Drama Theater (Smolensk): repertoire, reviews, troupe

Drama Theater (Smolensk): repertoire, reviews, troupe
Drama Theater (Smolensk): repertoire, reviews, troupe

Drama theater (Smolensk) is one of the most popular in its city. Although he is not the only one. There are several theaters in this city that offer a repertoire for different age categories of viewers.

Theatres of Smolensk

The State Drama Theater (Smolensk) named after A. S. Griboyedov enjoys great popularity and love among the audience. Performances are held in two halls - the Big and the Small. The troupe delights the audience with a variety of performances staged both on classical plays and on the works of contemporary authors. The theater has a museum. The troupe actively participates in festivals, including international ones.

Smolensk Chamber Theater was founded in 1989 by a group of actors who came from different cities of the Union. At first it was a studio. And in 1991 it received the status of a state theater. The repertoire includes performances based on the works of contemporary authors and avant-garde productions based on classical plays.

There is a Puppet Theater in Smolensk. It has existed since 1937. Initially, the troupe had only 5 artists. The creator and leader was D. N. Svetilnikov, whose name the Puppet Theater now bears. In 1957 the troupe received its ownbuilding. The theater repertoire includes performances not only for children, but also for adults.

Besides this, the amateur studio "Dialogue" and the People's Theater also operate in Smolensk.

Drama theater

Smolensk was one of the first cities in Russia to have its own theater. In 1780, the first performance took place here, which was organized on the occasion of the arrival of Empress Catherine. A comedy with a choir was played for her. Since then, theatrical performances have become a regular occurrence in Smolensk.

drama theater smolensk
drama theater smolensk

Drama Theater (Smolensk) originally worked in the genre of opera. In 1919 there was a reorganization. Since that time, the theater began to be called "dramas and operas." The legendary Faina Ranevskaya served here for some time. In 1939, a building was built for the Smolensk Theater - here it is to this day. During the war, the artists were evacuated to Krasnouralsk, and then to Murom. In 1944, the troupe returned to their native city. In 1991, the theater was reorganized once again, now it has become a drama theater.

A museum has been opened within its walls, where you can see costumes, programs, posters of his past productions and much more.

Drama theater performances

smolensk drama theater repertoire
smolensk drama theater repertoire

A large number of different performances are offered to residents and guests of the city in their posters by the city of Smolensk. The Drama Theater presents its repertoire to its audience as follows:

  • "Too married taxi driver."
  • "Do you like tango?"
  • "Small personal incident."
  • Uncle's Dream.
  • "What am I doing here?!"
  • "Frost".
  • "Dad in the Web".
  • Puss in Boots.
  • "Fool, this is love."
  • "No, I don't regret anything."
  • "Faithful wife".
  • "Fatal Passion".
  • “Mother is my native land.”
  • "Ali Baba".
  • Business Room.
  • "Conductor".

And others.

Chamber Theater

theaters of smolensk reviews
theaters of smolensk reviews

The second most popular in the city - the Chamber Theater (Smolensk) has existed since 1989. Then, at the invitation of the playwright Vladimir Gurkin, famous for writing the play "Love and Doves" and other equally famous works, enthusiastic artists from different parts of the country gathered. Initially, it was the theater-studio "Etude". She became famous for staging the play by Evard Radzinsky "The Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneca", which was banned in those years. Actors played on the stage of the city philharmonic, there were almost no scenery. The audience was in shock. The city authorities did not pay much attention to the new theater. The life of artists became more and more difficult in those difficult nineties. As a result, many began to disperse. Only five actors remained in Smolensk. They made an attempt to revive the theater-studio. The administration supported the artists morally, no funds were allocated, and sponsors could not be found. The Chamber Theater made money with concert programs and tours. For a long time the troupe did not have its own building. Today the Chamber Theater is popular, it wins awards at festivals. His repertoire includesperformances such as: "Notes of a Madman", "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", "The Hedgehog and the Bear Cub", "Not on the List", "Barefoot in the Park", "Patches in the back streets" and others.

Viewer reviews of Smolensk theaters

chamber theater smolensk
chamber theater smolensk

Theaters of Smolensk receive a wide variety of reviews from the audience. You can meet both positive and negative opinions about the same troupes.

About the Chamber Theater, some viewers write that the actors give all their best, they make you sincerely empathize with the characters, the performances are interesting. Others call him mediocre.

About the Puppet Theater you can find the following reviews:

  • The actors are wonderful.
  • Both children and adults get great pleasure from the performances.
  • Very good acoustics, wonderful lighting, puppets can be seen even if you sit in the last row.

Drama Theater (Smolensk) has the following reviews:

  • Wonderful performances.
  • The repertoire pleases with the presence of performances for all ages.
  • The acting is impressive.
