Performance "Family dinner at half past two" - audience reviews, plot and interesting facts

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Performance "Family dinner at half past two" - audience reviews, plot and interesting facts
Performance "Family dinner at half past two" - audience reviews, plot and interesting facts

Video: Performance "Family dinner at half past two" - audience reviews, plot and interesting facts

Video: Performance
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One of the viewers' attention is, according to reviews, the play "Family Dinner at Half Two". It was staged based on the play by V. Pavlov. This performance will be discussed in the article.

Creative team

Reviewing the reviews of the play "Family Dinner at 2:30", we can note a lot of positive comments from the audience.

Family dinner at half past one performance Reviews
Family dinner at half past one performance Reviews

Director M. Tsitrinyak gathered a brilliant cast on stage. The production features theater and film stars: O. Ostroumova, A. Bolshova, O. Volkova, A. Vasiliev, S. Nikonenko, K. Grebenshchikov, E. Barinov, A. Rapoport.

The premiere of the presented performance took place in the summer of 2015.


The presented play is a piercing, partly lyrical, partly funny story about eternal values. It tells about love and parting, about relationships. They arise between a woman and a man, children and parents. The play raises questions about the responsibility that people bear in intervening inother people's lives. This is a production about the personal responsibility of everyone for the decisions once made and the actions taken, which ultimately determine the entire future fate.

Review of the performance family dinner at half past one
Review of the performance family dinner at half past one

In the play “Family Dinner at Half-A-Two,” the plot revolves around the relationship between the two main characters. She is the daughter of parents who occupy a high position in society. He is her lover, sent to military service in Chechnya twenty years ago. The main characters fell in love with each other at a young age, but never managed to stay together because of the intrigues of their relatives and their indecision.

Meeting again after 20 years, the characters realize that their feelings are still alive. Will such different, established people “over forty” be able to start all over again, each of whom has his own, well-established life?

Anyway, separating a couple in love for their relatives is a more difficult task than twenty years ago.


Considering the reviews for the play "Family Dinner at Half-Hour" one should note the magnificent play of wonderful actors. The main character of the play, played by A. Bolshova, blamed her parents all her life for separating her from her lover in her youth. His role is played by K. Grebenshchikov.

About the performance family dinner at half past two
About the performance family dinner at half past two

Having met after twenty years of separation, the characters begin a frank conversation, which turns into a vivid farce due to the unexpected arrival of relatives. Parentsthe heroines look at their daughter's former lover with completely different eyes.

In the presented production, the audience unanimously noted the excellent performance of O. Ostroumova (the mother of the heroine) and A. Vasilyev (the father of the heroine). O. Ostroumova was able to perfectly convey the character of a mother who wishes well for her child and thereby makes him unhappy.

According to the unanimous reviews of the audience, the father of the heroine, a brave military man played by A. Vasiliev, brilliantly discharges the oppressive situation. He invariably caused bursts of laughter in the audience.

The spectators who visited the theater emphasize the excellent play of all the actors involved in the performance, their full dedication and immersion in the material.


Theatrical criticism of the performance "Family Dinner at Half-Hour" was quite favorable. It is noted that at the beginning the performance looked a little drawn out, despite the excellent performance of the duet Bolshov-Grebenshchikov. But as soon as the heroine's parents, the brilliant Ostroumova-Vasiliev duet, appear on the stage, it is already impossible to tear yourself away from the stage. The two hours that the performance lasts fly by completely unnoticed.

Family dinner at half past two
Family dinner at half past two

The acting is so captivating for the audience that it is already impossible not to empathize with the characters. Those sitting in the hall laugh and cry with them, holding their breath, following every turn of the conversation. For the audience, the characters are understandable and recognizable, life situations are real. All this keeps the audience in suspense until the very end, forcing them to experience a wide range of very strong emotions.

And the amazing ending -the appearance on stage of a little girl in a tutu. A moment of silence - and an explosion of applause in the hall.

The production of "Family Dinner at 2:30" gets positive reviews. The performance was noted as very good, sincere. It is suitable for a family trip to the theater, for a break from everyday worries, for reflection and discussion after. The value of the production is that it makes it possible to look at one's life as if from the outside, to feel the importance of every moment of it - love, family, children and parents, respect for feelings, responsibility for them. The spectator leaves the hall in high spirits, with a smile on his face and a lot of positive emotions.

Director - about the play

According to the director, it was very interesting for him to work on a play with such great actors. M. Cytrynyak believes that this play touches every person. She makes him think about the eternal universal problems - responsibility for his love, for his future, for his fate and the fate of his loved ones, for his words and deeds.

Family dinner at half past one
Family dinner at half past one

The director said this about his work: "The play touched me, which means it will touch others." At the performance, the audience will laugh and cry. Indeed, the play leaves no one indifferent, as evidenced by the feedback from the audience.


Almost every review of the play "Family Dinner at 2:30" begins with the words: "Very sincere performance", "Amazing performance", "I liked it very much", "I am under the strongest impression."The plot captures the viewer entirely and keeps in suspense continuously for two hours.

The performance looks in one breath. All viewers note the excellent cast and the excellent play of all the participants in the production without exception.

on time and about not being able to step into the same river twice.

The play makes you feel for its characters. As one of the viewers noted: looking at the characters, you are glad that you yourself did not have such unfinished relationships in the past. And you grieve for the heroes who never managed to figure out their own lives.

After reviewing the reviews of the play "Family Dinner at 2:30", it can be noted that this is a worthwhile production that you can watch with friends or family.
