The series "4400": reviews, plot, main actors

The series "4400": reviews, plot, main actors
The series "4400": reviews, plot, main actors

Do you know the series "4400"? Reviews about him are left very good, not only by ordinary viewers, but also by experienced critics. Surely it will appeal to any fan of fantasy. However, elements of other genres are also present here: an action movie, a thriller, a detective story, which makes the plot twists even more unexpected and interesting. Therefore, spending a few evenings to get acquainted with it is definitely worth it.

A little about the plot

First of all, it is worth talking about the plot, and only then talk about the reviews left on the series "4400" from the audience.

Series "4400"
Series "4400"

Officially, the US government denies the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. But in fact, they created a special group - NKOU, or the National Threat Assessment Command. They specialize in researching people who have been abducted over the past 60 years by aliens and then brought back the same day. Their number is exactly 4400 people - hence the name of the series originates. Moreover, all the stolen were returned to Seattle and its environs. None of these people have aged a day, although some havestolen over half a century ago.

The best agents of the NKOU (in fact, a special unit of the National Security Agency) are struggling with the riddle - what happened to these people? For what purpose did the aliens kidnap them and why did they return them?

Additional questions arise from the fact that some of the abducted and returned people have developed paranormal abilities. Some own telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy. Moreover, one of the women even discovered that she had become pregnant during the abduction, but, of course, she does not know the name of the father.

Of course, most people cannot easily integrate into modern life - they are too behind the progress and trends in society. But it makes the series even more interesting.

The popularity of the universe turned out to be so high that Russia has its own adaptation of the series "4400" - "Others". In fact, the action here unfolds in much the same way, but with a domestic flavor.

How many seasons does it have?

The first episode of the first season premiered in July 2004. The season was a trial and therefore very short - only 5 episodes. The next three also came out in the summer, when there are almost no premieres of new series. But they turned out to be noticeably longer - in the second there were twelve episodes, and in the third and fourth - thirteen each.

Second season
Second season

The last episode of the series aired on June 16, 2007. So, if you don't like to wait for new episodes to come out, this series is definitely for you - you can watch all 43 episodes at once.


Of course, one of the strengths of the series "4400" is the actors. Therefore, it is worth talking about them, at least briefly.

Of course, the main characters are FBI agents Tom Baldwin and Diana Skoris.

Diana Skoris
Diana Skoris

The role of Baldwin was brilliantly played by actor Joel Gretch. Before this project, he starred in many popular TV series and feature films. First of all, these are "Married … with Children", "The Bold and Beautiful", "Friends", "The Legend of Baguer Vance", "The Imperial Club and many others.

Agent Diana Skoris was beautifully played by Australian actress Jacqueline Mackenzie. She has more than fifty roles in serials and films. For example, you can name "Traps", "Primitive Country", "Angel", "Mr. Reliability", "Deep Blue Sea", "Eisenstein". Basically, these films are popular in her homeland - in Australia, where she is considered one of the most recognizable and popular actresses. But all over the world they have not gained such wide popularity.

Tom Baldwin
Tom Baldwin

The rest of the characters in the series are mostly episodic, or at least don't appear in every episode. Therefore, we will not describe each of them.

Reviews about the series

On the Internet, you can read a lot of comments and reviews about the series "4400". They are mostly positive.

Most of the audience liked the excellent acting. Also somesingled out a well-thought-out plot, replete with numerous and completely unexpected twists, because of which the viewing became especially exciting. At the same time, there is also an element of melodrama, which usually does not go well with fantasy. Finally, many admit that the series ended on time - 4 seasons turned out to be quite enough to tell the intended story without dragging it out for the sake of money.

So it's no surprise that 4400 received mostly good to excellent reviews.
