Genres of fine arts: a guide to the world of painting

Genres of fine arts: a guide to the world of painting
Genres of fine arts: a guide to the world of painting

The world of art is an amazing country, in the map of which any educated person should navigate. In order to be one of the inhabitants of this world, you need to know the types and genres of fine art. Therefore, let's put things aside for a while and get acquainted with their features.

fine art genres
fine art genres

"Views" is a broader concept than "genres of visual arts". They are subdivided into:

1. Graphics. This is an image created using lines, strokes, spots that are applied to the surface of the sheet. All fine art is based on graphics, because initially a person learned to capture shapes and outlines.

types and genres of fine arts
types and genres of fine arts

2. Painting. This is the embodiment of the artist's fantasy world on a flat surface with the help of paints.

3. Sculpture. This is an art form expressed in plastic images. The main materials for creativity here are bronze, stone, wood, marble, but many modern artists are increasingly starting to use plastic, steel, concrete and other non-standard materials for their work.

Besides this, there are alsovarious genres of fine arts. The most popular of them, with which absolutely everyone is familiar, is a self-portrait. Its essence lies in the fact that the author depicts his image. This is followed by the well-known genre of portraiture, which in turn is divided into front, chamber, group portrait, miniature and parsuna. In this case, one model or a group of them is depicted on the canvas.

There are other genres in the visual arts, for example, landscape, which involves the artist's depiction of rivers, lakes, cities, buildings and much more.

But it is especially worth dwelling on such a genre as historical. Thanks to him, pictures and events of past and present years appear before our eyes. At all times, this genre has been fundamental. Similar genres of fine art are mythological and biblical, which, in fact, also reflect history, only the first is dedicated to the heroes of myths, and the second life of Jesus.

genres in the visual arts
genres in the visual arts

Caricatures and caricatures are especially popular today, and few people think that artists have been using these genres of fine art in their work for a long time. They imply the presence of a humorous note in the image, hyperbolization and highlighting some of the details of the appearance characteristic of the model.

It is also worth mentioning the allegorical genre, which displays the reality around us with the help of various associations. Animalistic genre - representing images of animals to us and having a close connection with the naturalscientific field of science. Thanks to the battle genre, we see the battles and wars of great people. The everyday genre depicts the daily life of people, the still life depicts inanimate objects, such as fruits, flowers. The nude genre demonstrates the beauty of the naked body, while the pastoral idealizes the life of people in the bosom of nature.

Genres of fine arts open before us the gates to the beautiful world of painting, which involves our imagination in a whirlpool of colors and images, makes our minds constantly be active and reflect. It is impossible to describe in a few words the significance of art in our life: you need to feel it with all your heart.
