"The Tales of Uncle Remus" by Joel Harris

"The Tales of Uncle Remus" by Joel Harris
"The Tales of Uncle Remus" by Joel Harris

Joel Chandler Harris is a famous American folklorist, writer and journalist. He published a number of collections of fairy tales and stories for children, which were based on Negro folklore. Harris' stories became incredibly popular with both white and black readers. They have been called the greatest piece of American folklore.

American writer Joel Chandler Harris
American writer Joel Chandler Harris

History of writing "The Tales of Uncle Remus"

Before becoming famous, Joel Harris has come a long way. As a teenager, he had to work for food and clothing on the Turnwold plantation, where he spent four years. There, the boy heard many stories about animals from black slaves, and they served as the basis for his fairy tales. Joe listened to them carefully and wrote them down, realizing how great their significance was. In 1879 "The Story of Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Fox, as Told by Uncle Remus" was published. She became the first plantation fable. The book of fairy tales was published in 1880. In total, 185 works aboutforest dwellers, which were told on behalf of Uncle Remus to a little listener - Joel. Harris' tales are different from the traditional ones we are used to. For foreign and North American readers, his works have become a real revelation, and they were intended not only for children, but also for adults.

Illustration for the fairy tale by Joel Harris
Illustration for the fairy tale by Joel Harris

Heroes of Joel Harris stories

The main character of Harris' fairy tales is the trickster Brer Rabbit, who uses his cunning mind and resourcefulness to overcome the troubles that his enemies create for him, of which there are plenty in the forest. This is Brother Wolf, and Brother Bear, and, of course, the insidious Brother Fox. Also in the works there are positive characters, whom Brother Rabbit helps in difficult situations. Indeed, as in most stories of the world, in the fairy tales of Joel Harris, goodness, friendship and mutual assistance defeat meanness and evil.
