The role of lies in people's lives. Aphorisms about lies

The role of lies in people's lives. Aphorisms about lies
The role of lies in people's lives. Aphorisms about lies

What could be worse than a lie, a betrayal of a lie? Most likely nothing. But is the lie as disgusting as it seems at first glance? Is it necessary to try to get rid of deception one hundred percent? In this article, we will try to answer all these important questions, relying on aphorisms about lies and wise words about truth.

Why do people lie?

When a person has done some bad deed or made a mistake, he naturally wants to hide it - and begins to lie. When this is an isolated case, when it is simply necessary to hide the truth, then it is still forgivable. But for some people, throwing dust in the eyes is already tantamount to a drug. As one aphorism about lying said: "Deceit is the seed of the devil." Such people, one might say, sign an agreement with Satan - they sell their souls to him. After all, lying is an art that can bring many benefits to scoundrels and scoundrels. What adventures can be carried out, having perfectly mastered the ability to deceive?! Without a doubt, everyone has seen crime films on this topic or read similar books: about the Italian mafia, which is driven only by a sense of profit andNothing more; about gangs of professional bandits and thieves, etc.

Aphorisms about lies and deceit
Aphorisms about lies and deceit

But those of the readers who, one way or another, cannot call themselves ardent atheists, know what threatens such a "slippery" life. Such people, who have committed many mortal sins throughout their existence, will be doomed to "working off" in the underworld.

Lies in everyday life

Described above is a deception in the most perverted form. But nevertheless, it cannot be said that lies in everyday life are childish harmless games. This is also discouraged.

Aphorisms about betrayal and lies
Aphorisms about betrayal and lies

Ordinary average people can use lies, theoretically, anywhere. This may be a betrayal of a husband / wife; distorting the truth at work for the sake of a desired position; lying during conversations with friends and acquaintances in order to show their best side. You can think of a lot of examples. Modern society has become accustomed to this over the years. Now this can be seen all the time. All a little, but they can lie. This, of course, can happen involuntarily. It has become a bad habit along with smoking and drinking alcohol.

One aphorism about lies calls: "The main thing is not to lie to yourself" (F. M. Dostoevsky). But there are problems with this too. Surprisingly, it can be difficult to be honest even with oneself: when a person comforts himself, praises himself, and understates those around him in his head, criticizes, etc.

What to choose: deceit or truth?

Aphorisms about lies and lies
Aphorisms about lies and lies

Naturally, you should, as far as possible, choose the second option. There is, just, an aphorism about lies and truth, which very clearly illustrates this choice:

While lying can be useful in the short term, it inevitably turns out to be harmful over time. On the contrary, in the course of time the truth turns out to be useful, although it may now turn out to be harmful. © Diderot D.

And it really is. No matter how unpleasant and scary it is to tell the truth, you need to understand that it will be better this way. It is necessary, like a real man (or a real woman), to be responsible for your actions and bear responsibility for them.

What is the use of lying?

Given that lying is a terrible thing, it's hard to say that it should be avoided altogether. In life, there are situations in which it would be even better not to tell the truth. For example, it is better for a small child not to know some problems in the life of adults (not enough money, fired from work, etc.), even if he asks about it; government agencies should not disclose to the people all the problems that exist at the moment, otherwise it will cause people to panic…

Therefore, one cannot agree that lies are always harmful. Sometimes it is necessary, just a balance must be struck between deceit and truth: do not abuse both the first and the second.

The paradox of the liar

The Liar Paradox is a chain of reasoning that eventually returns to the very beginning of the question.

Aphorisms about lies
Aphorisms about lies

In the course of history, several suchparadoxes that make the brain boil with bewilderment: why this vicious circle cannot be broken in any way?

1. Let's start with Pinocchio's paradox. The essence of this paradox is as follows: a wooden boy says the phrase: "Now my nose will lengthen." If the nose does not increase, then he lied, and the nose will have to grow. But if the nose grows, then he told the truth. In that case, why did the nose grow? This paradox makes the brain literally explode.

2. The second paradox will be more understandable for understanding. This is the paradox of Plato and Socrates.

Plato says: "Socrates' next statement will be false".

Socrates: "What Plato said is true."

Let's say Plato is telling the truth. So Socrates really lied. And if Socrates lied, then Plato's statement is not true. Then Plato still lied.

Also and vice versa. Plato is lying, so the statement of Socrates will not be false - "what Plato said is true." Then Plato is still not lying.

3. There is another vicious circle - Epimenides' paradox.

The Cretan Epimenides claimed that all Cretans are liars.

Suppose Epimenides' words are true. Then all Cretans are liars. But given that Epimenides himself was a Cretan, then he too is a liar. Accordingly, Epimenides could not tell the truth.

Aphorisms about lies and lies from great people

At all times there were writers and figures who looked at the world in a special way. Often, creative people had an extraordinary outlook on life. Herea selection of some aphorisms about betrayal and lies:

Truth is like a bitter drink, tastes unpleasant, but restores he alth. © Honore de Balzac.

If a person betrayed someone because of you, you should not associate life with him, sooner or later he will betray you because of someone. ©Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

There are people who lie just for the sake of lying. ©Blaise Pascal.

Aphorisms about truth and lies
Aphorisms about truth and lies

Shallow people must always lie, as they are devoid of substance. ©Friedrich Nietzsche.

How many untruths there are in the world - in hearts and mouths, in days and nights connected with each other. ©Omar Khayyam.

Who is used to lying, he lies in trifles and in deeds. ©Robert Burton.

Summing up, I would like to say that lies will still remain an integral part of our lives, no matter how much we would like to. After all, deceit in good hands (so to speak) brings considerable benefits to a person. For the benefit of their relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances, it is possible and even necessary to hide some fraction of the truth. It will not be considered something immoral. Those who lie just for the sake of lying, that is, for no reason, need to worry. These are the people who should change their lives for the better.

Live happily and remember - the one who never never lies is truly free.
