SpongeBob cartoon characters

SpongeBob cartoon characters
SpongeBob cartoon characters

In the cartoon "SpongeBob" the characters are specially created interesting and original in order to arouse the interest of children. They are remembered for their features, attract attention and often make kids laugh. Each of the main characters is a separate person with their own tastes and desires. That is why all fans of the animated picture should know them.

Main character

In this story, the main character is SpongeBob. The rest of the characters are related to him in one way or another. This cook is small in size, yellow in appearance and resembles a sea sponge. He cooks the best hamburgers in the world, called Krabby Patties. He loves and appreciates his work, because even the greed of the boss does not prevent him from continuing to do what he loves. Every day he participates in a variety of adventures and faces different challenges. Faithful friends help him avoid trouble. Together with them, he loves to hunt jellyfish, do karate, launch soap cartoons and watch the adventures of sea superheroes.

spongebob characters
spongebob characters


In the animated series "SpongeBob" the characters of the foreground oftenappear on screens, and one of them is Patrick the starfish. This eccentric character does not have special mental abilities and can do nothing for days on end. Despite this, he is SpongeBob's best friend and they spend a lot of time together when the main character is not at work. Together they often hunt jellyfish, although these animals cause a lot of trouble for them during entertainment. Patrick has a huge appetite and is able to eat a whole bunch of Krabby Patties at one time, which are prepared by his best friend. It is this character who comes up with the craziest activities for children with different consequences. He looks like a starfish, is completely pink and always wears shorts with the same image. His inability to think is due to the scientific fact that living beings of this class do not have a brain. This is exactly what is shown in the cartoon. The character often surprises and appears in every episode.

spongebob squarepants character
spongebob squarepants character

Angry neighbor

In each episode, except for Patrick, Squidward also appears, whom SpongeBob loves very much. The characters never got along with each other, although the main character considers him his friend. Neighborhood with a yellow cook brings only trouble to this octopus. He loves art, tries to find inspiration for painting and playing the violin, but Patrick and Bob constantly disturb him with their games and noise. Peace and quiet are his best friends, but he never succeeds in being in such a state. Unlike the main character, Squidward hates his job as a cashier at a diner, because he is there too.encounters Bob. At first glance, it will seem that he dreams of escaping from the eternal noise of his neighbors, but in fact he is used to it. In the episode where he moved to the octopus town, the character gets bored over time. He gets tired of the daily monotony and he arranges fun for himself. In the SpongeBob Squarepants cartoon, the character often appears dejected. The smile on the face of an octopus is very rare to see.

spongebob cartoon characters
spongebob cartoon characters


In the cartoon "SpongeBob - Squarepants" the character Sandy is not a sea dweller. This inhabitant of the earthly kingdom is a squirrel, but at one fine moment she decided to move to the underwater world. The girl is an avid athlete and is always in excellent physical shape. She lives in a special dome, where there is air, and moves under water in a suit. When SpongeBob and Patrick visit her, they put water bowls on their heads. This character comes from Texas and her cheerful and at the same time sharp as a blade character speaks about it. Everyone knows that it’s better not to make Sandy angry, otherwise everyone around will get it. She has great strength and is the protagonist's karate partner. Belka devotes all his free time to training in various sports. Sandy's main dream is to fly to the moon and explore the area in space. She became friends with Bob immediately after moving to the seabed, and it was he who helped her get used to her new home.

spongebob cartoon characters
spongebob cartoon characters

Eternal Confrontation

Eatcharacters of the cartoon "SpongeBob", which are eternal enemies. These include Eugene Krabs and Plankton. They are both owners of eateries, but the first establishment is successful due to the excellent culinary skills of the protagonist. The second is trying to attract customers with the help of technology and constantly fails. Krabs' safe holds the secret recipe for delicious Krabby Patties. It is her that Plankton is trying to steal in almost every series. He fails to do this, because the owner protects her along with Bob. Their battles never end as the crab's resourceful adversary always finds new and original ways to steal the recipe. Mr. Krabs dreams of earning a million, because he loves money more than anything in life. Plankton, on the other hand, only hopes that his establishment will one day become popular. This is his main goal in life and he tries to follow it despite daily failures.

spongebob characters photo
spongebob characters photo

Other characters

There are other SpongeBob characters that appear on screen from time to time. This includes Gary the snail, the protagonist's favorite pet. Many episodes are associated with him, when he was looking for his love and even ran away from Bob in search of a new life. Sometimes the capricious daughter of Mr. Krabs Pearl appears on the screens, asking for money for new clothes or entertainment. Karen is Plankton's mechanical wife who runs his establishment. In a series related to sports competitions, the Larry lobster appears, which the other SpongeBob characters cannot resistcharacters. The main characters always dreamed of taking a photo with him, and once they succeeded. In some episodes, Mrs. Puff appears and tries to teach Bob how to drive. He is not at all disposed to this, and therefore the teacher always suffers from these trips and often gets into accidents. Mrs. Puff repeatedly asked SpongeBob to quit trying to pass the driving license, but he does not give up and continues to torment the examiner.

The adventures of the heroes never end, so new characters may appear on the screen soon.
