How to draw a human face - some tricks for creating a lively composition

How to draw a human face - some tricks for creating a lively composition
How to draw a human face - some tricks for creating a lively composition

Drawing a person's face is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To do this, you will need charcoal or a pencil, a sheet of paper and an easel. If there is a model, then making a sketch will be much easier. The model must be seated in such a way that her face is turned away from a window or other light source. Many novice artists have a question about how to draw a person's face, because it seems that this is very difficult to do. But it's not so scary.

how to draw a person's face
how to draw a person's face

At the next stage, it is necessary to outline the general features of the drawing: draw an oval, mark the neck, shoulder girdle with dots and see how the head and neck will be connected in the sketch. In general, the entire plane of the drawing paper should work. If the child approached his parents and asked about how to draw a person's face, then he needs to explain all the stages of creating an image in order. After all, perhaps at this time an artist is born in him, and therefore he needs help at least with advice. Next, you need to draw the main axes, sohow it is necessary to have an idea of where the eyes, nose and lips will be located. It is important that one eye is not higher than the other, and that symmetry is maintained. The shoulder girdle must be outlined without fail, because the head is not in the air. All art schools teach how to draw a person's face correctly and beautifully, but you can learn this on your own with the help of detailed instructions. You can immediately apply light and shadow - this will give the composition additional volume. With the help of tone, you need to highlight the nasolabial fold and other features of the face, that is, give the drawing its own character.

draw a person's face
draw a person's face

The artist must stand at a certain distance from the model in order not to look at individual features, but to see the whole image as a whole. Standing at a distance, you can visually measure the nose with an outstretched hand and the ratio of other parts of the face to each other. In this way, you can measure the width of the face and see if the left and right halves are depicted correctly. Thanks to the use of these tricks, the question of how to draw a person's face will not arise, since everything will be done correctly and clearly.

draw a person's face
draw a person's face

There must be a general highlight on the head, it is necessary to indicate how the light spot falls. When we draw a person's face, it is important to depict the hair correctly: you need to look at how much they are darker than the eyes or skin. Do not avoid generalizations, with the help of an eraser it is easy to correct the light on the nose, cheekbones, forehead or hair. You also need to shade the dark places on the eyebrows,eyelashes or hair. Only in this case the head will look alive and real. In general, in order to correctly draw a person's face, it is not necessary to do everything clearly, you can add a little negligence and liveliness to the hairstyle or the image as a whole. In this case, the composition will be more interesting and unforgettable. When depicting the neck and shoulders, it is not necessary to work them out thoroughly so that they do not compete with the face and its features. Let these parts of the body be figurative and barely visible. Now the portrait is ready, and you can brag about it to your friends and acquaintances, as well as get their opinion about the drawing.
