The series "High stakes": actors and roles, film crew

The series "High stakes": actors and roles, film crew
The series "High stakes": actors and roles, film crew

"High Stakes" is a new series from NTV, touching on the topics of organized crime and gambling from the point of view of modern Russian realities. The NTV channel, which has vast experience in working with crime series, has released a very high-quality product that will appeal to all lovers of crime stories.

Who worked on the series "High Stakes"? The actors, director and the entire crew did a great job. As a result, a new wonderful Russian series is presented to the attention of the viewer. The article will focus on him, as well as on the people who put a lot of effort into creating the picture.

high stakes actors
high stakes actors

The new face of the organized crime group

High Stakes, released in 2015, immediately attracted the attention of the public not only with high-quality directing and a realistic script, but also with very good actors. First of all, attention is attracted, of course, by Alexei Nilov, who became famous for the role of Captain Larin in the cultseries "Streets of Broken Lights".

In "High Stakes" Alexei appears before the audience in a completely new role, perfectly revealing his multifaceted talent. He is helped in this difficult task by Maxim Dakhnenko, who pleasantly surprised the viewer in "Notes of the Expeditor of the Secret Office", as well as Sergei Gubanov, who has hitherto appeared in films and on television, perhaps in supporting roles. In addition to them, the series stars Ekaterina Rokotova, Oleg Metelev, Nina Petrovskaya and others.

series high stakes
series high stakes

Aleksey Nilov ("High Stakes")

Although it was Borzov, perfectly played by Sergey Gubanov, who was conceived as the protagonist of the series, all the attention of the audience was "stolen" by Alexei Nilov. Of course, Russian viewers had no doubts about his talent since the days of "Streets of Broken Lanterns", but few expected to see him in such an atypical, it would seem, role.

Playing Nilov crime boss Yuri Sergeev nicknamed Cosmonaut. A recently released Cosmonaut, through his people, owns a network of underground casinos spread throughout St. Petersburg. An unsuccessful assassination attempt, prevented by a passerby, brings the Cosmonaut to Borzov, who wants to get an illegal job. Despite the fact that the conditional antagonists of the series are competitors in the underground business and law enforcement agencies, the main conflict occurs between the Cosmonaut, who owes Borzov his life, Borzov himself, as well as the Captain, the closest associate of the Cosmonaut, who does not trust the newsubordinate to his boss.

It is in this field that Nilov's talent manifests itself in full measure: despite the criminality and criminality of the Cosmonaut, Nilov managed to show him as a full-fledged personality, having the concept of honor, duty and even mutual assistance. In the most intense scenes, requiring one hundred percent return, Nilov pulled all the attention of the audience to himself, and quite deservedly so. Perhaps the role of the Cosmonaut will not become as iconic as the image of Larin, but the actor will definitely bring his share of fame.

maxim dakhnenko
maxim dakhnenko

Maxim Dakhnenko

Maxim Dakhnenko, mostly theatrical actor, who has established himself on television with roles in such series as Notes of a Speditor of the Secret Office, Survive After, and Leningrad 46, plays the role of Captain - trusted in High Stakes astronaut's face. Despite the fact that the cliché of the closest associate and subordinate criminal leader in the cinema implies a minimum of emotions and often carries a negative connotation, Maxim easily breathed life into an often two-dimensional image. Despite the seeming lack of emotions during the first few episodes, as the conflict with the character of Sergei Gubanov grows, Maxim Dakhnenko fully reveals the potential of his hero. As if going against stereotypes, Dakhnenko did everything possible so that the image of the Captain did not end in unquestioning obedience and loy alty. Despite the fact that his role in the series is not as big and emotional as that of Gubanov and Nilov, Dakhnenko coped with it one hundred percent.

Nilov high stakes
Nilov high stakes

The series "High stakes": Sergey Gubanov

De facto, the main character of the series, Kirill Borzov, embodied by Sergey Gubanov, is a provincial young man who does not disdain to earn a living by crime, as well as communicate with various marginal elements, such as the prostitute Elena, with whom he is tied relations. A very heavy burden was placed on the shoulders of Sergei Gubanov - to be a partner of the outstanding actor Alexei Nilov on stage, while not sagging against his background. Fortunately, Gubanov coped with his task 100%: fears about the “newcomer” did not materialize. Despite the relative simplicity of the prescribed image, Sergey got used to the role well, and there are no moments in the series that make you want to shout “I don’t believe it!”.

Of course, you shouldn't dissemble: Alexey Nilov "steals" screen time and attention of the audience for most of the series, however, Gubanov was not deprived of difficult emotional moments, which he coped with perfectly. His apparent simplicity and willingness to enter into a relationship with Elena hide a much deeper character underneath than it seems at first glance. It is worth noting the conflict with the Captain, just as convincingly played by Sergey, because, like in a dance, in a screen conflict, return from both is required.

high stakes sergey gubanov
high stakes sergey gubanov

Series director

What makes High Stakes so successful? The actors did a great job. It is impossible not to note the merits of the director, notsimply participated in the filming, but actually gave life to the entire series. Despite a very weak start in feature films with his infamous film "Supermanager, or Hoe of Fate", director Bogdan Drobyazko rehabilitated himself in the face of the audience with a series of very high-quality series filmed for the NTV channel. Particularly stand out are "Retribution" and "Celestial Relatives", which have established him as a good director in the crime genre. Either way, it's worth noting that "High Stakes" is, by audience consensus, his best work to date.

high stakes actors
high stakes actors

Camera crew

Who else worked on the creation of the series "High Stakes"? The actors and the director are already known to you. Now it is worth noting the work of the entire film crew. Andrey Tumarkin was responsible for the script of "High Stakes", having previously written stories for more than forty TV series and films. Noted primarily for his work on Alien District and Leningrad 46, Tumarkin considers the crime genre to be his professional credo.

The series was filmed by cameraman Stanislav Mikhailov, who had previously worked on the film Highway Patrol for nine seasons. The camera work is also well done and deserves praise.

The series "High Stakes", the actors, director and the entire crew of which worked at a high level, is worthy of your attention. Happy viewing!
