Alexander Basov: biography, creativity, personal life

Alexander Basov: biography, creativity, personal life
Alexander Basov: biography, creativity, personal life

The creative beginning in the fate of Alexander Basov, whose biography this article is devoted to, was laid long before the birth of our hero by his parents famous throughout the country - actress Valentina Titova and the famous artist and director Vladimir Basov.

How did the son of a scrupulous mother and an easy-going father turn out? What traits did he inherit from them, and how did his life turn out?


The birthplace of Alexander's father, Vladimir Basov, was the Belgorod region, in one of the villages of which, bearing the name Urazovo, he was born on July 28, 1923.

Paternal grandmother Alexandra Ivanovna, daughter of an Orthodox priest, was an ordinary rural teacher.

Grandfather Pavel Basultaynen, a Finn by nationality, after receiving a higher education became a military man, fought in the cavalry of V. I. Chapaev and died in 1931, after which Alexandra Ivanovna, together with little Vladimir, had to travel almost the whole country, almost every year changing place of residence, schools and friends. Alreadythen Vladimir Basov began to dream of a career as an artist, having firmly decided to enter VGIK after school. However, the Great Patriotic War intervened in the plans of the future universal favorite of the audience. Vladimir forged his age in the documents and went to the front as a volunteer, where he fought in a mortar brigade, was awarded orders and medals.

Vladimir Pavlovich Basov
Vladimir Pavlovich Basov

He did not forget his dream, and he nevertheless entered VGIK when the war ended. The country recognized and fell in love with Vladimir Basov after his participation in the legendary film “I Walk Through Moscow”, thanks to which he became a sought-after actor, perhaps with the most original appearance in Russian cinema, confidently playing both comic and dramatic images. In addition, Vladimir Basov turned out to be a wonderful director, on whose account there were such masterpieces of Soviet cinema as "Battle on the Road", "Days of the Turbins", "Shield and Sword".

Mother of Alexander Basov Valentina Titova, Basov's third wife, was one of the most beautiful theater and film actresses in the country, who became famous after her participation in such films as "Snowstorm", "Shield and Sword", "Dangerous Turn" and Days of the Turbins by her husband.

Valentina Titova
Valentina Titova

For the first time, Basov saw her at the site of the Mosfilm film studio, where Valentina, at that time still a very young and aspiring actress, came to audition for a role. In the corridor, Basov's assistant stumbled upon her, selecting the cast for his new film "Snowstorm". He dragged Valentina to Basov. The girl was immediately approved, and when she leftdirector's office, Vladimir Basov loudly, so that everyone around could hear, said: "I'm getting married!"

And got married…


The future Soviet and Russian actor, film director, screenwriter and producer Alexander Basov, son of Vladimir Basov, was born in Moscow on September 16, 1965.

According to Alexander's own admission, from an early age his life turned into a kind of protest against the general parental passion for order and the scrupulousness of his mother. Since the boy used to do several things at once, for example, assembling a designer, drawing and writing poetry, his room was always a mess. If suddenly, in the middle of all these activities, his friends called him to play in the yard, he immediately dropped everything and ran away. By the time he returned, the strict mother had already thrown all the poems, drawings and even the designer into the garbage chute.

Vladimir Basov and Valentina Titova with their son Alexander
Vladimir Basov and Valentina Titova with their son Alexander

His father Vladimir Basov was not a supporter of the pedagogical experiments of his wife Valentina. He was also strict with Alexander and his younger sister Elizabeth, he never spoiled them, but at the same time he considered himself a friend of his own children, as well as their own friends, preferring word and persuasion as an influence.

Once Alexander Basov shared characteristic memories from his childhood:

Mom had the hope of making me an excellent student. Therefore, when English began in the second grade, I began to strictly check homework. The problem was that she didn't speak English.knew and took me to fright. But I'm not one to be shy.

I remember how once, being in a playful mood, instead of English, I began to pronounce something convincingly in gibberish. Mother listens attentively, nods … And suddenly - oh my! Father comes out of the office. And he knows English! But I'm already being carried… My father smiles and asks me a question - also in gibberish. I answer in gibberish. He smiles again and goes into the office. The mother is fully convinced that the lesson is memorized…

One way or another, but subsequently Alexander believed that in his childhood he nevertheless received absolutely everything that was necessary, and in general there was nothing to complain about.


Alexander Basov, despite his many talents, grew up not the most realized young man. Perhaps the reason for this was the imprint of the loud and scandalous divorce of his parents, as a result of which Vladimir Basov left him and his younger sister Elizaveta through the court. Maybe just bad luck and coincidence.

Vladimir Basov with children
Vladimir Basov with children

Younger sister Elizabeth always dreamed of becoming a dancer. Having failed the entrance exam to the Bolshoi Ballet School, she left for Leningrad, where she entered the Vaganov School, subsequently married a Greek citizen and left the country forever.

Elizabeth Basova
Elizabeth Basova

When Vladimir Basov was struck by a stroke, accompanied by severe depression, the only person who did not leave him, was always there and nursed, was Alexander.

In 1982 Alexander Basoventered the directing department of VGIK. However, this path turned out to be extremely thorny and long - two years later he was expelled for missing classes. In 1985, he managed to recover, but a year later he was expelled again, this time at the request of the Komsomol meeting.


In 1986, Alexander was drafted into the army. After returning home in 1988, he again recovered at VGIK, in 1991 he removed the term paper "Psycho and Melochevka". After becoming a certified director, he worked on television for several years.

Alexander is the son of the legendary Vladimir Basov
Alexander is the son of the legendary Vladimir Basov

Alexander first appeared in films at the age of six. His debut was the painting "Return to Life" in 1971. Since Alexander always liked to create and look at all processes from the outside, which is closer to the profession of a director, and not an actor, Alexander's filmography is quite small - only 6 films.

He always considered directing to be his calling. As a director and screenwriter, Alexander Vladimirovich acted in such films as "Psych and Small Things", "DMB-002", "DMB-003", "DMB-004", "DMB: Again in battle", "Shifted", " Crime games", "Home sweet home" and others.

Private life

On the identity of his first wife, Alexander does not apply at her own request. It is known that they studied together at VGIK. They got married very early, when both spouses were only 19 years old. From this marriage, Alexander has a son, Mstislav. He receivedhigher technical education and is very far from the world of cinema and art.

The second wife in the biography of Alexander was the Russian theater and film actress Ekaterina Lapina.

Ekaterina Lapina
Ekaterina Lapina

She had more than 30 roles in movies and TV shows. Their marriage lasted 13 years. In 2008, the girl died in a car accident. She was only 37 years old…

Below in the photo - Alexander Basov with Ekaterina Lapina and the child of family friends, 2004.

Alexander with his second wife
Alexander with his second wife

Several years ago, Alexander got married again. His third wife was the actress Yulia Yanovskaya, who is familiar to viewers from such films and TV shows as "Temptation", "Vain Sacrifice", "Capercaillie", "Vanechka", "Penal Battalion", "Forest Princess", "Bless the Woman" and others.

Actress Yulia Yanovskaya
Actress Yulia Yanovskaya

When Alexander met Julia, he told her:

Yanovskaya, you are not a woman or an actress, you are a natural phenomenon…

Everything that Yulia Yanovskaya does in the cinema or on the theater stage, Alexander considers unique.


Currently, Alexander Basov is already fifty-three years old.

At this age, he came to the conclusion that the older he gets, the more he becomes like his father.

Alexander Basov today
Alexander Basov today

This similarity of character, facial expressions, gestures and way of thinking comes to him by itself, despite the fact that Alexander tried never to imitate his father.

Now, when he began to see him in himself, the fact that Vladimir Basov is no morein the world, became the tragedy of Alexander's whole life. By his own admission, he constantly thinks about his father, talks to him mentally and feels infinitely guilty before him, believing that he could and should have done much more for him than he actually did …
