Biography of Rimsky-Korsakov - life and creative path

Biography of Rimsky-Korsakov - life and creative path
Biography of Rimsky-Korsakov - life and creative path

In the small provincial town of Tikhvin, Novgorod province, in 1844, on March 18, the future great Russian composer was born. The biography of Rimsky-Korsakov originates in a respected family of hereditary military men, where most of the male representatives served in the navy. But the parents, having learned about the great talent of the child, did not interfere with his passion for music.

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biography of Roman Korsakov

First exposure to music

The house loved and revered music. The biography of Rimsky-Korsakov, including childhood, passed in her environment. At the age of six, the boy was taught to play the piano. Soon he showed outstanding composing abilities. But his father, following family traditions, assigned Rimsky-Korsakov to the Naval Cadet Corps, where he studied until the age of 18.

Education and composing aspirations

While studying in St. Petersburg, the biography of Rimsky-Korsakov is still inextricably linked with music. He does not leave his piano lessons with Fedor Andreevich Kanille. Active support in his aspirations is provided by his older brother, no less talented person. The piano teacher introduces the young cadet to Balakirev, the founder of the famous group of composers The Mighty Handful.

nikolai rimsky korsakov biography
nikolai rimsky korsakov biography

From this moment on, the biography of Rimsky-Korsakov takes a very definite direction. The meeting with the head of the "Mighty Handful" inspired the young composer to write a symphony. By this time, he had completed his education in the Naval Cadet Corps and, as a graduate, went on a three-year voyage around the world, having been forced to temporarily abandon his true vocation.

The formative years of Rimsky-Korsakov as a composer

composer rimsky korsakov biography
composer rimsky korsakov biography

Returning from the voyage, the military officer resumes relations with Balakirev. He devotes all his free time from service to music. In 1865 the first symphony was completed. In 1971, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov received a professorship in orchestral writing and composition at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The biography recorded that at that time he was only 27 years old. But the composer does not stop there and continues to conquer the musical Olympus. New symphonic works and romances come out from under his pen.

1873 - The Naval Department offers him a job as an inspector of brass bands, and a year later Rimsky-Korsakov becomes theirconductor. More and more he is attracted to the opera genre. The first opera "Pskovityanka" has already been created. A few years later, one of the composer's largest works, the symphonic suite Scheherazade, will be released.

Composer Rimsky-Korsakov, whose biography includes such operas as "The Tale of Tsar S altan", "The Golden Cockerel" (based on Pushkin's fairy tales), "Sadko", "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia", created all these works in the period from 1895 to 1907. This time can be considered the heyday of his musical activity.

The composer died in 1908 on June 21, leaving behind a huge legacy, the value of which is recognized not only in his homeland, but throughout the world.
