Jokes from Zhirinovsky: politics with a point

Jokes from Zhirinovsky: politics with a point
Jokes from Zhirinovsky: politics with a point

Zhirinovsky was drawn to politics from his student days. And in 1983 he became the head of the legal department of the Mir publishing house. He put forward the idea of abolishing the principle of nationality and party membership in appointments to leadership positions. Especially rapid growth of the political activity of Vladimir Volfovich fell on perestroika. In 1989, he participated in the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party, and in 1990 he became the head of this party. The following year, he ran for president and finished third in the number of votes. In 1993 he became a member of the State Duma. Repeatedly became the leader of the LDPR party. Zhirinovsky distinguished himself by scandalous behavior and unusual bills.

Vladimir Volfovich has long been known to everyone as a shocking and scandalous politician. Someone likes his direct manner of communication, as they say, without cuts, and someone is annoyed by his provocativeness, for which he is called a jester and a clown. That is why the joke from Zhirinovsky is very much to be expected.

jokes from Zhirinovsky
jokes from Zhirinovsky

Joke about toilets

The politician participated in "Sunday Evening" with the presenter Solovyov. The program went on air on the evening of November 27. It was there that Zhirinovsky's joke about Merkel and Obama sounded.

Joke fromZhirinovsky quickly caused a public outcry and an excerpt from the program was distributed on news resources and social networks. He spoke in his usual emotional manner:

"Barack Obama says: I have three buttons: yellow, green and red. I pressed the green one - and that's it, there is no Europe, I pressed the yellow one - and that's it, there is no China, I pressed the red button - and that's it, there is no Russia. Then Merkel replies: "But my late grandmother had as many as three toilets: gold, silver and faience, but when the Soviet troops entered Berlin, she crap herself right in the corridor."

As he told it, he burst into hysterical laughter. It seems that the author himself laughed the most at the joke. From the rest, he caused either a restrained chuckle or a sharp disagreement. The politician then launched into an angry speech against Europe and its dirty old money and supported an alliance with Turkey. Encouraged, Zhirinovsky wanted to tell another anecdote, but the presenter delicately stopped the "humorist".

On the Internet, a joke from Zhirinovsky quickly gained popularity. The video, in which Zhirinovsky tells a joke, has gained more than 3 million views and continues to gain them. However, the comments are most often far from approving. The LDPR leader's sympathy for Turkey causes a negative reaction, because a year ago Russia was in, to put it mildly, unfriendly relations, and Zhirinovsky, in his usual manner, expressed his wishes to flood Turkey by throwing an atomic bomb into the strait. Some disliked the anecdote's toilet theme as evidence of a low level of culture. Many jokes were associated with his specific manner.laugh. Some liked the joke.

Zhirinovsky joke about Merkel and Obama
Zhirinovsky joke about Merkel and Obama

There are other jokes told by this politician.

Khokhlov joke

Khokhols are strange people: they pray for Europeans, work for Jews, die for Americans, and for some reason they can't stand Russians for all this!

Joke about Muller and Stirlitz

"Müller woke up in the next world in horror, in a cold sweat and called Stirlitz: - Stirlitz, do you even know that Frau is now running the Third Reich? With such a huge ass! And they are marching through the streets Some gays, not attack aircraft, imagine, but gays! All banks and newspapers in Jewish hands. And these Russians are fighting, imagine, with Khokhles for the Donbass! Instead of Stalingrad! And this is a Negro from the USA!"

There are other jokes from Zhirinovsky, but they will not be given here because of their vulgarity. Yes, Vladimir Volfovich loves "spicy" and will never deny himself the opportunity to outrage and amaze the respectable audience!

Zhirinovsky tells a joke
Zhirinovsky tells a joke

Be that as it may, Vladimir Volfovich is a charismatic and bright personality, and he does not leave anyone indifferent.
