How to draw a snake and how to better understand it

How to draw a snake and how to better understand it
How to draw a snake and how to better understand it

Snakes have a stable negative aura and reputation - this is how their relationship with humans has developed over many centuries and millennia. There are many reasons for this, the main of which is that any encounter with a snake can be the last. But we will only have to meet her on a piece of paper: we will deal with the question of how to draw a snake with a pencil. And we will try to understand it better.

How to draw a snake step by step
How to draw a snake step by step

Pick up a pencil

Drawing a snake is very interesting. This very expressive creature has a bright character and personality. Ask: "How to draw a snake?" Yes, just like any other animal, but first you should take a closer look at it. This animal has no limbs, but it moves quite quickly. The snake has learned this over millions of years. And in terms of the expressiveness of the lines, their variability and tension in every second, she simply has no equal, and not only in the animal world. But the principles of realistic drawing are the same for the entire living and non-living world that surrounds us. Everything that we draw must be correctly arranged on a sheet of paper and correctly built.

Hearing the question of how to draw a snake in stages, we can say that the phrase "consistently, fromsimple to complex" will always be the correct and universal answer to it. The whole logic of snake coils and rings can be comprehended by imagining where and why it is directed at a given moment in time, who it hunts and who it sneaks up on, hiding among stones and vegetation. All this the picture should be built in the imagination, sketching our snake on a piece of paper with light strokes.

Working out the details

How to draw a snake
How to draw a snake

The most naive answer to the question: "How to draw a snake?" sounds very simple. Indeed, there is nothing easier than to draw one thick winding line. But such a snake will be neither expressive, nor beautiful, nor terrible. And only those who feel the absurdity of such a simple answer to such a complex question can become an artist. And you just need to try to feel and understand all the tension with which the snake wriggles between the stones and prepares for a swift jump. With each successfully drawn and built snake coil, we are gradually approaching the answer to the question of how to draw a snake. And only by building well and drawing in detail the entire reptile, you can hone small details and work out the shape with chiaroscuro. It is worth paying attention to the snake scales, and small beady eyes, and the characteristic forked tongue. An open mouth with two crooked poisonous teeth will give a special charm to the drawing.

Summarizing the drawing

At the final stage of drawing, we try to look at our entire work.

How to draw a snake with a pencil
How to draw a snake with a pencil

It is very important to stop in time and not delve into small scales, but choose only the main and most expressive of all the little things. We generalize the image with wide strokes. We pay some attention to everything that surrounds our snake - stones, grass, tree branches. The reptile must be in its natural habitat. We meticulously examine the finished drawing, trying to understand how successfully we answered the question of how to draw a snake?
