Outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts

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Outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts
Outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts

Video: Outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts

Video: Outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev: biography, features of creativity and interesting facts
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Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev is an outstanding conductor who has gone through a difficult path from a hungry childhood to the most famous orchestras in the world. Thanks to his character, he managed to overcome difficulties and reach the heights, remaining an ordinary Russian person who loves his homeland and culture.

Fedoseev Vladimir
Fedoseev Vladimir


What interesting things will the biography tell us? Vladimir Fedoseev was born in Leningrad on August 5, 1932. His father worked in a factory, his mother was a housewife. She sometimes attended church and sang in the church choir, was a believing woman. My father played the accordion a little in amateur performances. Parents dreamed that their son would become a musician.

Childhood Vladimir Ivanovich, one might say, was not. Blockade, bombings - at a certain period it was impossible even to go out into the street. The boy's only joy was the loudspeaker, from which the magical sounds of music could be heard. She acted on Vladimir instantly, perhaps it was then that he felt that he wanted to become a musician.

Fedoseev Vladimir Ivanovich said that he had experienced three births: the secondbirth is what managed to survive during the blockade. And the third was the crossing on Lake Ladoga to Murom, when the family miraculously managed to survive after the train bombing.

In the evacuation, I began to take button accordion lessons, studied with great pleasure. Even then he began to give concerts in hospitals. But, unfortunately, Vladimir Ivanovich then played almost by ear, having poor musical literacy.

Fedoseev Vladimir Ivanovich
Fedoseev Vladimir Ivanovich

Youth and becoming

On his return to Leningrad after the war, he decided to go to a music school, but it turned out to be difficult, because he practically did not know the notes. However, his future teacher, Pavel Ivanovich Smirnov, after listening to Vladimir, said that he would study with him. From 1948 to 1952 Fedoseev Vladimir spent at the school. Mussorgsky in Leningrad. There he played the button accordion and at the same time studied in the conducting class (with the teacher Vera Nikolaevna Ilyina). His childhood dream came true: as a boy, during the war, he loved to run after brass bands and waved his arms, pretending to conduct.

After graduating from college, I decided to go further, but the opportunity to study in the direction of folk instruments was only in Moscow, at the Gnessin Institute. In 1952, Fedoseev Vladimir passed the entrance exams to the Academy. Gnesins and was accepted. During the years of study, he was simultaneously engaged in conducting and finally decided on his future vocation - he wanted to be a conductor.

Played the button accordion in an orchestra of folk instruments. In those same years, he realized that he was dreaming of postgraduate studies in the class of conducting, which he laterfinished too. However, this time I had to take the entrance exams many times, and in the end Fedoseev entered. He studied with an amazing teacher - Leo Moritsevich Ginzburg, who represented the German conducting school.

Vladimir Fedoseev conductor
Vladimir Fedoseev conductor


Since 1959 he was the artistic director and chief conductor of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments. It was very difficult for him to break through at that time, it was believed that folk art was second-rate. The outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev believed that everything in music is interconnected, and folk art is the ancestor of everything else. There were a lot of problems, ill-wishers who constantly wrote letters to the Central Committee with complaints. He was accused of anti-Semitism, wrong views. But later, thanks to the intervention of high-ranking authorities, everything calmed down, and he was able to continue working.

Since 1971, at the invitation of E. Mravinsky, he began working with the Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

Since 1974 he has been directing the State Academic Grand Symphony Orchestra (BSO) named after. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

biography Vladimir Fedoseev
biography Vladimir Fedoseev


Fedoseev's work with the BSO was very fruitful. Over the years of serving art, Fedoseev Vladimir has achieved a unique special sound of the orchestra, its recognizability, and inimitable style. The team was invited to the best venues in the world, the most important festivals - "Sounding Bow" in Vienna, the Beethoven Festival in Bonn, Bruckner in Linz, and he also tours a lot in Russia.

Not yetonly the traditions of the collective were respected, but something new appeared. One can envy his dedication and sincerity in his work; this cannot but be passed on to the musicians. Thanks to the conductor's kindness and openness, new talents are revealed and skills are honed.

Fedoseev is distinguished by extraordinary depth, temperament, as well as a wonderful sense of the music he performs. He surprisingly subtly penetrates the composer's intention, his style. At the same time, the work of a conductor can be considered as co-creation on already finished works. For example, he felt Sviridov's new creations very well.

The orchestra first performed new works by Khachaturian, Shostakovich and others. In the 90s, sound recordings of all Shostakovich's symphonies were made.

In 1993 the orchestra was named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, which was the best recognition of the merits of the team and its leader in the dissemination of the composer's work. The orchestra traditionally takes part in the legendary competition. Tchaikovsky.

Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev, whose biography is presented to your attention in the article, helps young performers, for example, already known today Maxim Vengerov, Vadim Repin, Mikhail Pletnev.

The orchestra organizes "Public Symphony Season Tickets" so that everyone can attend the concert. The orchestra also hosts many charity concerts. The conductor personally helps his orchestra, for example, he purchases instruments at his own expense.

Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev biography
Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev biography

Work abroad

Bdifferent periods Fedoseev acted as a conductor of the world's leading orchestras: the Vienna Symphony (1997-2006), the Zurich Opera House (since 1997), the Tokyo Philharmonic (since 2000). Works with other musical groups in Germany, France, USA.

Fedoseev Vladimir: biography, creativity, opera performances

The work of the maestro was also highly appreciated in opera productions. Fedoseev staged operas and ballets (together with choreographers): The Tale of Tsar S altan, The Queen of Spades, The Sleeping Beauty, The Snow Maiden, Aleko, Eugene Onegin, Carmen, Boris Godunov, "The Magic Mandarin", "The Condemnation of Faust", "Demon", "The Love of Three Kings", "The Golden Cockerel", "Life for the Tsar", "Attila", "Othello", "Khovanshchina", "The Tsar's Bride", " Swan Lake.”

Sound recordings include almost the entire range of symphonic music, including all the symphonies of Beethoven, Brahms, Shostakovich.

Ranks and awards

Awarded with honorary titles of People's Artist of the RSFSR (1973), People's Artist of the USSR (1980). He is an Academician of the Academy of Creativity, a Full Member (Academician) of the International Academy of Sciences.

Vladimir Fedoseev has received many different awards, including the State Prizes of the USSR, the RSFSR, the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Order of Honor, foreign awards, etc.

outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev
outstanding conductor Vladimir Fedoseev

Profession and character

Fedoseev took an example from his teachers - Ginzburg and Mravinsky - serving art, exacting to himself in every detail. The conductor believes that it is impossible to do everything one hundred percent,there are bound to be some shortcomings. If a professional has seen the score a thousand times, then, having opened it a thousand times, he will discover something new, which has not yet been taken into account.

He was passionate about music since childhood, and it is music, Vladimir Ivanovich believes, that should help people in their difficult life.

In his interviews, he notes with regret that today the profession of a conductor is not considered something unique that almost everyone can conduct, but this is far from being the case. After all, even the greatest composers at one time were forced to refuse to conduct their works, because a conductor must have a vocation.

Derizher Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev, whose biography is reviewed in the article, loves his team very much and believes that it is necessary to bring a piece of good to people, and they will respond in kind. For musicians, he is a teacher and friend. Always opposed dictatorial habits. Allows you to reveal the individuality of everyone, even a young performer. For him, the orchestra is family.

He loves Vienna, the world center of culture, because it was from Vienna that his recognition as a conductor began. He notes that in Spain the people are close in spirit to the Russians, and the Japanese are very fond of Russian music.

Has been married to Olga Ivanovna for many years. She always helped and supported him. The secret of family happiness is explained by the fact that they learn from each other all the time. He has it - a special inner feeling, she has it - knowledge in the field of culture, since she is a very educated woman, for a long time she hosted programs about culture on television.

conductor Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev biography
conductor Vladimir Ivanovich Fedoseev biography


  • Only three years later Fedoseev found out that he had been awarded the Golden Orpheus in Paris for recording the opera May Night.
  • On holidays he prefers to take a fishing rod, boots (he loves fishing and picking mushrooms) and a lot of scores, because not a single day is complete without music.
  • Birthday is usually spent in the village, with family.
  • The conductor has special feelings connected with nature. One summer, when he was in the garden, a jackdaw flew in and sat next to the score. After that, for several days she flew to him, and he fed her. He was amazed that the wild bird was not afraid and trusted him.
  • Before the performance, Fedoseev prays and always puts the icon in his pocket.
  • An asteroid was named after an outstanding conductor.

Vladimir Fedoseev is a world-famous conductor. This great man deserves much praise and respect!
