Television 2024, July

Alexandra Child: biography, career and personal life

Alexandra Child: biography, career and personal life

Alexandra Rebenok was remembered by the audience for her role as a physics teacher in the sensational series "School". Of course, this is not her only role, but it was she who brought the young actress popularity and recognition. Now on the TNT channel there is a comedy series It's Always Sunny in Moscow, where Sasha plays one of the main roles, so I suggest you get to know her better

Maxim Chernyavsky: biography, career and personal life

Maxim Chernyavsky: biography, career and personal life

The project, which in a short time was able to gain wild popularity and the love of viewers, is “The Bachelor”. Maxim Chernyavsky, the main character of the show, has to choose only one of the 25 beauties. The project is nearing its finale, but his persona will certainly not cease to excite fans for a long time to come. We invite you to get to know him better

"House 2": why Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov divorced

"House 2": why Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov divorced

The television project "Dom 2" has existed for 10 years. During this time, happy lovers not only married, but sometimes parted. Many viewers are interested in why Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov divorced

Latest news from Doma-2: Elina Kamiren is pregnant

Latest news from Doma-2: Elina Kamiren is pregnant

Not so long ago, a very unexpected rumor appeared on the Internet that Elina Kamiren, a former participant in the Dom-2 TV project, was pregnant. The girl decided to remind about her existence not only to the audience, but also to her ex-fiance Alexander Zadoynov. Believe it or not - it's up to you

Maria Adoevtseva: biography, life after the project

Maria Adoevtseva: biography, life after the project

Maria Adoevtseva (Kruglykhina) twice came to the TV project "Dom-2". In general, she stayed there for about two years. During this period, Masha was remembered by the audience for a rather vivid relationship and a wedding with Sergei Palych. But today I want to tell you not only about the period of her life on the show, but also about the girl’s activities after the project

Kurt Hummel: Character Story

Kurt Hummel: Character Story

Today we will tell you who Kurt Hummel is. Photos of him are attached to this material. This is a fictional character from the American television series Glee. Played by Chris Colfer

Alferova Irina - filmography, biography, personal life, best movies

Alferova Irina - filmography, biography, personal life, best movies

Her heroines were imitated, adopting the manner of speaking and casually loosening their hair over their shoulders. Artistry and aristocracy, beautiful appearance and graceful plasticity of Irina Alferova have been conquering the hearts of the audience for many years

Andrey Chuev: life after "House-2"

Andrey Chuev: life after "House-2"

The article discusses life after "House-2" of one of the brightest participants in the project, Andrei Chuev. His appearance on the show and his stay on it was remembered by many. He was popular with girls. His relationship with Tatyana Kiosey continues to this day. They have a wonderful daughter Lisa. After the project, he underwent five complex operations. This will be discussed in this article

Yulia Pankratova. Personal life of TV presenter Yulia Pankratova

Yulia Pankratova. Personal life of TV presenter Yulia Pankratova

Daily, from a variety of TV channels, we are informed about the current news of the country and the world by various TV presenters. Popular journalist Yulia Pankratova hosted news programs on three Russian channels

Journalist and TV presenter Andrey Norkin: biography, career and family

Journalist and TV presenter Andrey Norkin: biography, career and family

Andrey Norkin is a professional journalist, TV and radio host. His biography and personal life are of interest to many people today. Do you also consider yourself one of them? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article

Participant of "House-2" Alena Ashmarina: her biography and personal life

Participant of "House-2" Alena Ashmarina: her biography and personal life

Do you know who Alena Ashmarina is? Do you know the biography of this girl? If not, then we recommend that you read the contents of the article

Spiral antennas: types and photos

Spiral antennas: types and photos

The article describes a spiral antenna, its device, types. Examples of home-made antennas are given

Anna Gerasimova is the most scandalous participant in the TV show "Dom-2"

Anna Gerasimova is the most scandalous participant in the TV show "Dom-2"

Anna Gerasimova, a young girl from the city of Zheleznodorozhny, who appeared at the frontal place in the fall of 2015, is one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 TV project. Why is she so remembered after spending only seven days on the project?

"Art is" - a great TV show

"Art is" - a great TV show

Fans of culinary programs will definitely like the TV show "The Art of Eating". If you like to cook, this is exactly what you need. Simple and at the same time delicious dishes, cheerful hosts… In a word, watch and you won't regret

What is the name of the hero of "South Park"?

What is the name of the hero of "South Park"?

South Park is a cult American animated series of the satirical genre. He had great popularity. Each hero of "South Park" was known to representatives of the younger generation and many adults. The animated series was created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker

The film "Roommate": actors and their roles

The film "Roommate": actors and their roles

In 2011, the psychological thriller directed by Christian Christiansen "The Roommate" was released. The actors of the film quickly aroused the interest of many viewers. According to the plot, the girl Sarah enters college and, upon moving into the hostel, meets her new neighbor, Rebecca. Friendship is fastened rather quickly, but after that it develops into a mania for one of the students. Let's take a closer look at the actors of the film and their roles

Behind the scenes – Boris Kryuk

Behind the scenes – Boris Kryuk

Boris left the technical profession immediately after undergraduate practice. Now it is obvious that he was destined to work in the bowels of the television studio, where he spent his entire conscious childhood

Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov: biography, television career and personal life

Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov: biography, television career and personal life

Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov will forever remain the first host of the intellectual show “What? Where? When?". His voice has been heard by fans of the program for many years. Do you want to know the biography of Voroshilov? Are you interested in the details of his personal life? All the necessary information is presented in the article

Natalya Kulikova: photo, biography. In what year was Natalya Kulikova (TV presenter) born?

Natalya Kulikova: photo, biography. In what year was Natalya Kulikova (TV presenter) born?

Natalya Kulikova is a presenter who was loved by many girls and women. She works on the Domashny TV channel, hosts the programs: Dress of My Dreams and Wedding Dress. Over the years, Kulikova has become a real wedding expert, and her company has become the Wedding Academy, which unites and trains wedding business specialists with the issuance of state certificates. sample

Larry King: biography, interviews and communication rules. Larry King and his book that changed the lives of millions

Larry King: biography, interviews and communication rules. Larry King and his book that changed the lives of millions

He is called the legend of journalism and the mastodon of American television. This person was able to communicate with many celebrities from all over the world, including famous artists, politicians, businessmen. The nickname "the man in suspenders" was firmly entrenched behind him. Who is he? His name is Larry King

Beautiful TV presenters of Russia: men and women and their photos

Beautiful TV presenters of Russia: men and women and their photos

Television presenter is a profession. This means that you can learn this and, accordingly, get a job. But that's not all. Nowadays, in addition to the ability to speak in public, one must have attractive external data

Dmitry Borisov: biography and personal life (photo)

Dmitry Borisov: biography and personal life (photo)

A talented person, well-known journalist, TV presenter, documentary film producer, Borisov Dmitry Dmitrievich does not often advertise his achievements. However, this is a person who really influences how our television will be today and what news we can count on tomorrow

Elena Vorobey - biography, personal life, creativity

Elena Vorobey - biography, personal life, creativity

Elena Yakovlevna Vorobey is an honored artist, singer and parodist. Today everyone knows and loves her. Elena Vorobey, whose biography is full of creative discoveries, falls and successes, overcoming all the difficulties of fate, proved to herself and everyone that a simple “serf girl” (as she called herself) can reach such heights that she could only dream of as a child

Have you connected "Tricolor TV"? Confirming your details is very easy

Have you connected "Tricolor TV"? Confirming your details is very easy

If not so long ago you started using Tricolor TV, you just need to confirm the subscriber's data! Otherwise, TV broadcasting may be turned off for you. How to do it, find out from the article

Sergey Safronov: illusionist, actor and TV presenter

Sergey Safronov: illusionist, actor and TV presenter

Today, Sergei Safronov (an illusionist) is known as a performer of stunt numbers, an actor and screenwriter, as well as a host of a reality show, in particular, the well-known Battle of Psychics. He repeatedly participated in the TV shows "You are an eyewitness", "Wonder People" and many others

Tatyana Remizova: biography and photo

Tatyana Remizova: biography and photo

Tatyana Remizova is the charming host of the Vesti TV program. Her work and personal life will be discussed in this article

The growth of Ksenia Borodina and her complexes

The growth of Ksenia Borodina and her complexes

The famous TV presenter is an ordinary person. There are joys and sorrows in her life. She, like most women, has complexes because of her appearance. But in reality, the figure of Ksenia Borodina is perfect. How did the girl achieve this? Read the article

Ekaterina Korol: biography and personal life of a participant in "House-2"

Ekaterina Korol: biography and personal life of a participant in "House-2"

Ekaterina Korol is a talented designer, artist and fashion designer. But she became famous thanks to her participation in the reality show "Dom-2". Do you want to know where Katya was born and studied? What did you do before the project? Then read this article from beginning to end

Old Woman Shapoklyak: the story of character creation. Best friend of the old woman Shapoklyak

Old Woman Shapoklyak: the story of character creation. Best friend of the old woman Shapoklyak

Among the beloved by many Soviet animated films, a special place is occupied by the story of the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. The main negative character, in every possible way trying to harm true friends, was the old woman Shapoklyak

TV presenter Maria Belova is a beautiful and versatile personality

TV presenter Maria Belova is a beautiful and versatile personality

Maria Lichtenfeld (nee Belova) is one of the most beautiful Russian TV presenters. The first time the girl appeared on television during the broadcast of Minaev Live, which was dedicated to the elections in Khimki. Maria is a Muscovite, graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Masha was born on August 28, 1989

Actor of the series "Univer" Stas Yarushin. Biography and personal data of Stas Yarushin

Actor of the series "Univer" Stas Yarushin. Biography and personal data of Stas Yarushin

Regular viewers of the TNT channel know about all the series on television. One of the popular projects is "Univer", which has a continuation called "Univer. New hostel". Among the main characters is Anton Martynov, played by actor Stas Yarushin. Let's find out the details of his biography, creativity and personal life

Arthur Mikaelyan - favorite character from "Univer"

Arthur Mikaelyan - favorite character from "Univer"

The text tells about one of the favorite characters of the modern youth series "Univer" - Michael. His biography, character, habits are described in the article

Yana Semakina from Univer: photo, real name of the actress

Yana Semakina from Univer: photo, real name of the actress

Who is Yana Semakina is known to many. But not everyone knows that the talented and successful Anna Kuzina plays the altruist Yana. The girl has a universal appearance that makes it easy to transform into anyone

Career and life of Rose Amber

Career and life of Rose Amber

Rose Amber is a model, actress, singer, fashion designer and lawyer. Interesting facts from the life and career of a girl

Mikhail Schatz: biography and family of the TV presenter (photo)

Mikhail Schatz: biography and family of the TV presenter (photo)

Popular presenter, comedian, showman of Russian television Mikhail Shats can in many ways become an example for the younger generation: their marriage with Tatyana Lazareva can be called exemplary. Let's find out the details of his personal life, elements of the biography and the composition of the family of a famous actor

Andrey Petrov - biography and personal life of the TV presenter

Andrey Petrov - biography and personal life of the TV presenter

It often seems to us that famous people live somehow special, super-saturated and super interesting. They don’t go shopping, they don’t walk in the nearest park… They don’t have everyday troubles (taking their children to school, for example), and they live in another world

Cinema (Krasnodar) "Red Square"

Cinema (Krasnodar) "Red Square"

SEC "Red Square" (Krasnodar) is considered the most famous center in the entire Kuban. Its popularity has reached incredible heights. Therefore, the construction of complexes of the Red Square network is also underway in other cities

Elena Potanina ("What? Where? When?"): biography, career, personal life

Elena Potanina ("What? Where? When?"): biography, career, personal life

Elena Potanina is known for the TV show “What? Where? When?". As a multiple champion of the intellectual game, she also made a career as a successful lawyer. Potanina became a participant in many television programs and won the love of viewers. Developing personally and professionally, the girl is constantly striving for new achievements

Gaft Valentin (Valentin Gaft): biography, filmography, personal life and photo of the actor

Gaft Valentin (Valentin Gaft): biography, filmography, personal life and photo of the actor

Valentin Gaft is a special figure in the world of Russian theater and cinema. He is considered one of the best actors of our time. Popular and in demand, the public loves and appreciates him very much, always greets him with loud applause as a sign of respect

Masha Efrosinina is a famous TV presenter

Masha Efrosinina is a famous TV presenter

Every girl and woman has an ideal she aspires to and admires. For some, these are actors, for some, singers, etc. Masha Efrosinina is an ideal for many women, because she is a beautiful, smart, successful representative of the beautiful half of humanity