Kozhinov Vadim: biography, creativity

Kozhinov Vadim: biography, creativity
Kozhinov Vadim: biography, creativity

Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich is a well-known Soviet critic and publicist. Do you want to know more about this art historian, his life and work? Read on.

Vadim Kozhinov: biography

Kozhinov Vadim
Kozhinov Vadim

The future critic was born on July 5, 1930 in Moscow in the family of an ordinary employee. His father was an engineer and his mother was a housewife. Kozhinov Vadim has shown his talent since childhood. He was fond of literature from an early age. And when Vadim went to school, the teachers immediately realized that the guy had literary abilities. In 1948 Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich received his secondary education. The young man decided to enter the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University.

Kozhinov studied there for six years, and in 1954 he graduated with honors. After that, he entered graduate school. The training took place in a cult Russian institution - the Institute of World Literature named after Alexei Maksimovich Gorky. Since 1957, Kozhinov Vadim received a position in the Department of Literary Theory of this institute. And in 1958, the young man defended his Ph. D. thesis.

The Kozhinov family lived not far from Maiden's Field in a wooden house built by Vadim's grandfather. Nevertheless, shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Kozhinov received a personalapartment, which was located near the Donskoy Monastery.

Private life

Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich
Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich

Kozhinov Vadim was married twice. He entered into his first marriage with Lyudmila Ruskol, who at that time was an ordinary student at Moscow State University. Vadim's mother was against this union, however, the publicist neglected her advice. And, as it turned out, in vain. After all, the love ship of Vadim and Lyudmila quickly crashed against the rocks of everyday problems. It was for this reason that the marriage was annulled. Kozhinov Vadim, despite the failure in his personal life, continued to believe in true love. Soon he met a woman who became his companion. With his second wife, literary critic Elena Yermilova (daughter of the famous literary critic Vladimir Yermilov), Vadim Valerianovich has been married for more than forty happy years.


In the last years of his life, Vadim Kozhinov had quite serious he alth problems. The publicist repeatedly complained to his friend Lev Anninsky about the fading forces. In addition, a passion for alcoholic beverages negatively affected the he alth of criticism. Thus, in 2001, Kozhinov experienced an exacerbation of peptic ulcer. As a result, the literary critic died, according to the medical diagnosis, from acute gastric bleeding.

Kozhinov Vadim Valerianovich was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery. In addition to relatives and close friends, a significant part of the Abkhaz Moscow diaspora was present at the farewell, with which Kozhinov maintained friendly relations.

Meaning for Russian literature

How poetry is written
How poetry is written

Kozhinov Vadim had a huge influence on the then literature. During his long career, the publicist has acquired connections with various writers, publishers, critics, literary scholars and other intellectual elite. That is, Vadim Kozhinov had significant weight in Soviet literature. For example, he could organize any book edition without any problems.

Kozhinov actively used his connections, finding and promoting young talents in great literature. For example, Vadim Valerianovich had a huge impact on the career and creative path of the writer Ekaterina Markova. In addition, Kozhinov became one of the founders of a publishing house called Algorithm, which publishes books on historical and social topics. It was founded back in 1996 and exists to this day.

It can be said that Vadim Kozhinov left a huge mark on Russian art. This publicist took an active part in the literary process, helped young talents, etc. In addition, Kozhinov's scientific robots, which are still considered the poet's Bible, deserve attention. You can read about them below.

Vadim Kozhinov: books

Vadim Kozhinov books
Vadim Kozhinov books

During his life, Kozhinov wrote more than 30 books. All of them were devoted to the theory of literature and the modern literary process in Russia. One of the most popular works of Kozhinov is a book called "How poetry is written. On the laws of poetic creativity." Thanks to her, the author gained popularity and a good reputation in literarycircles. In the book "How poetry is written …" he talks about the basics of poetry. Kozhinov literally examines lyrical works under a microscope, highlighting and explaining the main points that every poet should pay attention to. However, this work is not intended to be a manual or a textbook. The book engages in a dialogue with the reader about poetry and tells not about "how to write", but about "how to feel poetry".

Kozhinov Vadim published scientific works of a historical nature. Articles about the Black Hundreds, the repressions of 1937 and the role of Jewish communities in the history of the USSR produced the greatest resonance in the scientific community. These publications have caused a number of responses of a critical nature.
