Genre parody: what is it, where is it used

Genre parody: what is it, where is it used
Genre parody: what is it, where is it used

From early childhood, all people love to imitate someone. For example, young children, before they have learned to speak, are already repeating sounds made by dogs, cats, cows, pigs, birds, and so on.

Older girls and boys begin to imitate their favorite idols, performing their works or voicing expressions from films and TV shows. And this is not surprising. Everyone tries to look up to someone.

But in art there is a special genre called parody. It's the same as imitating someone. Consider where this word comes from.

Parody - what is it?

The word "parody" comes from the Greek words "para" - "near", "against", and "dia" - "song". Parody is an art where people imitate existing films, songs, clips and other works in a modified form. This is usually done in a humorous way, as a mockery.

what is a parody
what is a parody

Absolutely everything can be parodied: films, video clips, songs, some theatrical performances, compositions, poems, actions of some singer or actor.

The very first parody is associated with antiquity, with ancient literature and was called "Batrachomyomachia". This is a parody poem aboutwar of mice and frogs, using travesty (when a small object is described in a high style). In this case, mice and frogs are small objects.

Parodies can be presented in various ways.

Spoof directions

There are parodies of songs, movies, literary, parody sites and others. Each of them is also classified according to certain criteria.

Let's consider what a film parody is. Everyone knows what a “movie” is, which means that a film parody is a parody of a certain film. The most successful is an imitation of a well-known film. Movies such as Don't Be a Menace to South Central, The Naked Gun, Hot Shots, Top Secret, Not a Kid's Movie, and others have been parodied.

The horror film "Scary Movie" - really keeps the audience in a tense state. There are some pretty creepy moments when you want to close your eyes and no longer look at the screen. But a parody of this film makes the audience not only not afraid, but also laugh out loud. Yes, there is also a lot of blood here, but it's still not scary, but funny.

Site-parodies are made on popular web pages, on their external and internal design.

People are doing more and more parodies of songs, usually the most famous ones. Both the words and the sound of the melody can change. For example, a parody was made of such songs as "Flying gait …", "It's fun to walk together …", "Slowly the minutes float away into the distance …" and others. Both the tsarist anthem and the anthem of the Russian Federation did not go unnoticed.

parodies of clips
parodies of clips

Literary parodies are also popular. This includes well-known works, theatrical performances, poems and others.

There are three main genre paths in parody:

1. In a comic or humorous form, that is, not a mockery or mockery of the film or song, but with good intentions to the original. People do these parodies either out of a desire to imitate, or they want to gain popularity on the networks.

2. Satirical form means against the original. It is presented as a mockery of the main characters of the film, making the actors with scary faces, putting them in awkward situations. Or there is a mockery of the words of the songs - they are replaced by stupid, sometimes even obscene ones.

3. The latter is called "parodic use", that is, the focus is only on intra-literary purposes.

TV Parodies

A few years ago, the Big Difference TV show appeared on television and immediately fell in love with everyone. She gained immense popularity, which indicates that this genre is in great demand. In this program, parodies of popular politicians, pop artists, TV presenters and so on were presented. The very name of the program seems to indicate that viewers must find the difference between the parody and the original.

movie parodies
movie parodies

The musical parody “What is a crisis?” was very original. to the song of the group DDT.

The most famous parodists of our country are Alexander Pushnoy, Vladimir Vinokur, Maxim Galkin, Evgeny Petrosyan, Alexander Peskov, Elena Vorobey,Mikhail Grushevsky and others. All of them can be seen on television, on the Internet. They parody different people, actors, performers.

Favorite band "Ex-BB"

The famous group "Ex-BB" performs rather non-standard. Musically literate, with high artistry, the members of this group parodied many songs. In addition to songs, they made parodies of films. For example, the audience liked the film "Gentlemen of Fortune". Once you visit them, you will never forget them.

song parodies
song parodies


It has become fashionable to make parodies of clips. For example, the famous clip "On the Louboutins" was parodied several times. And all the options are interesting and funny.

In the 60-70s of the twentieth century, Viktor Chistyakov was an outstanding parodist.

After analyzing the concept of "parody" (what it is, where it is used), we can say that this genre of art was created to cheer up the audience.
