Sokolov Pavel: biography and creativity

Sokolov Pavel: biography and creativity
Sokolov Pavel: biography and creativity

In this article we will consider the biography of Pavel Sokolov. This vocalist belongs to the golden composition of the Na-Na group, he has collaborated with this team for 22 years. People are also familiar with Pavel Sokolov's solo video "Autumn is Coming", directed by Oleg Mamedov. The author of this song was Alexander Seregin. However, Pavel's main creative activity is still connected with the Na-Na boy band. He danced with the group's ballet for over a decade before he announced himself as a soloist in 1997. In 2008, the artist left the ensemble for the sake of a solo career. After a year's break, the vocalist returned to the stage. The result of the collaboration between performer and composer Kim Breitburg was the composition "My Faithful". The video for this song entered the charts on several TV channels. Further experience of independent creativity was no less successful. The performer gives concerts, records songs, appears in programs that are released on the Internet and on television.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Sokolov
Pavel Sokolov

The small homeland of Pavel Sokolov is the small town of Koryazhma in the Arkhangelsk region. Here, the future performer was born in 1974, on April 19. Here he isappeared on stage for the first time in his life. Mom supported her son's desire for choreography, she sent the boy to the children's ensemble.

The team had to leave after three years, as the family went to Kommunar, the father was offered a job in the Northern capital. Pavel Sokolov did not give up his hobby. He attended classes that took place within the walls of the St. Petersburg Music Hall. Because of his passion, the young man had to transfer to evening classes, as a result, the future performer studied for 12 years instead of 11.

In an effort to earn pocket money, the young man asked his father, who worked at a cardboard factory in Leningrad, to find a part-time job at the enterprise for him. The guy went to work on Sundays and Saturdays. It was at the factory that a certain representative of Bari Alibasov found the young man, who invited him to the ballet of the Na-Na group, which was gaining popularity.

Group "Na-Na"

pavel sokolov autumn is coming soon
pavel sokolov autumn is coming soon

When Pavel Sokolov first performed as part of the Na-Na ballet group, he was only 14 years old. This figure is often disputed. The artist in one of the interviews noted that he was 16 years old, and in another he referred to the 12-year-old age of joining the group. Pavel was engaged in choreography until 1997. In 1995, together with Alexander Lebedev, a choreographer, he gathered a common ballet troupe.

Solo career

Pavel Sokolov songs
Pavel Sokolov songs

Pavel Sokolov very successfully began the stage of independent creativity. In 2008, the artist released the composition "Vernaya", and also presented a video clip for it. The composer of this work wasKim Breitburg. Together, the musicians created several compositions. Sokolov soon signed an agreement with Breitburg to record a debut album.

The composition “Jump from the Bridge” was written especially for Pavel by Alexander Morozov, who was the creator and former producer of the Forum group. Now the artist is collaborating with Israeli authors. Traditionally, four musicians take part in the accompaniment: bass player, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer.

Sometimes a backing vocalist is also invited. Sokolov mentions Robbie Williams among musical landmarks. In 2012, the artist's creative biography was replenished with a duet. Together with the Ukrainian singer Oleg Vinnik, Pavel recorded a song called "Take me into your captivity." The external similarity of the artists caused rumors that Vinnik and Sokolov were brothers.

However, the vocalists denied these allegations. Behind the performer are two broken marriages. From the dancer Natalie Beley, he had a daughter, who was named Alina. A few years later, Beley and Sokolov filed for divorce. The performer met his second wife Larisa shortly after he left Na-Na.

The wife was several years older than Pavel, she helped him overcome a difficult stage in his life. Being a lawyer by training, she pushed her husband to get a profession.

The contractor was trained at the Faculty of Law in one of the capital's universities. Pavel divorced his second wife. Soon he became a father for the second time. The dancer Victoria Smirnova, a member of the Shpilki group, and the singer had a daughter,who was named Sophia.


pavel sokolov singer
pavel sokolov singer

Solo songs by Pavel Sokolov were included in two albums "Faithful" and "Only Sky Above". Together with the Na-Na group, he participated in the recording of the following records: “Estimate, yes”, “All life is a game”, “Na-Na above the ground”, “Special energy”.
