Revenge. Her essence. The role of revenge in people's lives. Quotes About Revenge

Revenge. Her essence. The role of revenge in people's lives. Quotes About Revenge
Revenge. Her essence. The role of revenge in people's lives. Quotes About Revenge

We live in a world, so to speak, not ideal. In it, along with wonderful and exemplary qualities, such as kindness, compassion, there are also such as envy, greed, revenge. In this article, the author will try to uncover why revenge is a dish served cold, as the famous Italian proverb says.

Revenge. Main photo
Revenge. Main photo

Revenge Concept

We all know (at least we should know) what revenge is. According to Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, revenge is the intentional infliction of evil, trouble in order to repay an insult, insult or suffering. For a better understanding of the term, there are a large number of quotes about the revenge of great people.

This is the driving force within the person who has been treated dishonestly and cruelly. Manifestations of injustice can be very different. They can be limited only by the level of human consciousness. After all, theoretically, you can begin to take revenge for the fact that someone inadvertently stepped on his foot in public transport. But in most cases the reason formore tragic events in a person's life serve as revenge. One of the Italian quotes about revenge says:

Revenge comes when you don't expect it. It can creep into a person's heart from nowhere.

But why is revenge a dish best served cold? At one time, the Italian mafia knew that the feeling of anger caused by the thirst for retribution overshadows the mind. Therefore, it was necessary to carefully weigh everything, and only then satisfy your hatred for the offenders. By that time, revenge, of course, had time to cool down.

What is the role of revenge in everyone's life?

Life itself is difficult, everyone fights for it with all their might. Accordingly, when a person experiences discomfort from someone, he will try to repay the offender in some way. So do, with confidence to say, many. But why is this happening in today's society?

There is a difference between revenge and punishment: punishment is done for the sake of the punished, and revenge is for the sake of the avenger, in order to satisfy his wrath. Aristotle

It turns out that most simply find happiness in their revenge, which is so hard to find today. Retribution brings pleasure precisely at the expense of satisfying one's anger. Such actions, of course, could be called punishment, but it all depends on what kind of mood is invested. In most cases, the offender gets his due so that the victim can calm his ardor. Therefore, it cannot be a punishment, as Aristotle said.

The abuser received
The abuser received

Does the abuser get what he deserves?

This,Naturally, a rhetorical question. After all, who in modern society would agree to leave their offender unpunished? This is absurd. But suddenly one small question arises, which most likely asks common sense: "Is it necessary to dirty your hands, raising them to the person who offended me?" And this is confirmed by a quote about revenge on the enemy:

The best revenge is oblivion, it will bury the enemy in the ashes of his insignificance. B. Gracien

But it's true. By analyzing such a phenomenon as the law of karma, which came from the East and has become very popular today, or the more mundane version for the average Westerner - causation, you can understand some interesting things that never occurred to you before.

Suddenly it turns out that everything that happens to a person, whether good or bad, comes into our lives not by chance, but in accordance with our past activities. Accordingly, it does not make sense at all to take revenge on your enemy with your own hands, because fate or the Lord (everyone calls the higher powers in his own way, depending on the level of self-consciousness) will make sure that everything in the world happens in justice. A person is unlikely to have the desire to act on the principle of "tit for tat" and "eye for eye" after he looks at the situation from this point of view.

One of the smartest revenge quotes is:

Who does not want (or cannot) take revenge himself, entrusts it to God. Arkady Davidovich.

So it's up to each individual.

Image"Tit for tat"
Image"Tit for tat"

Is revenge immoral?

Together with what was said earlier, it cannot be said that from now on you need to live and just endure all the bad things without doing anything. Not! Revenge, in its essence, is not immoral. It all depends on three main factors, which, by the way, can be applied in absolutely any situation:

  1. Time.
  2. Places.
  3. Circumstances.

For example, when it comes to relatives or friends, that is, if something happened to them, then many people believe that their first duty is to make sure that all offenders get what they deserve. But the main thing is that sobriety is not absent. It is strange if a person sits idly by thinking: "God will figure it out, they will get theirs anyway." This is the other extreme, when fear and helplessness speak for a person.

As a result, we can say that it is necessary to be able to properly use the opportunity to give retribution. In principle, as far as you personally are concerned, in half the cases you can definitely forgive the person who offended you. It's a matter of pride whether we let go of resentment for a little trouble brought to us. What if loved ones suffer? Surely you will find in stock stories about people who decided that such things cannot be left unpunished. However, of course, revenge is a matter of serious moral choice for every person.
