Alexander Oleshko: biography. Wife, children and parents of the Russian actor

Alexander Oleshko: biography. Wife, children and parents of the Russian actor
Alexander Oleshko: biography. Wife, children and parents of the Russian actor

Today, the popular actor Alexander Oleshko is probably known to everyone. This truly unique person has already managed to earn the love of the audience and literally universal fame. However, few people know how hard the actor got the role, what he had to constantly sacrifice. Who is Alexander Oleshko in reality? His biography is still fraught with a lot of interesting facts. It is about this that we will describe in as much detail as possible in this article.


Alexander Oleshko biography
Alexander Oleshko biography

People's pet was born on July 23, 1976 in the city of Chisinau. He never questioned who to become. The answer to it has always been exclusively one - an actor. So, the boy entertained guests as a child, actively performed at all creative evenings in kindergarten, sang and danced. Alexander Oleshko's parents always wondered where he got such a passion for the theater. Grandma, for example,instilled in him a love for the church and taught prayers, dreamed that her grandson would become a priest.

School years

While still in first grade, the boy first saw Red Square in a picture and declared that he would definitely live in Moscow. When he was 14 years old, he told his mother that if she did not let him go to the capital, then he himself would move there to live. And so it happened. At this age, the young man entered the circus school, which he successfully graduated with honors. In those days, complete economic ruin reigned on the territory of the Soviet Union. However, the young talent never despaired, on the contrary, it gave the future artist even more strength. Parents were afraid that the collapse of the Soviet Union would negatively affect the boy's career, and his cherished dream to stay in Moscow forever and become an actor would never come true. Hluckily, that didn't happen.

Alexander Oleshko's parents
Alexander Oleshko's parents

Theatrical career

After successfully graduating from the circus school, Oleshko was literally inundated with job offers. However, he decided to continue his studies at the Shchukin School, where he entered in 1995 on the course of V. V. Ivanov.

For four years, the novice talent learned acting, moonlighting as a waiter at night. In 1999 (after graduation) he was invited to the troupe by several theaters at once. At that time, the famous Alexander Shirvindt decided everything for the artist, who took him to the Theater of Satire. But Alexander Oleshko did not work there for long, whose biography was just beginning to gain momentum.

In 2000 she herselfGalina Volchek invited the actor to Sovremennik. Initially, a career there did not make him very happy. Volchek treated him with all severity. However, very soon Sovremennik became literally a second home for the actor. There he got many great roles in such performances as "Three Sisters", "Balalaykin and K", "Once Again About the Naked King", etc.

actor Alexander Oleshko
actor Alexander Oleshko


After graduating from the Shchukin school, Oleshko also gradually starred in small roles (for example, in the films "Code of Honor", "Turkish March", "Stop on Demand", etc.). Then more prominent film roles began to appear. Surely all fans of the talent of this actor remember his participation in the film called "Turkish Gambit". Starting in 2007, Alexander took up the comedy series "Daddy's Daughters", where he played a young well-groomed oligarch Vasily Fedotov. It was this project, according to many, that brought him universal popularity. “In fact, I have not done anything really serious for our cinema yet,” Alexander Oleshko is sure.

oleshko alexander biography family
oleshko alexander biography family

Biography: family

Despite the fact that the artist has almost always been at the peak of popularity, unfortunately, things are not going so well for him on the personal front. For a very long time there were rumors that the representatives of the beautiful half of our humanity did not attract him at all. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong. More recently, Alexander Oleshko slightly opened the veil of secrecy over his personal life, whose biography withoutthis information is still no less interesting.

First marriage

Alexander Oleshko's wife
Alexander Oleshko's wife

It is noteworthy that the actor has already been married once. So, his chosen one was a classmate at the Shchukin school Olga Belova. Note that between the characters there was no so-called love at first sight. However, at one of the parties, the future famous actor got into a conversation with Olga and realized that it was very easy for him with her. After this meeting, the young people never parted, but they decided to officially legalize their relationship only after graduation. Of course, the personal life of Alexander Oleshko has changed dramatically, but in everyday life it was extremely difficult to arrange it. For example, the newlyweds did not have personal housing. Alexander himself came from Chisinau (this was discussed a little higher), but they did not want to live with Olga's parents. Therefore, the couple had to rent an apartment, pursue their careers and make grandiose plans for the future. We can say that at that time they were very happy - albeit with small domestic problems, but still together. The wife of Alexander Oleshko has always been ambitious, and the actor himself was in no way inferior to her in this. When the artist managed to get a job on television, it would seem that everything should have returned to normal, but it did not happen. There is an opinion that with the increased popularity of her husband, Olga simply began to envy him, so the number of quarrels grew exponentially. Moreover, there were rumors that Belova had an affair on the side, which further aggravated the situation. The couple soon adopteddecision to break up.

New sweetheart

Relatively recently, the artist began to appear at all social events with a new

children of Alexander Oleshko
children of Alexander Oleshko

passion. It is noteworthy that she is literally like two drops of water similar to her ex-wife. Many even thought that Oleshko had reconciled with his wife. In fact, a new woman appeared in the life of a popular star, whose name is Victoria. She is in no way connected with show business, which Alexander likes very much. According to him, his chosen one is practically devoid of flaws, and their outlook on life is in many ways similar. However, the newly formed couple is in no hurry to formalize their relationship.

Interesting facts

Of course, the biography will be incomplete if you do not touch on the question of where the children of Alexander Oleshko are. For a long time there were rumors that he had several illegitimate children from different women. However, the artist himself completely denies this information. He is sure that in the near future his house will still be filled with the laughter of children, but until now he has not been able to try on the role of a father.


In this article, we talked as much as possible about who Alexander Oleshko is. The biography of many modern theater and film stars is fraught with a large number of interesting facts unknown to the average fan or viewer. This imposing man was no exception. We hope that in the near future he will star in dozens of exciting films and show himself on the stage. Note that alreadynow it is known that the artist will soon have several very successful projects, where he occupies exclusively the main positions. Moreover, they will probably legalize relations with a new passion named Victoria, because Oleshko so dreams of several sons and a little daughter. And dreams should always come true.
