Actress "School" Tatyana Shevchenko (emo girl Melania)

Actress "School" Tatyana Shevchenko (emo girl Melania)
Actress "School" Tatyana Shevchenko (emo girl Melania)

"School" - TV series directed by Valeria Gai Germanika. The project starred familiar celebrities (Elena Papanova, Alexandra Rebenok), young graduates of theater universities and completely unknown people who got into the "School" almost from the street. Tatyana Shevchenko is an actress with minimal experience, but with a very memorable image. She appeared to the audience as an emo girl - Melanie.

The project was designed to accurately cover everything that happens to modern children, their mentors and parents. Many were indignant and shouted about falsehood, the rest admired and spoke about revelation. Some of the people who participated in the discussion did not even see a single episode, but they were also charged with general excitement. And the ground for discussion was indeed fertile.

tatiana shevchenko
tatiana shevchenko

What is "School"?

The serial drama "School" by the scandalous Valeria Gai Germanika is a rather loud and resonant project. The picture was also directed by Ruslan Malikov and Natalia Meshchaninova. On TV, a story based on typical modern ninth graders with adult problems and a special perception of the world was released in 2010.

The life of teenagers without embellishment,exposure of problems that are usually hushed up, and the broadcast of all this on the federal channel forced the society to take a fresh look at Russian reality. People divided into several camps and argued with foam at the mouth about how acceptable it is to show it to the whole country.

series school
series school

Character coloring

In the impromptu ninth grade, the directors tried to fit as many common and even a few stereotypical personalities as possible. A daring class star, a quiet poet, a sing-along girlfriend, an aggressive rebel, a nerd boy, an outright fool, a school bully, a girl's favorite and many others flashed on the screen.

Not without youth subculture. In 2010, during the broadcast of the series, emo was quite popular, although not as much as a couple of years ago. Valentina Lukashchuk (Anya Nosova), Yulia Aleksandrova and Tatyana Shevchenko play in the series of emoticons. Their heroines communicate, hang out and constantly experience violent emotions. Everything is as it should be. In addition to emo, there were skinheads in the project, and punks in the episode.

tatyana shevchenko actress
tatyana shevchenko actress

Melanya/Tanya: role and life

If emo actresses Anna and Yulia were ordinary girls in real life who had to buy “overalls” and imitate piercings before filming, as well as sit in the chairs of hairdressers and makeup artists for a long time, then Tatyana Shevchenko belonged to the subculture in real life. She dressed, painted and combed her own hair. She showed emotions on camera vividly and spoke about feelings absolutely sincerely. To be in yourcymbal and playing herself is extremely convenient.

According to the plot, her heroine Melania, along with her friends, constantly spins in emo communities, talks about unhappy love and commits acts that are regarded as betrayal. Having fallen in love with Ilya Epifanov, for whom her best friend dried up, the girl got into an ambiguous situation. She had to make difficult choices and commit moral crimes. But this love, as it turned out, was not worth it.

tatiana shevchenko biography
tatiana shevchenko biography

Career and life path

Tanya was born on March 9, 1990. She started playing in 2002. True, the projects were mostly television and could not boast of a high rating and large-scale shows. But some of them still did not go unnoticed. In 2010, after the "School", the activity of the actress stopped for an indefinite period.

Projects present in the acting biography of Tatyana Shevchenko:

  • "Babi Yar". Dramatic Ukrainian film of 2002 about post-war events.
  • "Under the roofs of the big city". Russian family drama series of 2002, which tells about the unshakable value of family ties.
  • "The right to be protected". Domestic series 2003. On the screen, Tatyana Shevchenko happened to be on a par with such famous actors as Vera Voronkova and Viktor Rakov.
  • "School". Loud TV series Valeria Guy Germanicus. Tanya got here largely because of her appearance that fits the character’s description anda clear understanding of the emo subculture. It is 2010 that is considered the best in the filmography of the actress.
tatiana shevchenko
tatiana shevchenko

Tatiana currently

On major information portals, the last in the work of the girl is only the brainchild of Germanicus, which really changed the life of the actress: it gave her the opportunity to show herself to the world as she really is, gave her great recognition and fans. On forums and official websites, it is impossible not to meet at least one comment about the secondary, but still bright and memorable role of the girl.

Fresh photo of actress Tatyana Shevchenko
Fresh photo of actress Tatyana Shevchenko

If some news is heard about the rest of the actors here and there, then there is practically no information about Tanya-Melanya. Actors of the first plan, Valentina Lukashchuk and Alexei Litvinenko, with each new project, only increase their fame and do not give up their creative craft. Anna Shepeleva actively starred in Russian drama television series, for example, in "The Captain" on the channel "Russia-1". But Tatyana Shevchenko is content with only "school" successes in 2010.
