Telebridge - what's that? Conducting and organizing a teleconference

Telebridge - what's that? Conducting and organizing a teleconference
Telebridge - what's that? Conducting and organizing a teleconference

Today, technology has come a long way. They play a huge role in various spheres of human life. Technology helps people communicate. Teleconference has become such a means of communication between people - remote audio and video communication between several parties.

organize a teleconference
organize a teleconference

What is this?

Telebridge is a whole complex of various organizational and telecommunication works to provide a multilateral audio and video dialogue between two remote points of the world. This group communication is carried out with the help of satellite and teleinformation technological means.

conducting teleconferences
conducting teleconferences

Conducting teleconferences

Television is on the rise. But teleconferences have not lost their relevance, they have become even more popular, extraordinary, original ways of communication between distant people. And now this type of communication is not very surprising compared to other technological advances. However, it is very important and has distinctive advantages. Teleconferences are used in cases where:

  • impossible or difficult to get all people together;
  • Multiple events taking place at the same time but in different locations.

The application is very wide, ranging from holidays to the Olympics or conference. They even use it at summits of international political organizations. Therefore, the level of preparation for various events is extremely high. There are companies that will help organize a teleconference and even prepare the premises so that it looks the most aesthetically pleasing and colorful. Such measures will increase the rating of the program if an event is created for these purposes. You can safely trust professionals for whom making a teleconference is a job. But you don’t have to worry about the quality of the organization, since only those people who have rich experience in scientific and international events and know their business are engaged in this type of activity. Experts in this industry will provide you with the most high-tech equipment. Such a service costs a lot of money, but it fully justifies itself.

teleconference is
teleconference is

TV bridge between the USSR and the USA

More than a quarter of a century has passed since the moment when a dialogue began to be established between journalists from the Union and the States. The first USSR-USA teleconference took place thirty-seven years ago, namely in 1982 on September 5th. Apple CEO Steve Wozniak from the American side and journalists Iosif Goldin and Julius Gusman from the Land of the Soviets. Space communications connected Moscow's Ostankino television center with people who participated in the California rock festival. In thatthat day, several hundred thousand people gathered at the concert, the large screens installed earlier turned on, and the surprised participants began to wave and shout, the Soviet side sang to the state, and the Americans to the performances of the allied stage. Many people cried, which is not surprising, because at that time it was considered a miracle, unlike the current situation, then there was no camera and a program for a computer.

The Americans after that teleconference realized that their stereotypes about Soviet citizens were incorrect. Then people realized their similarity not only externally, but also internally, despite the tense relations between countries. That teleconference was not shown on the air of the USSR. However, the time for change was brewing. Gorbachev's rule marked the weakening of the Cold War and the Iron Curtain. What affected the democratization of society and television in particular. Therefore, broadcasts from the USA became regular. Dialogue re-emerged between the two countries. Since 1987, the modern teleconference is no longer suspicion, as it was before, but a partner, even sometimes friendly conversation on various topics. But this event did not gain wide publicity, although it was shown twice on the air of the USSR. Soon, due to insufficient media coverage, this program was closed. Although many believed that the teleconference was a swallow that foreshadowed spring in relations between the two countries and would help people find a common approach to each other.

the first teleconference of the ussr ussr
the first teleconference of the ussr ussr


With the increased need for the use of teleconferences, new technical equipment has also come, which allowstake this activity to a higher level. The globalization of all spheres of human life has made the broadcast of this type of communication popular. It is safe to say that the teleconference is a means of bringing people together.
