Character Sara Lance

Character Sara Lance
Character Sara Lance

Sarah Lance is a fictional character who has appeared in the television series Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.

Character Brief

Sarah Lance's appearance and characteristics are partly taken from the DC comics character Black Canary. The very image of the heroine and her story were jointly developed by G. Berlanti, E. Kreisberg, M. Guggenheim, who can rightfully be considered her creators.

sarah lance
sarah lance

In the pilot episode of the TV series "Arrow" the role of the heroine was played by Jacqueline MacInnes Wood. Caity Lotz went on to play Sarah Lance in Arrow. The actress represented this character not only in the "Arrow" project, but also in another serial film called "Legends of Tomorrow".

Appearances of the character in the series "Arrow"

Sarah Lance's first appearance was in the pilot episode of Arrow as Black Canary's younger sister. Sarah was thought dead for a long time because she was with O. Quinn on his yacht when the shipwreck occurred.

However, it soon becomes clear that Sarah Lance is alive. It turned out that she survived and after the crash of the ship she was picked up by the Amazo ship. However, in the first season, she appearsin the future only in flashbacks, since she was officially considered dead.

The full return of the heroine to the series happened only in the second season, when she appeared in the form of a superheroine nicknamed Canary. Absolutely no one was aware of the real secret of her personality, which the heroine carefully concealed from everyone, even from people close to her.

Only by the third season, Sarah Lance becomes a full-fledged member of the Arrow team, constantly working as part of an established group of heroes.

Initially, in the TV project "Arrow" Caity Lotz was supposed to play the Black Canary, not the White Canary Sarah Lance. The actress, however, was eventually cast as Sarah.

sarah lance actress
sarah lance actress

An interesting fact regarding the series, as well as the character herself, is that she is the first character in the history of Marvel and DC film adaptations to have a non-traditional sexual orientation, or rather bisexuality. This was confirmed in an episode of Arrow titled "Heir of the Demon", where it is openly stated that Sarah had a relationship with the daughter of the legendary Ra's al Ghul, Nissa.

Oddly enough, but the audience and even professional film critics were very positive about this statement. In fact, now in series based on comics, you can openly declare that a particular character is a person with a non-traditional sexual orientation. This suggests that society has reached a qualitatively new level of tolerance.

The appearance of the character in the series "Legendstomorrow"

As mentioned above, Sarah appears not only in the television series "Arrow", but also in the multi-series project "Legends of Tomorrow", where she is initially located in the depths of the Tibetan mountains. By the will of fate, she is part of the team of Rip Hunter, who fights Savage Vandal, trying to protect the world from him.

Gradually merging into the ranks of Hunter's team, Sarah Lance is increasingly immersed in her image and eventually becomes the heroine, performing under the pseudonym White Canary.

sarah lance photo
sarah lance photo

Notably, after the mysterious disappearance of team leader Rip Hunter, Sarah assumes the role of captain of the Waverider, becoming Rip's own successor in that position.

In addition to the above-mentioned series, Sarah Lance's character has also repeatedly appeared in the crossover series "Arrow" and "The Flash", called "Invasion". Here she is part of her team of Legends and fighting against the Dominator invasion.


Sarah Lance, whose photo you can see below, is not the most striking character in the DC comics serial universe, but far from the last of its representatives. Despite the fact that she practically does not appear in comics, as well as on the big screens of cinema, fans of DC series have known this heroine for a long time already.

sarah lance arrow actress
sarah lance arrow actress

She even has her own fan group, which every year and every new appearanceWhite Canary in episodes of a series continues to grow. Moreover, most of the online reviews regarding this character are positive.

Despite the growing popularity of the heroine Sarah Lance, today her popularity is not as great as that of her prototype and part-time serial sister Laurel Lance (Black Canary).
