Oleg Skrypka: biography and musical activity of the artist

Oleg Skrypka: biography and musical activity of the artist
Oleg Skrypka: biography and musical activity of the artist

This colorful musician is widely known as the leader of the Ukrainian band "Vopli Vidoplyasova". In addition, he tried himself in the acting field, is engaged in social activities, and is currently an adviser to the mayor of Kyiv. His name is known to many of us, and this is Oleg Skripka. The biography and creative path of the artist are very interesting. If only because he was not born in Ukraine.

oleg violin
oleg violin

Childhood in Tajikistan

The future musician was born in the Tajik SSR, in the city of Sovetobad, on May 24, 1964. Oleg's father, Yuri Pavlovich, having completed his studies at the Kiev Medical Institute, went to work in the speci alty he received in northern Tajikistan, where he worked for ten years. Oleg's mother, Anna Alekseevna, worked as a teacher.

Move to Russia, then to Ukraine

In 1972, Oleg's family was forced to leave Tajikistan, as the mother of the future musician could hardly endure the hot climate of the republic, probably due to the fact that she herself was from the north of the country.

It was decidedmove to the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region, but they lived there only a couple of years, after which it was decided to return to their father's homeland - to Ukraine.

Beginning of musical activity

Oleg Skripka started his musical life early. After moving to Ukraine, he began to study music, both independently and at a music school, where he studied accordion. At the same time, he taught himself to play other instruments. Graduated from music school with honors.

At school, the future musician was also doing well. After the successful completion of school life, the future musician entered the Polytechnic Institute. Around the same time, he began to travel around the cities of Ukraine and study the folk epic and the work of his country. The experience accumulated during this time helped the musician in many ways in his later life.

oleg violin biography
oleg violin biography

First groups

Performing music together with someone else was not a novelty for Oleg - even in his school years he played in a rock band.

Oleg Skripka assembled the next team at the end of his studies at the university. In 1986 a new team was formed. However, the fees were low, which forced Oleg to work in his main speci alty at the Kvant plant. Nevertheless, in 1987, the new band won a rock festival in Kyiv, and also became a member of the Kyiv rock club.

The end of the twentieth century became a star for "Screams Vidoplyasova". Tours in Europe, contracts with Parisian recording studios. Because of all this, the team was forced to move to live in Paris,spend the next 6 years of your life there. During this time, the group recorded three albums.

Personal life of an accomplished artist

During this period of his life, Oleg met a resident of Paris, Marie Ribot, with whom he married. However, the marriage was short-lived: in 1997, Oleg and the band decided to return to their native Ukraine, but Marie refused to leave France.

oleg violin songs
oleg violin songs

There the group is recording their next album, which was called "Music". The main song of the album is "Spring", which received numerous awards and prizes. At the same time, "Vopli Vidoplyasov" went on a big tour of the CIS.

After moving to Kyiv, Oleg starts dating Natalya Syd, with whom Oleg currently has four children. Nevertheless, the couple does not enter into an official marriage.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the group's popularity declined somewhat. Oleg begins to engage in solo work, and also tries himself in the acting field and starred in two musical musicals.

Currently, the artist continues to be the frontman of the "Vopli Vidoplyasova" group. And his songs, such as "Spring", "Koliskova", "Buli in the countryside" and many others, are popular and loved.


This is the path of a bright, original Ukrainian musician, known to us as Oleg Skrypka. His songs are known and loved, because he managed to give them a unique flavor of the country with which he connected his life.
