Tatyana Fedorovskaya: biography, creativity and personal life

Tatyana Fedorovskaya: biography, creativity and personal life
Tatyana Fedorovskaya: biography, creativity and personal life

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Fedorovskaya Tatyana is a Russian actress, director, screenwriter, fashion model and artist. She is famous for her roles in the films How I Met Your Mother, Angel and the Demon, and True Love. Acted as a director of the short cartoon "Offenbacher" - the winner of HIMPFF 2016.


The actress was born in 1979, September 23rd. Fedorovskaya Tatyana Iosifovna spent her childhood and youth in the city of Magnitogorsk. It is known that her mother worked as a nurse, and her grandfather was an actor, thanks to which the girl from an early age sought to connect her life with cinema.

First, Tatyana attended a drama club at the local house of creativity, later she continued her studies at the city theater studio, which she graduated at the age of 17, having received a diploma. Three years later, the girl went to the capital to apply her knowledge and talent to the cinema. In Moscow, Fedorovskaya received two higher educations - at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute and at the Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (teacher V. Menshov). During her student years, she made several successful short films (Happy Paradise, Offenbacher,"Charisma", "Faith" and "Mendel Tricks"), which were awarded at national and international festivals.

Tatyana Iosifovna Fedorovskaya
Tatyana Iosifovna Fedorovskaya


Tatyana Fedorovskaya made her film debut as an actress in 2006, appearing in the TV series "Medical Secret" (the role is Olga's secretary). Despite the episodic roles, the skill and bright appearance of the girl were noticed by other directors, because they began to invite them to their projects. For the next two years, Tatyana played minor roles in the tragicomedy The Cosmonaut's Grandson, the detective stories The Hijacking, Urgently to the Room, the melodramas The Girl and Trust Service.

For the first time, the girl was lucky enough to play the main character Nina in the film "True Love". The next films with the participation of Tatyana Fedorovskaya were the action movie "The Pack" (the role is the warden Irma), the detectives "Who am I?" (Makarova Olga) and "A Riddle for Vera" (Olga). Since 2011, the actress almost always gets the performance of the main characters.

Russian actress and director Tatyana Fedorovskaya
Russian actress and director Tatyana Fedorovskaya

In the comedy How I Met Your Mother, Fedorovskaya played Katya Krivchik. Then she tried on the image of the mercantile Yulia in the melodrama "My Fiancé's Bride." In 2012, the sought-after actress appeared in the action movie "The Mistress of the Taiga 2" (role - Vasilisa) and in the youth thriller "Angel and the Demon" (Margo).

Despite the fact that Fedorovskaya Tatyana, whose photo you can see in our article, spent a certain period of her life on directing courses, shooting short films, she did not give up her acting career. In 2013 and 2014years, the artist played secondary characters in the melodramas “As long as I live, I love” (the role of Natasha), “A Year in Tuscany” (Kasatskaya Sophia) and “Under the Heel” (Sonya). Later, Tatyana again got the performance of the key character Alena in the 4-episode comedy "Me or not me." The last film to date with the participation of Fedorovskaya is the detective "Unknown", in which she played Larina Veronika.

Actress Tatyana Fedorovskaya
Actress Tatyana Fedorovskaya

Private life

Reliably, fans do not know if the artist is in a relationship with anyone. However, Tatyana Fedorovskaya herself shared in an interview that she has no children and a spouse yet.

The actress spends her weekends drawing mystical pictures. Her work can be seen at exhibitions in Germany, Austria, Russia and Spain. Speaking about her inspirations, Tatyana mentions the names of Monet, Vrubel and Korovin.
