How to draw Vasilisa the Beautiful in various techniques?

How to draw Vasilisa the Beautiful in various techniques?
How to draw Vasilisa the Beautiful in various techniques?

All girls want to be princesses, because it is with these heroines that they associate themselves. Therefore, when a kindergarten teacher says to draw a favorite character, the child does not hesitate. A little girl comes home and asks her parents to help her draw a princess. Dad shifts the task to the fragile mother's shoulders. How to be in such a situation, you can not fall into the mud face and tell the child that you are not an artist. In this article we will tell you how to draw Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Drawing with a pencil

To help a child develop creatively, first of all, you need to maintain the fuse. Therefore, if a girl wants to draw a doll of Vasilisa the Beautiful, you need to help her in this endeavor. We prepare the material, we need: an A4 sheet, a hard-soft pencil and a soft eraser.

All,who wondered how to draw Vasilisa the Beautiful, they know that the most difficult thing is to start. The first thing to always do before constructing any drawing is layout. Let's put two marks, one at the top of the sheet, the other at the bottom. You can’t get out of them, otherwise our drawing can gradually “leave” beyond the boundaries allotted to it. Now we outline the head.

how to draw vasilisa the beautiful
how to draw vasilisa the beautiful

Remember that it fits into the human body 7-8 times. We have outlined a circle, now you can detail it. First, we outline the kokoshnik, and only then the facial features. Draw the eyes, nose and lips. Next, we move on to building the figure. Our task is to draw the character of the cartoon "Vasilisa the Beautiful", which stands with one hand on its side, and in the other holds a handkerchief. It is not necessary to completely draw the figure, since it will not be visible from under the dress. But to build in proportion to the hands still follows. Remember that the brush reaches a person to the middle of the thigh. Vasilisa's raised hand should be practically in line with the other hand. Having completed the construction, you need to move on to the details. We draw folds on clothes, an ornament on a dress and a kokoshnik. Our beauty is ready.

draw cartoon characters vasilisa the beautiful
draw cartoon characters vasilisa the beautiful

Painting with watercolors

We can color in the picture that we got in the last paragraph or depict Vasilisa the Beautiful in a different pose. But in any case, we will come to the stage when we have a pencil sketch ready. It remains to add some color to it.

Howdraw Vasilisa the Beautiful in watercolor? You need to start by drawing a figure. Choose the yellow color and cover the entire sheet with it. Remember that we have neither pure white nor pure black. When the first layer of paint has dried, we begin to apply paint in turn, moving from the lightest shades to the darkest. For example, you can look at the illustration by I. Bilibin "Vasilisa the Beautiful".

draw fairy tale characters vasilisa the beautiful
draw fairy tale characters vasilisa the beautiful

The artist in this drawing did not use halftones, and we can afford not to do this either. Just carefully fill the contours with colors, and then outline them with a black gel pen.

Drawing with gouache

The principle of working with watercolor is very different from all other artistic techniques. But not in our case. When a child draws, we forgive him a lot. The main thing is to interest the child, and he still has time to learn the technique.

How to draw Vasilisa the Beautiful with gouache? First, using the techniques from the point above, we give each detail of the picture its own color. And then we begin to draw the shadow. You need to start with Vasilisa's attire. We mark the shadow on the dress with darker paint, and also mark it on the shirt and scarf. Having drawn the figure, we move on to the background. The leaves on the trees need to be painted in several colors. The final touch - draw the reflection in the water.

draw Vasilisa beautiful doll
draw Vasilisa beautiful doll

Mom draws for her daughter

To please your child, sometimes you have to try. How nice it will be for a girl to receive drawn characters from her motherTales "Vasilisa the Beautiful". Especially if the portrait of the main character is displayed in the picture. To make your work easier, you don’t need to draw the entire figure, it’s difficult. So let's start with a portrait. We immediately take half of the sheet to the kokoshnik. And then we start to build a face. You need to draw Vasilisa in ¾, then proportional irregularities will not be much visible.

how to draw vasilisa the beautiful
how to draw vasilisa the beautiful

In the foreground, draw an eye, draw an axial line, and in the depths of the face draw a second eye, half the size of the first. Somewhere in the middle we draw a nose. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to outline only the lower part of it. Well, there are lips. When drawing them, do not forget about the nasolabial fold. It remains to draw a kokoshnik. It's easy. Here you need to show imagination, you can lay out a pattern with beads or arrange them in a chaotic manner.
