Film "Crocodile Dundee": one role actor

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Film "Crocodile Dundee": one role actor
Film "Crocodile Dundee": one role actor

Video: Film "Crocodile Dundee": one role actor

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There are actors who have become hostages of one single film and one single role. Paul Hogan is one of them. And although the artist's filmography includes more than a dozen paintings, most of us know him from the Crocodile Dundee trilogy. The actor plays the role of a simple-minded and charismatic alligator hunter who is hard not to fall in love with.


The idea to make a film about survival in the wild belongs to Paul Hogan. In his historical homeland at that time, the story of a provincial boy who spent several long weeks in the desert and managed to survive in spite of everything was widely reported.

crocodile dundee actor
crocodile dundee actor

The film takes place in the rugged Australian jungle, where a young journalist arrives to make an exciting report. Her guide in this green and dangerous world is the local tracker Mick Dundee. Absolutely different from each other, the main characters are forced to spend several days in the wild, every now and then getting into dangerous and ridiculoussituation.

Soon enough, the reporter girl realizes that she has fallen hopelessly in love with her guide and invites him to visit New York, her native stone jungle. What happened next is easy to guess. Met under extreme conditions, the main characters end up together.


The film's meager budget by Hollywood standards made it impossible to invite world-famous stars. The main roles were played by actors making their debut in this field. Hogan's partner in this work was Linda Kozlowski, a young American actress with only Broadway performances behind her.

Actors Of "Crocodile Dundee"
Actors Of "Crocodile Dundee"

Friends of Dundee in the film was played by famous Australian actor John Meillon, as well as Aboriginal David Gulpilil. The bridegroom of the main character was performed by Mark Bloom, who previously appeared in the film "The Vain Search for Susan".

How was the shoot

The Australian part of the film was filmed for about 7 weeks in the Northern Territory. The scenery for the painting was the Kakadu National Park, located 170 km from Darwin. The actors of the film "Crocodile Dundee", like the entire film crew, lived in one of the abandoned mining settlements, in terrible conditions without any benefits of civilization.

Paul Hogan
Paul Hogan

The animals that appear in the film have become a headache for everyone. In one of the scenes of the movie Crocodile Dundee, the actor had to fill up the buffalo with his bare hands. An episode of a few minutes of screen time was filmed all day, because the stubborn animal did not want togo to bed. Only by pumping him with sedatives, the operator was able to make a successful double. Of course, real crocodiles were not filmed in scenes with people, they were replaced by stuffed ones.

The second part of the film was completed already in New York. According to the band, working in America was much more pleasant.

Some interesting facts

The picture was released at the end of September 1986 and in a matter of days gained unprecedented success. The $8 million spent on filming quickly paid off. The film earned $328 million worldwide, becoming the second-highest-grossing film in 1986, surpassed only by the movie masterpiece Top Gun, starring Tom Cruise.

For his work on the Crocodile Dundee project, actor Paul Hogan was awarded the Golden Globe and nominated for an Oscar.

crocodile dundee actor
crocodile dundee actor

For the artist, shooting in this legendary film has become life-changing. 4 years after the release of the picture "Crocodile Dundee", the actor divorced his first wife and connected his life with the female lead, Linda Kozlowski. They lived together for 23 years, after which they decided to disperse.
