Evgenia Vlasova: biography and creativity

Evgenia Vlasova: biography and creativity
Evgenia Vlasova: biography and creativity

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Today we will tell you who Evgenia Vlasova is. Her biography will be discussed in detail later. We are talking about a Ukrainian singer. She is the ex-wife of Dmitry Kostyuk. Participant of the show called "People's Star". She also works as a model.


Evgenia Vlasova
Evgenia Vlasova

Evgenia Vlasova was born in 1978, April 8, in Kyiv. Her mother was an actress. The father of the future artist sang in the Chapel of Levko Revutsky. He left the family, leaving his wife and little daughter. Our heroine was then one year old. Soon the future singer had a stepfather. A few years later, a brother was born, he was named Peter. Evgenia Vlasova from early childhood became interested in singing and music. She secretly attended a children's choir called "The Sun" from her mother. There she became a soloist. She graduated from high school and entered the Glier College of Music.


Evgenia Vlasova already during her first year of study took part in competitions, and also sang in a club called "Hollywood". Even then, our heroine supported a family - mother and brother. Father and stepfather did not help them. In 2000 she met with Dmitry Kostyuk. He offered the artist his services as a producer. They are togetherrecorded a number of songs. However, our heroine mainly had to work herself. Active recording of songs and shooting of clips began. The artist gained fame. Her songs began to sound in other countries, in particular in Russia. By the middle of the 2000s, the singer was releasing several clips. Among them, a remake of the song "Limbo" by Valery Meladze, which was recorded together with Andrew Donalds, should be noted.

Private life

Evgenia Vlasova biography
Evgenia Vlasova biography

Evgenia Vlasova married producer Dmitry Kostyuk. In the summer of 2004, the couple had a daughter. They named her Nina. According to the artist herself, the main reason for the marriage was pregnancy. At the same time, she admits that she loved her husband and even decided to leave the stage for the sake of her family. The couple broke up shortly after the birth of their daughter. According to the singer, the reason for the divorce was her husband's infidelity.
