How to draw a temple? Step-by-step instruction

How to draw a temple? Step-by-step instruction
How to draw a temple? Step-by-step instruction

Today, young artists and their parents have another task: to draw a temple with a pencil. It is both difficult and simple at the same time. Depending on how you approach it. It will take quite a lot of time and patience, because there are enough small details in the task, which are the architectural elements of the temple. The structure itself is geometrically clear, consisting of simple and complex figures. Therefore, for a more accurate image transmission, we need a ruler and a good eye.

But first, a little history

When Christianity was born, churches were not built, and believers had to pray in special buildings - basilicas. Then came times of persecution, and Christians hid and prayed in the catacomb dungeons. And only with time a modern, familiar to us type of structure was formed. It is believed that the temple is the house of God. The Lord is present in him invisibly. Temple or churchdiffer from an ordinary house in that there is an altar inside, outside - domes, on them - crosses.


The dome traditionally symbolizes heaven, and the cross - Jesus Christ, his victory over death. People believe that there is an angel at the throne of every temple, even if the temple is abandoned. As you know, many of the churches were destroyed during the revolutionary period. And it's good if they are restored in the same place, since it is consecrated.

How to draw a temple - Christian Orthodox?

Let's get creative! We chose a simple-looking Orthodox Church of the Intercession. We will need: thick drawing paper, wax crayons, a non-spill glass, brushes (preferably natural), watercolor paints, an eraser, pencils.

how to draw a temple
how to draw a temple

Step 1. How to draw a temple?

First define the horizon line. The structure stands near the river and is reflected in the water. We outline the border of land and water.

Step 2. Draw the outlines of the temple (you can create a special template for a child). We outline the mirror image of the building in the river (softer tones). We remind you that at this stage we are working with wax colored crayons.

Step 3. Paint the walls of the temple with white. Dome - yellow. The reflection in the river does not need to be painted over. On the ground around depict trees. In the sky - the sun. On the water we start ripples in light blue or white. This completes the crayon work!

Step 4. Now for the fun part! Let's put the crayons away, we won't need them anymore. Then you need to soak the watercolor and draw the earth, sky, water with sweepingand large strokes. Remember: water is always darker than the sky, earth is darker than water. This is how it should look in the picture. Don't be afraid to paint over an image previously drawn with crayons. It, after the watercolor has dried, must definitely appear!

how to draw a temple step by step
how to draw a temple step by step

Another way to draw a temple

Although Orthodox architecture has its own centuries-old traditions, you can depict a building beautifully without knowing them: the main thing is to follow the basic laws of graphics and painting.

Step 1. On a sheet of A4 paper, in its right part, draw a line - vertical. From the same point from which we started the construction of the line, draw two inclined lines diverging at the same angles.

Step 2. Like the previously built scheme, you need to finish the left side of our drawing. The box should come out. Its corner is at the bottom point, where all the lines should converge. The dotted line denotes the edges and the very base of the parallelepiped. Draw one line in the center up. This is a guideline for building a dome. Draw four vertical lines on the sides.

how to draw a temple with a pencil step by step
how to draw a temple with a pencil step by step

Step 3. Draw a line - arched - curved upwards. This is the basis of our dome. Draw the borders of the tower with the bell down. It should, as it were, come out of the base of the dome and end on the roof of the lower tier of our temple. The top edge of the dome resembles an onion with a sharp end.

Step 4. And on the left, on the sidewall - the wall of the lower tier of the building - we outline three half-cylinders. Their heightcorresponds to the size of the temple. We finish drawing pointed domes to them. We decorate the roof of the building in the form of curved arches.

Step 5. Draw a door on the right wall of the temple, two or three windows above it. We also draw several windows on the bell tower. They are oblong and narrow.

Step 6. We continue the lesson on the topic "How to draw a temple in stages?" With a simple pencil, we shade the dark areas of the towers, as well as windows and doors. With the help of hatching, we add volume to the dome of the temple. We sketch the shadow that falls from the building and the bell tower. Almost everything is ready. It remains to remove unnecessary sketch lines. You can “blur” the shadows with an eraser - somewhere lighter, somewhere darker. Now you know how to draw a temple with a pencil step by step.

draw a temple with a pencil
draw a temple with a pencil


This image we got with you can also be painted with additional paints or ink, if you wish.

Step 1. Dilute mascara with ordinary water one to one. We dip our finger into it and rub the right turret. Do the same with the left!

Step 2. We cover the dome and the roof with yellow - in exactly the same way.

Step 3. Paint the walls with emerald green paint, you can add ocher.

Step 4. Above the dome and the roof we make “washes” of a gray-blue tint.

Be sure to let the drawing dry. Now it can be framed and hung on the wall. And you can give someone such beauty!

Additional advice on how to draw a temple: in the same way (only with the use of a brush) our drawing is paintedgouache or watercolor. In this case, it will look different, but no less attractive.
