Film "Obsession" (2004): reviews, actors

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Film "Obsession" (2004): reviews, actors
Film "Obsession" (2004): reviews, actors

Video: Film "Obsession" (2004): reviews, actors

Video: Film
Video: Shaman King 2021 Voice Actors / Japanese Dub Seiyuu / Yoh Asakura / Amidamaru 2024, June

The original name of Wicker park, which could be translated as "Wicker Park", but Russian distributors preferred a simpler version. Perhaps this was the right move, since the name of the park will not say much to the Russian audience, but the word “obsession” attracts cinemas with passion and mystery. Despite the mixed reviews of the film, 2004's "Obsession" consistently finds itself on the lists of films with the most unexpected ending, the best detective stories and, of course, the best love pictures.


The main character named Matthew is a talented businessman who is not used to losing. Good luck accompanies him until he meets his former lover Lisa. Two years ago, she suddenly, without explanation, disappeared from his life. As the hero did not try to find her and explain himself, he did not succeed. Through acquaintances, he learns that the girl went on a tour of Europe. He is upset and offended, but continues to wait for her every day at the place where their dates usually took place.

One day Matthew, already engaged to another, notices Lisa in one of the restaurants, and it seems to him that fate has given a long-awaited chance to find out everything. However, he does not even imagine what a dangerous game he is getting into. Undera threat not only to his business, but also to his life, because the girl is not at all who she claims to be.

movie obsession 2004 reviews
movie obsession 2004 reviews

Matthew lies to his fiancée, ignores a work trip to go to a hotel whose address he finds on a card dropped by a mysterious girl. In the room, he finds things similar to those that belonged to Lisa, and remains to wait for her, but another one comes. She convinces him that she was the one he saw at the restaurant. The resemblance to his former lover is so striking that Matthew falls in love with a stranger who introduced herself as Alex. They spend the night together.

The hero begins to have doubts. It seems to him that Alex is still Lisa. He returns to the hotel room, only to find it completely empty. To prove his theory, he buys the same shoes he gave his girlfriend, but they don't fit Alex. At the same time, the real Lisa is also desperately looking for Matthew. Their meeting now and then interfere with various obstacles. They do not even suspect that all this is just a game played by Lisa's cruel friend Alex. It was she who set up their separation two years ago.

History of Creation

The film "Obsession" in 2004 appeared thanks to director Paul McGuigan. The original title more subtly conveys the essence of the film. Wicker Park is the place where the dates of the main characters Matthew and Lisa, played by Josh Hartnett and Diane Kruger, took place. Such a park really exists, it is located in Chicago and has become famous thanks to its numerous boutiques and dance floors.

In two yearsMcGuigan will be entrusted with shooting one of the most famous films of his time - "Slevin's Lucky Number", so "Obsession" can be considered his jump into the world of big cinema. The history of creation originates in the novel of the English author Antonia Byatt with the intriguing title "To possess". In 1943, the first film was made on it. For director Luchino Visconti and all Italian cinema, the picture became a cult one, as it was the first filmed in the special atmosphere of Italian neo-realism.

obsession movie 2004 actors
obsession movie 2004 actors

In 1992, Neil LaBute's work, starring Gwyneth P altrow and Aaron Eckhart, was released in theaters. Unlike the first film adaptation, where the plot is built around the vicious relationship between the innkeeper's wife and a handsome tramp, the second one tells about two historians reading romantic letters of the 19th century so zealously to each other that this led to mutual love.

Their versions in 2006 and 2012 were shot by Ann Turner and Steve Shill, in both cases they adhered to all the features of the thriller genre. Excellent reviews of the film "Obsession" in 2004 confirm that the picture came out no worse, and in many ways better than its predecessors of the same name. She differs from them in the atypical construction of a love triangle and the absence of special cruelty. The detailing of the film's scenes is blurred, which makes it seem like it's all like a puzzle, assembled from separate, but carefully selected pieces.

Josh Hartnett as Matthew

A great feature of 2004's "Obsession" is that the actors are perfectly matched. Handsome Joshua Hartnett evokes both sympathy and compassion. The viewer unconsciously wants everything to work out for him - he found his love, and they lived happily ever after.

film obsession actors
film obsession actors

The brown-eyed brown-haired man became famous after the release of "Pearl Harbor" - the sensational blockbuster of 2001. Although true connoisseurs of cinema have noticed Hartnett for the role of Trip Fontaine in the gloomy drama The Virgin Suicides and the bright thriller The Faculty. Of course, he will have to prove his worth as an actor more than once, but, according to critics, he has a chance to shine in the starry sky of Hollywood.

Diana Kruger as Lisa

Burning blonde Diane Kruger is another lucky find for the cast of the film "Obsession". She was born in Germany on July 15, 1976 in an ordinary family of a bank worker and an IT specialist. But a simple origin did not prevent her from becoming one of the most sought-after actresses and models of our time and smashing the stereotype of the low attractiveness of German women to smithereens. She auditioned for a role in The Fifth Element. And although Luc Besson did not choose her, he noted her creative abilities and advised them to develop and devote herself to a film career completely.

film obsession reviews
film obsession reviews

The debut film for her was "Virtuoso" in 2002, but the real fame came after "Obsession". Thanks to her excellent performance and attractive appearance, it was Diane Kruger who was chosen from more than three thousand contenders for the main role of the film "Troy".

Rose Breen asAlex

This talented actress is one of the main reasons for the rave reviews of the 2004 film "Obsession". She was born on July 24, 1979 in Australia. She began studying the profession of an actress at the age of eight, and received her first role at nineteen. She became famous for a series of roles in the Australian TV series "Fallen Angel", "Heartbreak School" and many others.

She played in such famous films as "Star Wars", "Monster", "Troy" and "Marie Antoinette". She also got to work with Nicolas Cage on the set of Omen. The girl's talent was appreciated: Rose Brin was nominated for an Emmy and a Golden Globe.

Interesting facts

Most of the filming took place in Milan and Montreal.

The role of the main character was originally approved by the actor Paul Walker, but due to inconsistencies with the schedule of the film "2 Fast and the Furious" he had to refuse to participate in the project.

The film was supposed to be directed by Joel Schumacher, but he declined.

Matthew drives a 1968 Ford Mustang.

Coldplay's The Scientist plays in the final scene.

obsession movie 2004
obsession movie 2004

Obsession 2004 didn't make half its box office return, and critical reviews were mostly devastating. But the average viewer, who is in awe of intricate love stories and respects the thriller as a genre, definitely liked the story. However, everyone draws his own conclusion. There are no comrades for taste and color, as they say.
