Summary of "Merry Family", Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich

Summary of "Merry Family", Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich
Summary of "Merry Family", Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich

Nikolai Nosov is a famous children's writer. He created a cycle of stories about two friends - Misha and Kolya. Many people know the story from childhood when these two mischievous people tried to cook porridge. They poured so much cereal that the dish constantly ran away and had to fill all the available dishes with porridge. It is no less interesting to read the story "The Merry Family" by Nosov. The main characters of this work are the same. It is interesting to follow their adventures and understand how the fascinating story ended. Those who want to know it in just 5 minutes will make their wish come true by reading the summary. "Merry Family" Nosov N. is a funny story, read its details right now.

summary funny family - Nosov
summary funny family - Nosov

Important decision

The story begins with Kolya talking about his trick with a friend. They wanted to construct a car from a tin can, but they heated the water too much, and Mishka burned his hand. His mother forbade the guys to continue such games. The kids were running around doing nothing and they were bored. The time has passedspring has come. Now the reader will learn about how a brilliant idea was born in the head of the guys. A short summary will help. Nosov's "Merry Family" was written using an interesting technique - on his own behalf. After all, it was Nikolai who went to Mishka on that historic day, and each time he called different synonyms for his name: Miklukho-Maclay, Nikoladze, Nikola, Mikola. So his friends could actually call Nosov.

So, Nikolai went to Mishka. He called him "Nikoladze" and continued to enthusiastically read a book about poultry farming. The guys got excited about the idea to design an incubator. A diagram and description of how to do this was given in the book Poultry. They insulated the box, made a heating element from a can, and hung a thermometer. After some time, it was decided to replace the jar with a lamp.

Getting closer to the goal

n noses cheerful family
n noses cheerful family

Now I had to get fresh eggs somewhere. And where exactly, you can find out by continuing to read the summary. Nosov's "Merry Family" tells that the author came up with the idea of taking them from Aunt Natasha. Her family Kolya rented a dacha in the summer. The woman had her own chickens. The guys came to the woman and asked her for 12 eggs. They put them in an incubator and began to monitor the temperature and turn the eggs every 3 hours. To do this, they had to take turns on duty even at night. The kids didn't get enough sleep. They didn’t have time to learn their lessons, and the arithmetic teacher gave them deuces in their subject.

Chickens hatched

story funny little family
story funny little family

After this incidentfriends from the class came to them and offered their help. What happened next, a brief summary will tell. Nosov's “Merry Family” says that the comrades made up a duty schedule, and now the guys had the opportunity to learn their lessons well and go to bed on time. On the 21st day, the long-awaited chicks began to hatch. The children's joy knew no bounds. They began to take care of living beings, feed and water them. The oats that they sprouted in advance helped. Then the chickens were taken to Aunt Natasha.

N. Nosov came up with such an interesting and useful thing for children. "Merry Family" teaches children kindness, love for nature. The story proves that it is necessary to have friends who will always help. Moreover, it is more fun to learn lessons and do various useful things together.
