Short biography of Lermontov - poet, playwright, artist

Short biography of Lermontov - poet, playwright, artist
Short biography of Lermontov - poet, playwright, artist
Short biography of Lermontov
Short biography of Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is a Russian poet of the 19th century. His works still excite the hearts and minds of readers, and not only in our country. In addition to beautiful poems, he left his prose works and paintings to his descendants. If you want to know more about the life of the famous classic, then our article, which describes a brief biography of Lermontov, will be of interest to you.

Childhood and youth

The poet was born in Moscow, in 1814 on the night of October 14-15. The upbringing of the young Lermontov was carried out by his grandmother, and this happened due to the fact that his mother died only three years after the birth of her son. Having moved to live in the Penza province, the boy begins to study at home, learn new knowledge and learn foreign languages. Grandmother paid great attention to this aspect of her grandson's life and tried to give

M. Yu. Lermontov (short biography
M. Yu. Lermontov (short biography

to him everything that his parents could not give him. In 1825, Lermontov first arrived in the Caucasus, whichsinks into his soul. Many of his works, written later, are saturated with love and craving for everything connected with him. 1827 - the year in which the young poet enters a humanitarian boarding house and begins to write his first poems. After receiving secondary education, the young man enters the guard, where he serves until the start of his studies at the university.

Short biography of Lermontov. Student years

In 1830, Mikhail Yuryevich enters the moral and political department of the university, and the first free-thinking thoughts begin to ripen in his head, the spirit of rebellion permeates him. During the years of study, Lermontov reaches the peak of his lyrical work. And it is connected, of course, with love. At first, the poet's heart was full of love for Ekaterina Smushkova, and later for the daughter of the then famous playwright F. F. Ivanov - Natalia Ivanova. The poetry of these years is distinguished by romanticism, sensuality, shows all the delights of youthful life and love.

Short biography of Lermontov. Service

In 1832, Lermontov moved to St. Petersburg and refuses to continue his studies, as the local university does not want to take into account all the sciences and subjects that he studied in Moscow. And then he decides to continue serving and go to

M. Yu. Lermontov, poet
M. Yu. Lermontov, poet

in the footsteps of his father, also a military man. In 1835, M. Yu. Lermontov (whose brief biography is set out in this article) graduated from the School of Guards ensigns with the rank of cornet. He has already written such works as "Masquerade", "Sasha" and many others. In 1837 the poet leaves to serve in the Caucasusand, imbued with the spirit of the local people, writes his famous work "Borodino". And a year later, thanks to good connections, he was again transferred to St. Petersburg, where he continues to write his works. In the 40s, Lermontov again went to the Caucasus, but he already had to participate in battles and show remarkable success in military affairs.

Short biography of Lermontov. Creativity

Lermontov was recognized as a playwright and poet, but there were those who did not consider him a man of genius and criticized each of his works. The number of dissatisfied grew after the publication of the novel "A Hero of Our Time". Lermontov was considered a freethinker, a man without moral and moral foundations. Nicholas I even refused to reward the poet for military success, as he considered him an anti-monarchist.

M. Y. Lermontov, a poet, a classic, really a "hero of his time", died in a duel in 1841 at the hands of his enemy Nikolai Martynov.
