How to skate tricks for beginners?

How to skate tricks for beginners?
How to skate tricks for beginners?

Most people don't know how to drive a skateboard, they can't even ride a couple of meters corny. But there are those who feel fearless on the skateboard, as if they have always ridden on it.

Skateboarding is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. With due desire, a beginner can not only master a simple ride, but also learn how to do tricks. This will require constant practice. Of course, you cannot do without falls and failures, but the end result will be worth it.

Take care of protection

You can ride wherever your heart desires. What tricks can you do on a skateboard? Their variety is quite large, and many famous riders (as people who are fond of skateboarding call themselves) almost every day invent new and more complex combinations.

How to do tricks on a skateboard
How to do tricks on a skateboard

Spare money on protective gear. Particular attention should be paid to the helmet, because there are many falls. If you want to learn how to do tricks on a skateboard, then you need to take care of your body. Otherwise, all you get from the classes is bruises and bumps.

Protection should not create discomfort. On the contrary, with the correct selection of the size and type of ammunition, you will feel that it is like a second skin - weightless and very comfortable.

Protection is on, are you holding a skateboard and ready to learn? You should proceed to the usual riding on the board. Warm up well, stretch your feet and knees. After that, stand on a skateboard, distributing your body weight evenly, and try to ride a couple of meters. If it worked out, then it's time to start learning the simplest tricks.


The answer to the question "how to learn to do tricks on a skateboard" is quite simple: you need to constantly train. Sooner or later it will start working. The basic trick required for learning is the "ollie". With the help of certain manipulations, without the participation of hands and any auxiliary objects, a jump is made in order to overcome obstacles. You will need to learn how to jump on the board using nothing but your legs and a skateboard. This trick is the base for other popular tricks, so there is nothing left but to start learning.

How to learn to do tricks on a skateboard
How to learn to do tricks on a skateboard

To perform the trick, you will need to make a kind of kick with your foot. It's best to start by holding on to something. Stand on the skateboard with one foot a little further than the middle of the skateboard and the other foot on the concave (raised end of the board). After that, you need to sharply kick the concave with your foot, and you will sort of push off the board, but with it. If you manage to jump, then landyou need on half-bent legs (for the safety of the joints). It can take from a couple of tens of minutes to one or two days to learn this trick. The main thing is to keep practicing and not give up. The trick seems simple, and almost everyone can perform it, but in reality it turns out that it is very difficult to learn it.

Once you have mastered jumping on the spot, you can try to perform the trick while on the move, like real professionals do. To do this, you will need to position your legs in exactly the same way as when doing an ollie in place. The difference is in the execution of the click. With the foot mounted on the concave, you need to try to make a sharp click, after which it is fixed, and the second one, as it were, pulls the skate up. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, an understanding comes of how to do tricks on a skateboard, because only practice gives birth to knowledge.


Once the "ollie" has been flawlessly mastered and repeated hundreds of times, you can move on to another popular trick, which is also the base for most other tricks. "Olly" and "nolly" differ only in that when performing the last trick, the jump starts with the front foot, which hits the nose of the skate and sets the tone for the whole movement, and the back "pulls" the board up. With this trick, jumping over obstacles and various objects is much more comfortable. However, on the first attempts, you need to start the jump in advance, as there is a chance of hitting the object itself.


How to do tricks onskate? Learn the "manual" trick, which is one of the easiest tricks to master, requiring no special technique or dexterity. All it takes is a good sense of balance. Nevertheless, such a skateboard control can surprise passers-by and will become a good calling card for a rider with proper skill.

how to skateboard tricks for beginners
how to skateboard tricks for beginners

To perform this trick, you need to step on the concave with one foot and lift the entire front of the board, remaining standing only on the rear wheels. Pay close attention to your hands, they will be able to help maintain balance. After mastering the manual on the spot, try it on the move, but you need to be careful, as you can easily fall back.


Continuation of the basic "ollie" trick, the difficulty of which is that the board under you must rotate 180 degrees along with your body. This trick causes problems for many beginners, as they start after the "ollie" and face a number of problems caused by turning the body with the board. No need to worry, because its implementation is not as difficult as it seems, and this trick is designed specifically for beginners.

What tricks can you do on a skateboard
What tricks can you do on a skateboard

The beginning of the trick is no different from the original, however, after clicking, you need to spin the skateboard with your front foot in the direction in which the rider's body is turning. As a result of the trick, you should be turned in the opposite direction, remaining confidently standing on the board. All the complexityis to rotate the body. Often it is not possible to give the necessary inertia, and the result is obvious - a fall. To increase inertia, the help of hands is required, make circular movements with them in order to help the body turn around.

Finishing touch - "kickflip"

Everything before this trick is the base that was learned for the sake of performing a "kickflip". It is this trick that gives a clear answer to the question: “How to do tricks on a skateboard?” It is considered the most difficult trick for beginners, but performing it will have a great effect on the people around. After its successful completion, the rider moves to a new level of board ownership.

how to do tricks on a skateboard
how to do tricks on a skateboard

The essence of the trick: an "ollie" is performed, as a result of which the board should rotate 360 degrees along the horizontal axis. To complete this difficult task, you need to gain a little acceleration, perform an "ollie" and at the moment when the front leg is on the bend of the skate, spin the skate with a sharp blow of the same leg, and then stop the board with your feet in time. Failure to perform such a combination will inevitably end in an unpleasant fall that will not bring pleasure.

How to do tricks on a skateboard? For beginners, there is nothing difficult. You just need to constantly train and not stop trying even in case of failure. This is the only way to succeed.
