Rostov-on-Don Theaters: list, addresses, description

Rostov-on-Don Theaters: list, addresses, description
Rostov-on-Don Theaters: list, addresses, description

Picturesque and hospitable Rostov, located on the banks of the Don, is not only an actively developing industrial, but also a well-known cultural center of southern Russia in our country. Nowadays, there are more than ten theaters that delight adults and little Rostovites and guests of the city with unique productions and a magnificent stellar cast of the troupe.


The city is famous for its rather active theatrical life, so everyone can find a performance to their liking. The theaters of Rostov-on-Don have a very different repertoire: opera and drama, children's and puppet, experimental, etc. Below is a list of the city's most popular theatrical stages:

  • Drama Theatre. M. Gorky (pl. Teatralnaya, 1).
  • Musical Theater (B. Sadovaya St., 134).
  • Puppet Theatre. Bylkova (University lane, 46).
  • Universum - student theater (People's Militia, 2).
  • "Ovation" (Selmash Ave., 1).
  • "Man in a cube" (B. Sadovaya st., 66/37).
  • Youth Theater(Svoboda Square, 3).
  • "Maximum" (Dneprostroevskaya, 2).
  • Rostov Regional Philharmonic (B. Sadovaya St., 170).
  • Etude Art Studio (44 Stadionnaya Street).
  • Clown House (77 Serafimovich St.).

We will not be able to "visit" each of them, but we will present the most popular theaters in Rostov-on-Don.

Drama Theatre. M. Gorky

The oldest theater located on the main square of the city. The building, made in the style of constructivism, was erected in 1935. During the Second World War, it was partially destroyed, but completely restored in 1963. The theater has two halls: Big (1020 seats) and Small (70 seats).


Musical theater

This is the largest musical theater in the city and our country. His troupe includes artists of the former city musical comedy (one of the best in Russia) and graduates of the Rostov Conservatory. A piano-shaped building was built for this theatre.


Natural wood was used to finish the hall for a thousand seats, which made it possible to achieve perfect acoustics. The repertoire includes operas and ballets, rock operas and modern musicals, concerts of symphonic music. Theater actors successfully tour around the world.

State Puppet Theater

A story about the theaters of Rostov would be incomplete without a description of this place. One of the very first puppet theaters in our country is a favorite vacation spot for both kids and their parents. A talented team shows fairy tale performances "Aibolit", "Golden Key", "The Nutcracker", for adultsspectators - "Romeo and Juliet", "Balaganchik", "Faust".

Puppeteers of Rostov are actively touring, showing their skills not only in large cities of Russia, but also abroad.


Rostov Theaters: "The Man in the Cube"

This is a creative independent association, a professional drama theater, which was founded relatively recently (2008) by a young Rostov director K. Ryndina. They closely follow the latest trends in the art world, are open to experimentation, but at the same time preserve the traditions of classical theater.
