Nina Urgant: biography and creative success

Nina Urgant: biography and creative success
Nina Urgant: biography and creative success

Urgant Nina Nikolaevna comes from the city of Luga. This small town is located in the Leningrad region. Mostly the B altic population lived there. Nina's father was an Estonian, but he married a very beautiful Russian girl, Maria. And in early September 1929, their daughter was born - Nina Urgant, whose biography began with moving from one place to another, since her father was a military man.

nina urgant biography
nina urgant biography

The war found them in the Latvian city of Daugavpils, Nina was then 11 years old. In her memory, rumbling tanks with black crosses, the crackle of motorcycles, someone else's speech and terrible hunger forever remained in her memory. Nina's mother got a job as a loader in a bakery and, putting herself in mortal danger, secretly brought home a loaf of bread to share among her three children.

Already after the war, having received a certificate of education, the future actress Nina Urgant went to Leningrad. Her biography could have developed in different ways, because she applied foradmission to several educational institutions at once. Among them were a pedagogical and polytechnical institute and even a plumbing school, but Nina gave preference to the Ostrovsky Theater Institute, today it is the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. The girl successfully graduated from this educational institution and in 1953 began working at the Volkov Drama Theater in the city of Yaroslavl. There she immediately became the leading lyrical heroine, and a year later she was noticed by Georgy Tovstonogov. It was the head of the Leningrad "Lenkom", he invited the young actress to his theater, she, without hesitation, joined his troupe.

Urgant Nina Nikolaevna
Urgant Nina Nikolaevna

A few months later, Georgy Tovstonogov decided that an actress like Nina Urgant was not suitable for him. Her biography could have taken a completely different path if Tovstonogov had not seen the film "Tiger Tamer". In it, the aspiring actress got the role of Olenka - a pretty, but not very smart girl from the circus corps de ballet. Georgy Alexandrovich was delighted with her work, he did not fire Nina from the theater and even raised her salary.

But that same film role has done her a disservice. Nina Urgant, whose biography as an actress was just beginning, played the role of a negative heroine in this comedy, and in the films of that time she was simply not seen in the image of the main positive characters. But in the theater, Nina was successful, she played the main roles, and at that time there were many premieres with her participation. This is the play "Good Hour", where she played Galya. And in "Virgin Soil Upturned" she had the role of Lushka, inthe play "First Spring" - Lina and so on. In total, she had about 20 roles on her account.

husband of nina urgant
husband of nina urgant

In 1962, the actress was invited to the Pushkin Theater in Leningrad. There she was given a role in the famous production of Before Sunset, and for the next 10 years she played Inken. In this theater, Urgant remained forever. She had more than 30 roles, and all of them have consistently enjoyed great success. I must say that in the same year Nina played her first big role in the movie. Her heroine was Volodya's mother in the film "Introduction". Then followed the picture "I come from childhood", there was the role of Lucy. Then the film "Sons Go to Battle" and, undoubtedly, the role of nurse Rai from the film "Belarusian Station" most beloved by the audience from the works of the actress. The artist had many “military” roles on her account, and she gave all of herself to each of them.

The actress got married three times, all her chosen ones were actors. The first husband of Nina Urgant is Lev Milinder. From him she gave birth to a son, Andrei, this is her only child. Then she connected her life with Gennady Voropaev and Cyril Laskari. Today, the actress has two grandchildren, one of whom is the famous presenter Ivan Urgant, several great-grandchildren, and she still plays her favorite roles at the Alexandrinsky Theater.
