Anatoly Chernyaev. The principle of the golden ratio

Anatoly Chernyaev. The principle of the golden ratio
Anatoly Chernyaev. The principle of the golden ratio

Every day science reveals something new, unknown, sometimes strange and inexplicable. Until now, nature offers mankind many mysteries. The books of Anatoly Chernyaev, a famous Slavic scientist and philosopher, explain many of them.

Anatoly Chernyaev
Anatoly Chernyaev

In his works, he puts forward hypotheses and reveals many secrets of natural phenomena. His writings are based on eyewitness accounts, scientific explanations and research. The books are interesting and informative not only for specialists, but also for those who are ready to think in terms of new categories in the modern world.

Chernyaev Anatoly Fedorovich: biography

Anatoly Fedorovich Chernyaev was born in the city of Kuibyshev in 1937. He graduated from the Civil Engineering Institute in Penza and postgraduate studies at TsNIIEP in rural construction. For a long time he worked as a foreman, and then as a chief engineer in a construction organization. In the same research institute where he completed his postgraduate studies, he was a researcher and secretary of the party committee. Conducted seminars, lectured in scientific and educational institutions. Recently taught at the Academy of Family Homesteads incity of Kirov.

chernyaev anatoliy fedorovich books
chernyaev anatoliy fedorovich books

October 2, 2013 Anatoly Chernyaev died suddenly in the oncological center of Obninsk - he could not stand the operation to remove the tumor. But this wonderful person, scientist and academician left behind numerous works, information that remains relevant at all times. His scientific works cover the field of mechanics and gravity. He is a pioneer in the construction of residential buildings on the principle of the golden section using ancient Russian sazhens.

The uniqueness of the fathom system

The notability of the theory put forward and substantiated by Anatoly Chernyaev is that it lacks a standard unit of measurement. The system itself is also not Euclidean. What does it mean? For centuries, the lack of uniform standards not only did not interfere, but also contributed to the construction of structures proportional to nature, which in no way detracted from their magnificence.

Anatoly Chernyaev in the book "Golden Fathoms" sets forth his version in detail, puts forward evidence, cites the testimonies of those who live in houses built according to the theory of fathoms. He proves that the accepted unit of measurement - the meter - is an artificial unit. This is the standard that forms a straight line. But it is not connected directly with a person and does not reflect the Harmony of the World.

Chernyaev Anatoly Sergeevich
Chernyaev Anatoly Sergeevich

Chernyaev proposes to build houses according to the golden proportions of the owner, that is, the building is designed taking into account its size. External dimensions are calculated according to the size of the owner, internal - according to the hostess. ATthis has a certain meaning - to reflect the role of a man and a woman in the family. In addition, you need to neutralize negative areas in the room and improve the well-being of the owners.

The result should be a unique room in size and design, as there are no identical people. There is a kind of attunement - the consonance of a person with the surrounding space. Thus, a harmonious Human, "living" space for creativity and recreation is created, as Anatoly Fedorovich Chernyaev explains in his work.

Books: original and unexpected

Anatoly Fedorovich Chernyaev is the author of numerous books and articles. He describes in detail his extraordinary approach, unexpected look and new ideas in them in such works:

  • "Russian Mechanics" in 2 volumes.
  • "Dialectics of space".
  • "Gold of Ancient Russia".
  • "Air crash".
  • "Fundamentals of Russian Geometry".
  • "What's going on with the weather?".
  • "Stones fall into the sky."
  • "Secrets of the Pyramid of Khafre".
  • "Non-Newtonian mechanics".
stones fall into the sky Anatoly Chernyaev
stones fall into the sky Anatoly Chernyaev

He is often credited with memoirs on political topics. But it's not. Anatoly Fedorovich devoted his works and studies to the Harmony of Nature and Man, to astronomical problems. He studied the influence of planets, stars, galaxies on nature, their interaction with people. The author of articles and books on economic and political topics is a completely different person - Chernyaev Anatoly Sergeevich.

Magazine articles

  • "A littleabout the pyramids of Giza", a series of articles.
  • "New in the study of the Tunguska phenomenon".
  • "Gravity and anti-gravity".
  • "The gravitational lens of the solar system".
  • “New about the attraction of bodies.”
  • "Angry line".

New mechanics and geometry

How did Anatoly Fedorovich Chernyaev come to the creation of new geometry and mechanics? He often recalled that he somehow drew attention to the fact that scientists could practically say nothing about the Bermuda Triangle. Deciding to answer this question, he got into physics and, not finding answers there, tried to solve the problem from the point of view of dialectics, with which he was familiar.

Chernyaev Anatoly Fedorovich biography
Chernyaev Anatoly Fedorovich biography

Exploring this topic, he proposed to introduce time into geometry. Of course, all physicists and mathematicians know that this is impossible. Through trial and error, he came to the conclusion that all movements are dynamic. So he discovered two completely new subjects - the physics of the body and Russian geometry.

Stones fall into the sky

Anatoly Chernyaev predicted the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite to the nearest time. His works are studied and renewed research. The essentially orthodox teaching he created aroused interest in the modern world, and many of his ideas and assumptions were confirmed.

In particular, his works devoted to the study of meteorites cite many modern scientists in their arguments. They confirm that he very convincingly substantiated the hypothesis of the earthly origin of the Tunguska meteorite. And his numerous works, facts and arguments on which he reliesChernyaev, are inexorably bringing us closer to the truth.
