How to draw animals as expressively as possible

How to draw animals as expressively as possible
How to draw animals as expressively as possible

Armed with a pencil and a sheet of paper, we turn our gaze to the world of animals. At the same time, it is very easy to feel one's complete helplessness - to depict something, the animal world is too diverse and its forms are almost inexhaustible. But the experience of world artistic animalism gives a positive answer to the question of how to draw animals recognizably and expressively. This must be done sequentially. And it is very important to trace and understand some general anatomical patterns of building forms.

How to draw animals

How to draw animals
How to draw animals

To draw something, it should first be carefully analyzed and understood. Therefore, the universal answer to the question of how to draw animals in stages consists of two words - analysis and synthesis. After we have thought everything through and figured out the depicted nature, we should graphically expressively convey this on a sheet of paper. Everything that we draw must necessarily be well-composed and convincingly built. We start by outlining the overall large volumes of the body, neck, head and limbs. This is done with light strokes of a soft pencil. If something comes out inaccurately, it is easily corrected with an eraser. It is very important to takeproportional relationships between the individual parts of the figure, if this most important rule is not met, then we will not be able to solve the problem of how to draw animals. At the first, layout, stage of the drawing, the movement of the figure should be thought out and indicated. Or her balance. The beast must stand firmly on its feet, regardless of whether it is moving somewhere or not.

How to draw animals step by step
How to draw animals step by step

In general, the universal principles of drawing any animals are easiest to consider using the example of some conditional animal. With all the diversity of the fauna, all its representatives are built according to the same rules. In the subsequent stages of drawing, elements and details are worked out and summarized. We work out the forms with chiaroscuro. We focus our attention only on what we think is important. In no case do we copy or copy mechanically everything that the eye sees. Drawing is always selection. As the drawing approaches the final, we generalize the image and give it a holistic look with wide sweeping strokes. If we followed all the general drawing rules, the result will be quite good. And it will be possible to assume that in the first consideration we figured out the answer to the question of how to draw animals. We look at the picture again, analyze our mistakes, figure out how to avoid them in the future.

How to draw animals with a pencil
How to draw animals with a pencil

From graphics to painting

And then you can think about how to depict animals in color. There are other materials and technologies, the possibilities of which are practically inexhaustible. Gouache,watercolor, oil, tempera, acrylic. They are more complex, and it will take more time and effort to master them. And these materials are much more expensive than pencil and paper. But any painting is impossible without a strong preliminary drawing. Solid graphics underpin everything. And before you take up the brushes, you should definitely think about how to draw animals with a pencil.
