Genre "omegaverse". What? Features and history of occurrence

Genre "omegaverse". What? Features and history of occurrence
Genre "omegaverse". What? Features and history of occurrence

On various literary resources, the omegaverse genre, unknown to many, is increasingly common. Fanfiction of this direction only confuses an uninitiated person, causing him to have much more questions than answers. So what is this animal?

Omegaverse - what is it?

First of all, as noted above, this is a literary genre that originated on the Internet. It can be described as a fictional universe where society is divided into three classes. It does not have the usual division into men and women. Each class means a separate structure, where sexual characteristics do not play a key role. The origin of the genre was based on the arrangement of an ordinary pack of wolves, where there is a hierarchy that separates the leader from other animals and the so-called punching bag. The same picture can be observed in the works of the omegaverse genre.

what is omegaverse
what is omegaverse


As a rule, in the omegaverse, representatives of this class are depicted by the authors as men, less often as women, however, it all depends on the type of relationships affected in the work. This is a stately, tall man with a good physique, a firm and domineering character, who has the ability to find one, his only omega during his life. This is one of the characteristics of the genre.omegaverse What is "omega"? More about this in another part of the article.

Alpha has unusual features of the structure of the penis, also borrowed from wolves, which are unusual for ordinary people, namely the knot. During the act, it begins to increase and at some point links the partners. This process lasts exactly as long as the imagination of the author of the work tells (maybe half an hour, or many times longer). During this time, both partners experience multiple orgasms, and the alpha himself produces a huge amount of sperm.

This is not the only thing that can surprise the omegaverse genre. Fanfiction only develops the features of this universe.

omegaverse fanfiction
omegaverse fanfiction


The easiest class to understand. Betas are no different from ordinary people. They often marry each other, so the division into men and women plays a greater role here than in the relationship of alphas and omegas. They are allowed to occupy well-paid positions, career prospects are almost limitless. Binding a character to one of the three classes determines his position in society in the works of the omegaverse genre.

What is the distribution, which was considered a relic of the past in real life, forgotten in this universe? To answer this question, we must again turn to the origin of the genre.

In a pack of wolves, only the strongest individual is worthy to take the place of the leader. Those who are weaker hunt and lead a normal life, but the most frail animal acts as a subject for venting the aggression of the rest. According to some sources, betas in the omegaverseare able to react to the smell of an omega when he is in heat, according to others, they are more attracted to alphas. In fact, everything again rests solely on the desire of the author of the work.

omegaverse manga
omegaverse manga


The complete opposite of alpha. If this is a girl, then it is extremely difficult to distinguish her from the rest, since for the most part they are all fragile, sophisticated creatures. In the case of the guy, the signs are clear: he is short and thin.

Same-sex relationships between two men are not uncommon in the omegaverse genre (what it is, you already know), and this confirms the structure of the omega reproductive system. Their anus is arranged on the same principle as the female vagina, there is also a uterus. In other words, a man can become pregnant. In addition to this feature, omegas, both boys and girls, are in heat at regular intervals. During this process, they emit a specific odor that drives all alphas in the vicinity crazy. If the omega does not have a permanent partner, he turns into a real target for others.

Usually, a man or woman tries to lock themselves up at home or take time off from work so as not to get into an unpleasant situation, or they use perfume that beats off the smell. Analogue are special tablets. According to the law of the genre, omega does not really like to give out his belonging to this class and tries to hide it in every possible way. In relations with a partner, the rule applies, according to which the alpha is the main one in the family. Omega all his life obeys his father, older brother, later the boss.

omegaverse alpha
omegaverse alpha


Fans of this art form have not bypassed the omegaverse either. Manga in this genre has gained no less popularity than fan fiction. Basically, these are fan sketches based on the finished work. One of these is called "My Neighbor Levi" and is based on the yaoi pairing of the two main characters from the famous work "Attack on Titan", which has recently been gaining more and more fans around the world.

Not only this work fell in love with fans of non-standard relationships. Popular anime comics such as "Naruto" and some series have also been attacked by fans' restless fantasies.
