How to draw a lantern in various techniques

How to draw a lantern in various techniques
How to draw a lantern in various techniques

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Do you find drawing a lantern a difficult task? Nothing like this. It takes a little patience and effort, and even a novice artist will be able to portray an excellent lighting object. How to draw a lantern, read below.


how to draw a lantern with a pencil
how to draw a lantern with a pencil

Before you start drawing, you need to do the preparatory work. It consists in the layout of the object on the sheet. We outline with an oval the place where the lantern will be located. How to draw a silhouette with a pencil? You need to break the figure into parts. The lantern consists of three components: stand, pole and ceiling. We start drawing from above. At first, we depict everything primitively. You can mark all the parts with rectangles and see if you like the mass ratio.

If everything suits you, you can proceed to the detailed study. We draw the frame of the ceiling, a light bulb and a metal decor. Ovals should be depicted on the column, which are the junctions and at the same time play the role of stiffeners. And in the final we give the desired shape to the base. Now you need to decide which side the light falls on. In our case, it comes fromviewer. Therefore, it is necessary to darken the right and left sides of the lantern, leaving only the center illuminated. And the final action is to draw a reflection from the light bulb with strokes.


how to draw a lantern with a pencil
how to draw a lantern with a pencil

How to draw a lantern in silhouette to make it look spectacular? It should be arranged in a circle and hung next to a tree. Before drawing with ink, you need to make a pencil sketch. First, draw a circle. Now we place a lantern in its center. To make it look more interesting, you can make a ceiling with a fancy decor and increase the number of jumpers. Now you should depict a chain and a mount that goes sideways. In the background we outline a tree. When everything is ready, you can proceed to the drawing with a drawing pen. This is a very handy tool for ink contour drawing. The tank should be filled, and you can start drawing. Such a pen will not leave a blot and will squeeze out the mascara evenly. We fill in the pencil outline, drawing the ceiling, mount and tree. You can leave the circular frame completely empty, and leave ¼ unfilled.


how to draw a lantern step by step
how to draw a lantern step by step

How to draw a lantern to make the picture look original? You can create not on a regular sheet of paper, but on a newspaper. On a sheet with text, but without pictures, draw a silhouette of the ceiling. It looks like an uneven rhombus with cut corners and plugs at the top and bottom. To the top you need to finish the mount, and below - forged decor. Now it remains to draw decorative elements and the pillar itself. Lantern mount withwe draw absolutely any shape with a column. If fantasy is not your forte, you can copy from the sample attached above. Now you should do the underpainting with watercolors. With gray and green paint, we impose colored spots on a newspaper sheet. It is advisable not to do this thoughtlessly, but to depict in places where a shadow falls on objects. Now you need to take mascara and make the outline of all lines many times fatter. You can detail the ceiling by drawing stripes on its cover and fastening.


how to draw a lantern
how to draw a lantern

How to draw a lantern not in the usual, but in a decorative version? To do this, you need to dream a little. You should come up with an original shape and decorative design for the lighting product. How to draw a lantern step by step? First of all, we outline the form. This will be the big circle in the center of the sheet. Now we draw a hexagon, rounded at the top and tapering downwards. Three waves represent the roof. The next step is to connect the high and low points. We draw the ribs. Draw the bottom with two ovals, and draw a chain on top. A large comma will symbolize the fastening, and wavy lines below and above the ceiling will help support the composition.

Now start painting with paints. We fill everything except the cover of the lantern with yellow and, without waiting for it to dry, pour orange into it. When the first layer is dry, you can work on the details. We depict a light inside the lantern. We fill the lantern cover with a stretch of blue and green. The last step is to outline the decorative elements with black.
