Concert Hall of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins: description, history, program and interesting facts

Concert Hall of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins: description, history, program and interesting facts
Concert Hall of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins: description, history, program and interesting facts

RAM im. Gnesins is a higher musical educational institution located in the city of Moscow. The address of the building is Povarskaya street, house No. 30/36. The Gnessin Academy is one of the leading musical educational institutions in Russia. RAM has several concert halls where various events are held for both students and listeners and spectators.

History of RAM

frame them Gnessin
frame them Gnessin

RAM named after the Gnessins was born in 1895. At that time, there was no division of musical educational institutions into academies, schools and colleges. The date of birth of RAM is February 15, 1895. It was on this day that the Gnessin sisters had their first student in their private music school.

In 1946, a building of its own was built for this educational institution. When the premises were opened, the Gnesins' educational institution was divided into a school, a college and an institute. All of them are located in the same building, on its different floors. After some time, the premises were completely given to the Institute. The college and school have moved. Initially, the institute trained exclusively teachers of musical disciplines. But many students wanted to devote themselves to the performing arts rather thanteaching.

In 1950, a concert hall was added to the educational building of the Institute. In 2011, the college turned from an independent institution into a branch of the Academy.

Today RAM im. The Gnesins trains not only teachers, but also concert musicians and vocalists.

Faculties of the Academy:

  1. Orchestral, with departments of percussion, wind and string instruments.
  2. Vocal, where they learn solo singing.
  3. Folk instruments.
  4. Piano, which also includes the departments of harpsichord, organ and concertmasters.
  5. Historical-theoretical and composer faculty.
  6. Conductor's, with departments of orchestral and choral conducting.
  7. Variety-jazz singing and instrumental performance.
  8. Folklore art, which includes departments of solo and choral folk singing.
  9. Production department.

As well as interfaculty departments.


ram them gnessin address
ram them gnessin address

The main concert hall of the Russian Academy of Music. The Gnessins accommodates 549 listeners. It is equipped with the latest technology. He has two concert grand pianos and an electronic organ. In front of the entrance there is a monument to E. F. Gnesina.

The small hall is designed for one hundred listeners. It has three concert grand pianos. The musical drawing room of Shuvalova's house also accommodates one hundred listeners. She has two concert grand pianos. The chamber hall is designed for fifty seats. It is equipped with one concert grand piano.

Organ Hallalso designed for fifty listeners. It is equipped with several tools. Chief among them is the English wind organ "Henry Jones". Before RAM he was in the London church. In addition, there is a Steinway concert grand piano, an Ammer clavicorn and a harpsichord.


frames named after the Gnesins
frames named after the Gnesins

A large number of different concerts can be heard in the RAM them. Gnesins. The Academy's poster for the second half of the 2015-2016 season offers the following activities:

  1. "Piano music by S. S. Prokofiev".
  2. Concert of Russian chamber music.
  3. Musicology master class on the topic "Creative path of W. A. Mozart"
  4. Reporting concert of the Department of Music Pedagogy.
  5. Opera "Gianni Schicchi" theater-studio them. Yu. A. Speransky.
  6. Concert of students of the pop faculty.
  7. A cool evening for students of the teacher Yu. V. Zamyatina.
  8. Academy Symphony Orchestra Concert.
  9. Anthology of harpsichord music. Works by Domingo and Domenico Scarlatti sound.
  10. Report Concert of the College String Orchestra.
  11. A monothematic representation of the musical theater of pedagogical knowledge Gradus ad Parnassum.
  12. Concert-seminar for Victory Day.
  13. The musical performance "Coronation of Poppea" performed by students of the vocal department.
  14. Reporting concert of students of the music school at the Academy.
  15. May Assemblies Festival.
  16. Concert of composition classes.

And many more.


Concert Hall of Rams named after Gnesins
Concert Hall of Rams named after Gnesins

In RAM them. Gnesins about twenty different groups. This is:

  1. A chamber orchestra whose repertoire includes music of all styles and eras.
  2. Zolotitsa Ensemble performing folk songs.
  3. A concert Russian orchestra whose repertoire includes retro and popular music.
  4. Academic choir of students of the correspondence department.
  5. Jazz Orchestra "Akademik-Band".
  6. Altro Coro Ensemble, performing contemporary choral music.
  7. The Y. Speransky Theater-Studio, whose repertoire includes foreign and Russian classical operas.
  8. The "Moscow Mandolin" ensemble, working in all available musical directions.
  9. Brass band.
  10. Kupina Guslar Ensemble, whose repertoire includes Russian folk pieces.
  11. The Ad Libitum orchestra, which includes bayans and accordions, performs classical and modern music.
  12. Ensemble of students of the department of solo and choral folk singing, whose repertoire includes original and processed folklore.
  13. Orchestra "Soul of Russia", which includes Russian folk instruments, performing modern and retro music.
  14. Academic choir of full-time students of the Academy.
  15. A symphony orchestra playing classical and contemporary music.
  16. Folklore ensemble whose repertoire includes folk music in the original sound.

Interesting facts

ram them gnesins poster
ram them gnesins poster

In RAM them. The Gnesins were taught by famous personalities in different years. These are Aram Khachaturian, Reinhold Gliere, Heinrich Neuhaus, Iosif Kobzon, Valentina Levko, Igor Bril, Boris Tchaikovsky and others. There are many celebrities among the RAM graduates. Graduated from the Gnessin Academy: Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Mikhail Turetsky, Alexander Gradsky, David Tukhmanov, Lyudmila Zykina, Varvara, Mikael Tariverdiev, Alexander Zhurbin, Evgeny Svetlanov, Dima Bilan, Tikhon Khrennikov, Philip Kirkorov, Valentina Tolkunova and others.

Addresses of halls

As mentioned above, RAM has several halls. Gnesins. The address of the most important of them is Maly Rzhevsky lane, house number 1. The remaining several halls are located along Povarskaya street, house number 30/36. This is the educational building of the RAM. There are: the musical drawing room of the Shuvalova house, the Small, Chamber and Organ halls. They are all located on the 4th floor of the educational building, in classrooms 73, 75 and 90.
