Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena are always funny

Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena are always funny
Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena are always funny

This funny eared character with big eyes was invented by Eduard Uspensky in 1966. But Cheburashka and his friend Crocodile Gena became popular only three years after the release of the cartoon about their adventures on the screens of the country. The appearance of jokes about Cheburashka and Gena once again confirmed the popularity and even some "universality" of the characters - after all, the jokes were very different: both for children and for adults, and naive, and obscene, and even with a clearly criminal flavor.

Children's jokes about Cheburashka and Gena

Most of all funny jokes about Cheburashka and Gena were born, of course, among children. Funny stories in which cartoon characters act as heroes are especially understandable for a children's audience.

jokes about cheburashka and gene
jokes about cheburashka and gene

Once Cheburashka and Kolobok took up boxing. Cheburashka says right away:

- Mind you, don't hit on the ears!- Yeah, - Kolobok matches his tone, - and on the head!

- Gene, - Cheburashka once said, - they sent us ten tangerines in a parcel. In general, I divided equally: I took eight for myself, and left eight for you.

- How is it? Is it eight plus eightten?

- I have no idea. I have already eaten my eight tangerines.

- They lie in vain, as if the children have forgotten all the good fairy tales, now they only have Pokemon in their heads. Here we conducted a survey - it showed that our Russian Cheburashka is in third place in terms of fame!

- Well, yes! What did they ask?

- What is your favorite pokemon.

High-high on the mountain sit Dove and Cheburashka. The dove asks:

- So, shall we fly further?

- Wait, - says Cheburashka. - My ears haven't rested yet.

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are coming to visit. Gena is holding a bouquet of flowers and a cake. The little eared sympathizes with him - it's hard, I suppose, to carry a friend. - Gene! he exclaimed. - What did I think! It means like this: let's all come here, I'll carry flowers and a cake. And you take me in your arms.

funny jokes about cheburashka and gene
funny jokes about cheburashka and gene

Somehow Gena and Cheburashka bought a piano and decided to bring it into Genin's apartment. And the apartment is on the tenth floor, and the piano, of course, does not fit into the elevator. So they began to bring in, Cheburashka and asks:

- Oh, Gena, I’ll tell you such a funny thing now …

- Get off, - Gena puffs, - not up to you …

On fifth floor:

- Gene, I know such a funny story. Would you like me to tell you?

- Go ahead with your story!

Finally, we reached the tenth.

- Gene! Well, can I tell a story?

- Come on, come on, tell me!- Oh, Gena, we made a mistake at the entrance…

For adults

Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena are also popular among the adult population of the country.

jokes about crocodile gene and cheburashka
jokes about crocodile gene and cheburashka

Tells something to Gena Cheburashka, tells, and then asks:

- Do you even hear me?

- Gene, - sadly replies that, look at me. Do I have a choice?

Crocodile in thought:- I keep looking at you and don't understand, Cheburashechka. Should I congratulate you on March 8, or on February 23?

One day Cheburashka was offended by Gena and decided to scare him that he would hang himself.

Crocodile comes into the room - and there Cheburashka is standing on a stool with a noose around his neck. "Well, give it back, it's my stool!" - exclaimed the Crocodile and pulled her from under Cheburashka's feet. - What are you? - he is surprised. - She's as scary as a crocodile!

…And old Shapoklyak

In jokes about Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, old Shapoklyak is often mentioned as the main opponent of the glorious couple. - Guys, do you want to become diplomats? Come with me!

- Hey, - Crocodile asks his friend in a whisper. - Why did they bring us to the suitcase factory? - Well, you … A charming little animal, furry, nimble, kind …

- But Shapoklyak said that I was a pad with wings.

Cheburashka is walking along the street, leads a calf, in his hand he has a balloon and a pipe. Suddenly Shapoklyak met him:

- Hey, Cheburakher, where are you going with all this junk?

- So Genacalled and said, they say, take a chick, a bubble and hum …

With other characters

Jokes about Cheburashka and Gena sometimes "stumble" and other interesting fairy-tale or very ordinary characters.

children's jokes about cheburashka and gene
children's jokes about cheburashka and gene

Crocodile Gena somehow got drunk and stayed overnight at Cheburashka's. So Shrek was born…

They put Gena the Crocodile and Cheburashka in jail. He keeps pestering his friend:

- Gene, will they torture us?

- I don’t know, leave me alone! Will they torture?

- No, leave me alone!

A giraffe entered the cell. Cheburashka roared:

- Oh, Gena, look what they did to the horse!

Once Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena climbed into the store. They dispersed and poked anything.

- Gena! Cheburashka suddenly shouted. - Do you need boots?

- Come on! Get it!

- I can't, it's trash in them.

- So shake it out!

- Oh, I can't, Gena, he's holding my ears!

- Bagel, bagel! the children shouted loudly. They did not understand that Cheburashka was mortally wounded.
