What is choreography? It is an important element in the development of the child

What is choreography? It is an important element in the development of the child
What is choreography? It is an important element in the development of the child

What is choreography? This is the art of showing yourself in dance. Moreover, it can manifest itself as a simple composition, in the form of creating an artistic image, shown without the help of speech. It turns out that feelings, thoughts, experiences of a person are transmitted through movements, facial expressions.

In modern dance there are three directions, including folk, classical and modern. The first and second types are the main ones, therefore they have a more expressive range of movements. The third option consists of all the dance directions that appeared after the classical ballet.

what is choreography
what is choreography

Children benefit from dancing. After all, such a hobby helps to develop a sense of rhythm, get a good stretch, gain plasticity and flexibility. In addition, it contributes to the development of creativity, as well as artistic taste.

Dance classes

Choreography for children is primarily about gaining confidence at a young age. In the process, the child realizes himself as a person, directing his energy to self-development.

Lesson plan

The first priority is to get to know the classical movements, so children's choreography includes the following basics:

1. Position of arms and legs.

2. Separate movements.

3. Posture formation.

4. Outdoor games with the inclusion of dance etudes.

choreography for children
choreography for children

After this material is assimilated, the dance becomes more difficult, and then new compositions are added.

Choreography for children is always accompanied by various pieces of music, classical and folk music, as well as children's songs, modern rhythms.

Meaning of dance

What is choreography at its core? For children, this is a game during which they learn to move to the music and master the basics of dance. Such activities help to develop physically and psychologically. Which direction to choose for their child - each parent decides for himself, but classical ballet always looks better against the background of others.

Classic for kids

choreography program
choreography program

The ballet choreography program is very serious. After all, this is not just a dance - a way of life. All feelings, emotions require maximum dedication, work, time. Although all efforts are not in vain, because ballet is at the top of the cultural hierarchy and requires special treatment.

This art combines beauty, as well as the perfection of form, associated with the depth of the inner world. You can learn multiple movements, but grow as a person,to feel the music, movements, create an image in the dance is the most difficult thing. Deeply, with all responsibility, not everyone can perceive the melody, but only a few. Therefore, it is important to teach your child this quality.

children's choreography
children's choreography

What can you get from ballet?

1. Children who have been practicing ballet since their youth do not have problems with the spine. This is because the posture is immediately straightened, and existing curvatures are corrected.

2. Dance training brings up personal qualities in a child - this is psychological stability, perseverance, determination.

3. Children's choreography helps to develop such a quality as the ability to achieve results in everything. Perhaps in the future this type of activity will not be professional, but the people involved in it always stand out among others with their expressiveness.

Dance School

A good school of choreography, where they teach ballet art, is not in every city. Real professionals usually work in such an institution. It is these teachers who teach children the basics of dance, instilling in them respect for classical art. Subsequently, people who are a model of physical and spiritual perfection come out of the ballet school, causing admiration in many. That is why the idea of doing this kind of activity from childhood is very entertaining.

The child does not yet understand what choreography is, so knowledge is given gradually. The curriculum is usually created for each age separately. The smallest from 4 to 6 years old learn to stand and walk correctly while dancing. During the lesson, they learn dance steps, jumps, hand positions, body positioning, develop an ear for music.

A choreography program for older children - from 6 to 10 years old - teaches concentration of attention, methods of performing movements at the barre. Therefore, the program usually includes repetitions of existing knowledge and the inclusion of new elements, staging various studies.

Grown up children, starting from the age of 10, already decide for themselves whether to stay in this type of activity or not. This is because further classes are held at a professional level with the further realization of oneself as a ballet dancer. Of course, a child by this age should already have the necessary qualities, such as flexibility, correct steps, jumps.

What's left for other kids to do? The solution to this problem is simple - they perfectly realize themselves in any other direction of dance. After all, what is choreography in ballet? This is the knowledge base of classical dance, the basis of any other dance direction. Therefore, children from a young age acquire a huge store of knowledge that helps them to realize themselves in the future.

choreography school helps to become a great artist
choreography school helps to become a great artist

Of course, there is a long way to go before a real big performance. That is why you will need such qualities as perseverance, diligence, patience, determination. After all, the one who knows how to wait and work on himself, one day achieves great success, which means that the young artist will definitely have a great future in the future.
