Sergey Oborin: TV presenter and KVN participant

Sergey Oborin: TV presenter and KVN participant
Sergey Oborin: TV presenter and KVN participant

Without humor and laughter, it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. And therefore, it is no coincidence that everyone loves humorous shows and TV shows so much.

sergey oborin
sergey oborin


"Club of cheerful and resourceful" is one of the most common genres of humorous programs in Russia and CIS countries. On the basis of universities, enterprises and other organizations, such clubs are being created to improvise, prove themselves and just have fun.

KVN has been around for more than half a century, and during this time it has experienced many transformations, concepts and styles. And most of all, ordinary people like this genre, because on the other side of the screen, topical issues of modern politics, culture and other aspects of life are raised. Definitely, adults and children love KVN, jokes from the program become winged, and parodies are sorted into quotes.


Cheerful and resourceful guys and girls enjoy playing in such humorous teams. They not only act out skits, but also write their own jokes, sing and dance. Many of them play in local theaters and even work as presenters at holidays and mass events.

Ambitious and charismatic from the stages and from the TV screens are taught to treat everything withsense of humor, show their talents and become the favorites of the public.

Many KVN players became famous actors and still fondly remember their youth and KVN. Of course, not everyone can play this game, but success comes to the most talented and persistent. Many comedians have gained such popularity that they have become idols for many people. One of the no less noticeable in this field is Sergey Oborin. KVN and his girlfriend have long been of interest to the public, so we will shed light on some facts from his biography.

sergey oborin kvn
sergey oborin kvn


Sergey Oborin is an artistic and bright favorite of the public. The guy was born and raised in Moscow. The charming boy grew up cheerful and smart, and already in early childhood his artistic abilities were determined. He has always been an active participant in school performances and even played in a theater group. He has since realized that he is drawn to the stage and enjoys performing in public.

Young parents in every possible way contributed to the development of creative abilities and artistry, brought up initiative and love for art in him.


What did Sergei Oborin do? KVN was never a guy's dream, but after graduating from school, where he studied well, he entered the famous Moscow University. MGIMO is not just a prestigious educational institution, it has gained particular fame thanks to the university team of KVN.

Sergey was immediately noticed by Parapaparam players and invited to participate. The guy agreed without hesitation and never regretted it. He fit perfectly into the young andcreative team and became one of the most notable members.

Sergey Oborin not only became a team player, but also one of its authors. The guy began to write jokes that brought the team many victories. Fresh, witty, they became the “main strong point” of the team, and brought Sergey popularity not only within the walls of his native university, but also far beyond its borders.

sergey oborin kvn and his girlfriend
sergey oborin kvn and his girlfriend


The audience really liked the direct style of young people, and every performance was not without a standing ovation. Parapaparam were crowned Premier League champions in 2009.

The KVN team has become very famous in Russia. She managed to create her own individual style. Extraordinary jokes and positive work on the image of the players and make them very popular. The peculiarity of the team's style is intelligence and creativity, each of their jokes is unique and dynamic. Sergei Oborin, in collaboration with Captain Ivan Abramov, create interesting and funny parodies of famous Russian politicians and other celebrities.


What else does Sergey Oborin do? KVN made him quite popular, and another role of a talented comedian and actor is to work in the field of hosting holidays, corporate parties and other events. The guy not only earns his living from this, but also considers it his favorite hobby.

He always manages to turn on the audience and keep the intrigue. The holidays spent by him are remembered forever, because improvisation is an important part of masteryleader. A charming and cheerful guy with a radiant smile knows how to create a holiday everywhere, even in the most boring place. Charisma and eccentricity combined with intelligence is suitable for the holidays of your favorite generations.

Private life

It's no wonder that the cheerful and resourceful guy has a lot of fans. But, according to Sergei, his heart is busy. Sergey Oborin (KVN) and his girlfriend (photo below) play in the Parapaparam team, sometimes they are together on the same stage. They also met quite prosaically - behind the scenes of the games.

sergey oborin kvn and his girlfriend photo
sergey oborin kvn and his girlfriend photo

The couple has been together for a long time and even dreams of creating their own team. In one of the interviews, they even let it slip that they were writing scripts and jokes for a new joint “brainchild”.

Of course, the tour involves a short, but separation, but Sergei Oborin and Natalia trust each other. Comedians try to treat everything with humor and not waste time on empty showdowns. And mutual understanding is considered the key to the success of successful and long-term relationships, it is advised to find joy in small things and, of course, love each other.
