gushchin is quick-tempered, and often behaves like a boy, while Alexandra has her own ideas about a life partner. In a difficult situation, when human lives were at stake, she saw Gushchin in a new way, because it was his talent to fly and think outside the box that saved the passengers and Alexandra herself.

crew actors and roles 2016 reviews
crew actors and roles 2016 reviews

Agne Grudite, who embodied the pilot Kuzmina on the screen, was born in Lithuania and from childhood began to dream of becoming an actress. She worked a lot on television as a presenter, and since 2010 she began acting in films. In the film "The Crew", the roles and actors are mostly Russian, but Agne Grudite is voiced by Irina Lachina, as the B altic accent is heard in the actress's speech.

Stewardess Victoria

The girl likes the pilot Gushchin, although this sympathy is not mutual. Victoria copes well with her duties and knows how to resolve conflicts with passengers. Flight attendant Andrey tries to look after the stewardess, but she refuses him, not seeing him as a man because of his position. However, after Andrewsaves people, risking her life, she sees him from the other side and confesses her sympathy.

Ekaterina Shpitsa is a Russian theater and film actress. She is famous for many films, but the films "Metro", "Christmas Trees 1914" and the TV series "Real Boys" brought her the greatest fame. The actress was married and has a son.

Critics are mostly positive about the film, noting that Lebedev managed to shoot an impressive blockbuster with the help of special effects, actively used in the film "The Crew". The roles and actors in the film are bright and memorable, and the story itself captures and keeps the audience in suspense until the end of the picture.
