Romantic and realistic painting of the 19th century

Romantic and realistic painting of the 19th century
Romantic and realistic painting of the 19th century

This century is characterized by a change not only in views on art and culture. As you know, culture is greatly influenced by the political and economic situation in the world. Depending on what topics are relevant in society, works of art are created.

19th century painting
19th century painting

Painting of the 19th century was formed on the ashes of international events. At the end of the 18th century, feudalism began to recede into the past, and it was replaced by a progressive social system - the bourgeoisie. And, accordingly, he brought with him a new caste of the population - the bourgeois. Their similarity in the modern world are private entrepreneurs. It was under such conditions that European painting of the 19th century was formed.

Genres and leading motifs of European painting of the 19th century

As a result of the change in the social system, views on art have also changed significantly. Painting of the 19th century is more inclined towards romance. Images of children playing carelessly on the lawn or happily eating goodies became the main ones depicted in the paintings of the then painters. The world was perceived as an ideal creation, and childhood as a carefree time. Serene and cheerful children in the representation of paintersequated to the most beautiful thing in the world. Their fun, happy smiles and adventurous games were depicted in the paintings most often. A significant place in the thoughts of the painters was occupied by the process of raising children.

French painting of the 19th century
French painting of the 19th century

Artists perceived the process of upbringing as the noblest thing on earth, since a new person was prepared for life, instilled in him noble qualities, taught the idea of beauty, to distinguish between the concepts of beautiful and ugly. It was in such an optimistic, carefree and harmonious light that French painting of the 19th century lived. But closer to the 20th century, more realistic motives began to appear in the work of artists. The unreal world of beauty, love and harmony is a thing of the past, the image of real children's everyday life from poor families has become relevant. Terrifying pictures of childhood suffering due to shortcomings, malnutrition became the leading motifs in the work of European and French artists. During this period, mostly portraits were depicted, the main purpose of which was to convey not only the external features of a person, but also to show his character, to portray the person portrayed inseparably from the era in which he lives. Representatives: Louis David, Madaras, Brozic, Matejka, Francisco Goya, Dominique Ingres, Eugene Delacroix, Honore Daumier, Francois Millet.

Russian painting of the 19th century

Painting of the 19th century in Russia kept pace with the European. Romanticism prevailed in the visual arts. The craving for perfection, as a result of the disappointment of the French Revolution of the late 18th century, brought romantic and ideal motives intoRussian painting.

Painting of the 19th century in Russia
Painting of the 19th century in Russia

Unrealistic ideas about the ideal world, its improvement, was depicted in the paintings of that time. In the course of the development of the theme of the ideal world, its truth was often depicted. Hard working people, domestic problems, dirty and hungry children have repeatedly visited the canvases of artists. Representatives: V. A. Tropinin, K. P. Bryullov, A. A. Ivanov, A. G. Venetsianov, P. A. Fedotov, G. G. Myasoedov, V. G. Perov. Painting of the 19th century was replenished with another masterpiece from the treasury of Russian artists. Surely, everyone knows the work of K. P. Bryullov about the buried city during the volcanic eruption in 79 BC. e. "The Last Day of Pompeii".
