How to draw a beautiful girl according to the laws of symmetry

How to draw a beautiful girl according to the laws of symmetry
How to draw a beautiful girl according to the laws of symmetry

Drawing people is not an easy task. Nevertheless, many fans of momentary arts are much more interested in how to draw a beautiful girl than how to draw a beautiful teapot. Well, this is a completely natural curiosity: few people are interested in a teapot. Another thing is the pretty face of a beauty, which is impossible to stop looking at. It is also surprising that it is the female gender, especially at a young age, that is inherent in drawing

how to draw a beautiful girl
how to draw a beautiful girl

such pictures. Beautifully drawn girls for them are probably a kind of ideal and serve as a kind of incentive to improve their own appearance. Therefore, in this article I will try to explain as clearly as possible what you need to pay attention to when drawing a female portrait.

Before you draw a beautiful girl, you should understand that her face should eventually turn out to be proportional. And it is necessary to achieve this proportionality in the verybeginning by making light sketches. It is best to do them with a hard simple pencil on thick paper so that the auxiliary lines can be easily erased without damaging the surface of the sheet. So, we take a pencil and, avoiding strong pressure, draw an ellipse - the future head - with the “point” down. Next, you need to divide the ellipse in half with a solid vertical line. This is necessary for symmetry.

how to draw a beautiful girl
how to draw a beautiful girl

The next step on how to draw a beautiful girl is to divide the ellipse intoparts using horizontal lines. They will serve as a further guide. First, schematically define the hairline, then divide everything below it into three equal parts. At the level of the first horizontal (we do not take into account the hairline), the bridge of the nose should begin, at the level of the second - the end of the nose. We outline the eyebrow line just above the level of the bridge of the nose, and the line of the eyes - just below it.

Since our task is to solve the question of how to draw a girl beautifully, we will pay special attention to the image of her eyes. It is clear that they must be huge and beautiful. But in this case, they must also harmoniously “fit” into the face, otherwise you will get either a baboon or Sid the sloth from the Ice Age cartoon. Note that the distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye from the inner corner to the outer. Therefore, retreat a short distance from the center and, on the already outlined line of the eyes, put a dot on one side of the vertical. After that, at the same distance from the center, put a dot on the other side. So youmark the intended inner corners of the eyes.

pictures of beautifully drawn girls
pictures of beautifully drawn girls

Measure the distance between these points - you will get the length of each eye. Of course, their height should also be the same.

The next step in deciding how to draw a beautiful girl, observing the laws of symmetry, is the image of her lips. Their line should be located just below the end of the nose line. In order not to go astray at all, divide the lowest part of the future face into three identical parts. The mouth section should fall on the first horizontal, and the edge of the lower lip - on the second. Everything else is a chin. Now that you have sketched out the proportions, you can start drawing the face in more detail, guided by them.
