Gleb Strizhenov: biography, personal life, family and children of the actor

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Gleb Strizhenov: biography, personal life, family and children of the actor
Gleb Strizhenov: biography, personal life, family and children of the actor

Video: Gleb Strizhenov: biography, personal life, family and children of the actor

Video: Gleb Strizhenov: biography, personal life, family and children of the actor
Video: Top 10 Things Ford V Ferrari Got Factually Right and Wrong 2024, June

"Mission in Kabul", "On Thin Ice", "Garage", "Days of the Turbins", "Raging Gold", "The Elusive Avengers", "Red and Black", "Tavern on Pyatnitskaya", "Through thorns to the stars", "Forty minutes before dawn" - films and series, thanks to which the audience remembered Gleb Aleksandrovich Strizhenov. Over the years of work, the talented actor managed to play in more than forty film and television projects. He passed away in 1985, but his name has gone down in cinema history forever. What is the history of the star?

Actor Gleb Strizhenov: family, childhood

The actor was born in Voronezh, it happened in July 1925. Strizhenov Gleb Alexandrovich was born in the family of a military man and a graduate of the Smolny Institute. His father was a participant in two wars, the Civil and the Great Patriotic War, and was awarded several honorary awards. Gleb was four years old when another child appeared in the family. His younger brother Oleg also managed to achieve fame in the world.cinematography. The actor also had an older brother, Boris, who, unfortunately, died at a young age.

strizhenov gleb alexandrovich
strizhenov gleb alexandrovich

In 1935, the Strizhenovs moved to the capital. Gleb was a teenager when the Great Patriotic War began. The father and elder brother of the actor were forced to go to the front. Gleb and Oleg stayed in Moscow with their mother. At the height of the war, Boris Strizhenov died, it happened in the battle of Stalingrad. His death was a heavy blow to the entire family.

Participation in the war

After the death of his brother, Gleb Aleksandrovich Strizhenov decided that he should go to the front. To do this, he had to deceive, hide his real age. The guy was recognized as fit for service, he soon got to the front line.

gleb strizhenov biography
gleb strizhenov biography

In the first battle, the young volunteer was seriously wounded. Strizhenov spent some time in the hospital, after which he was commissioned. The actor did not have a chance to fight, but he survived. Gleb's younger brother Oleg did not have time to take part in the Great Patriotic War, as he was still a child when it began.

Education, theater

From the biography of Gleb Strizhenov it follows that he had dreams of an acting profession in early childhood. After returning from the front, he firmly decided to devote his life to the stage. The aspiring actor collaborated with many theaters, for example, the Moscow Central Theater of Transport, the Moscow Comedy Theatre, the Kirov Regional Drama Theater, and the Theater of the B altic Fleet.

actor Glebsheared
actor Glebsheared

Gradually, Gleb came to the idea that he needed to get an acting education. The talented young man was gladly accepted into the Moscow Art Theater School, he ended up in the workshop of Vasily Toporkov. Strizhenov received a diploma from this educational institution in 1953. Nine years later, he joined the creative team of the Film Actor's Studio Theatre.

Beginning of film career

Gleb Aleksandrovich Strizhenov first appeared on the set in 1956. The young man made his debut in the drama "Unusual Summer" by Vladimir Basov. The film tells about the events that took place in the Volga city of Russia in 1919. Gleb in this picture embodied the image of the former corporal Ipat Ipatiev.

Gleb Strizhenov wife
Gleb Strizhenov wife

Already in 1957, the second film was released with the participation of a novice actor. It was the melodrama "Duel" by Vladimir Petrov, the plot of which was borrowed from the work of the same name by Kuprin. Strizhenov in this tape got the role of Lieutenant Mikhin.

An Optimistic Tragedy

Oleg and Gleb Strizhenov often met on the set. Their first joint work was the drama Optimistic Tragedy, presented to the audience in 1963. The actors in this picture got the roles of the White Guard officers. Oleg and Gleb did not have to pass the tests, the creators of the picture were subdued by their noble appearance and military bearing.

Oleg and Gleb Strizhenov
Oleg and Gleb Strizhenov

Samson Samsonov's revolutionary tape has gained incredible success, and not only in our country. "Optimistic Tragedy"made a splash at the Cannes Film Festival. The painting won the award for "Best Image of the Revolution". Of course, all this had a positive effect on Gleb's popularity.

60s Movies

In the first half of the sixties, the actor Gleb Strizhenov starred mainly in dramas. For example, he brilliantly embodied the image of the writer Konstantin Metelev in Boris Rytsarev's film Forty Minutes Before Dawn, and he played the role of engineer Ivan Letyagin in the film story Short Summer in the Mountains.

gleb strizhenov biography personal life children
gleb strizhenov biography personal life children

In the second half of the sixties, dramas were replaced by adventure films. In 1966, the painting “On Thin Ice” by Damir Vyatich-Berezhnykh was presented to the audience, in which he portrayed the therapist Karl Frankenberg. The tape tells the story of the struggle of the security forces with enemy agents.

Also in 1966, a film was released, which is considered the first domestic western. In The Elusive Avengers, Strizhenov got a small, but bright role. He played the priest Mokiya. It is impossible not to mention the adventure TV movie "The Air Seller" by Vladimir Ryabtsev, the plot of which is borrowed from the eponymous science fiction work by Alexander Belkin. In this film, the actor convincingly portrayed the villain, Williams, the head of the island's security service, became his character.

Pictures of the 70s

From the biography of Gleb Strizhenov it follows that he continued to actively act in films in the seventies. In 1970, the action-packed tape "Mission in Kabul" by Leonid was presented to the public. Kvinikhidze. The military adventure film tells about the events of the early twentieth century, or rather about the formation of Soviet diplomacy in Afghanistan. In this picture, the Strizhenov brothers got bright roles. Interestingly, they had to play enemies who hate each other. Gideonov performed by Gleb is great.

Gleb Strizhenov's children
Gleb Strizhenov's children

Worthy of mention is the film "Kingfisher" by Vyacheslav Nikiforov, which was released in 1972. The film is aimed at young viewers, but it is also of interest to adults. Strizhenov in this picture played the former military pilot Sedoy. His character shares with the pioneers the story of the heroic deed of a courageous demolition partisan.

In 1976, the mini-series "Red and Black" was released, the plot of which was borrowed from the work of the same name by Stendhal. In this TV project, Gleb played an interesting, albeit not the main, role. His hero was the Marquis de la Mole. Also in 1976, Strizhenov starred in the film Days of the Turbins by Vladimir Basov, in which he played the German General von Schratt. Then came the adventure film Crazy Gold by Samson Samsonov, in which he embodied the image of the treasure hunter Joe Parson. The “Tavern on Pyatnitskaya” by Alexander Feinzimmer also deserves mention, in this detective story his hero was the former staff captain Gremin, who was forced by circumstances to retrain as musicians.


In the late seventies, Gleb Strizhenov was already a celebrity. Biography, personal life - fans wanted to know everything about their idol. Once again draw attention to yourselfThe actor was helped by the comedy drama Garage, the cult brainchild of Eldar Ryazanov. At a meeting of the garage cooperative, a search is underway for "extreme" who are ready to "voluntarily" abandon their future own garage.

In the comedy drama "Garage" actor Strizhenov created a vivid image of Alexander Grigoryevich Yakubov. His hero is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a sincere and just person. During the filming of Garage, the actors were ready to fight to defend their right to the funniest phrases. Gleb Alexandrovich did not participate in this competition, which is why his character has so few lines. However, each of his words is etched in memory for a long time.

Latest Movies

In the early eighties, Gleb Strizhenov, whose personal life and biography are discussed in the article, starred in two famous films. In the fantastic film Through the Thorns to the Stars by Richard Viktorov, he brilliantly embodied the image of Glan. In the detective film "Tehran-43" by Vladimir Naumov, the lawyer Gerard Simon became the character of the actor.

The last film with the participation of a talented artist was presented to the audience in 1984. We are talking about the adventure film "Cancan in the English Park", which tells the story of a young Soviet spy who conducts his subversive activities in Munich. Strizhenov played Eduard Sopelyak in this film.


Over the years of work, Gleb Aleksandrovich managed to act in more than forty films and TV shows. The list of film and television projects with his participation is offered below.

  • "Extraordinary Summer".
  • "Duel".
  • "Life has passed me by."
  • “At the beginning of the century.”
  • "Victims".
  • "Third half".
  • "An optimistic tragedy".
  • "Short summer in the mountains."
  • "Forty minutes to dawn."
  • "Missiles must not take off."
  • "Through the icy mist".
  • "I see the sun."
  • "On thin ice".
  • The Elusive Avengers.
  • "Bad joke".
  • Stars and Soldiers.
  • "Air Seller".
  • "First Girl".
  • "Chief Witness".
  • "On the way to Lenin".
  • Mission in Kabul.
  • Kingfisher.
  • "Earthly and heavenly adventures".
  • "For the rest of my life."
  • "Red and Black".
  • "Days of the Turbins".
  • Crazy Gold.
  • "Tavern on Pyatnitskaya".
  • Garage.
  • Tehran-43.
  • "Through hardships to the stars."
  • "Glittering World".
  • "Cancan in English Park".

Wife, daughter

The talented actor died back in 1985. However, Gleb Strizhenov is still of interest to the audience. Biography, personal life, wives, children - fans want to know everything about their idol.

Gleb Aleksandrovich lived all his life with one woman. The actor met his future wife at the Gogol Theater, where he worked for some time. The young actress Lydia made an indelible impression on him. For a while he had to seek her attention, then they began to meet. Strizhenov did not attach serious importance to the stamp in the passport, so for several years he and Lydia simply lived together. Then the actorsnevertheless, they decided to sign, since society at that time still condemned such an approach.

Gleb Strizhenov's wife has never acted in films. Lidia Sergeevna preferred to play in the theater, she liked to hear the applause of the audience, to feel the return of the hall. The actor lived with this woman for more than thirty years, they have always been an exemplary couple. After the death of the actor, Lydia Sergeevna told that the fair sex always liked him, but he never gave her reasons for jealousy.

Of course, fans are also interested in the children of Gleb Strizhenov. Married to Lydia, daughter Elena was born, the only child of the actor. Growing up, she did not follow in her parents' footsteps. The girl chose the profession of a film critic for herself.


Gleb Strizhenov is an actor who more often played minor characters than created images of the main characters. Oleg Alexandrovich, his brother, has achieved even greater success in the world of cinema, he has played many key roles. "The Star of Captivating Happiness", "Peter's Youth", "Unjudged", "The Captain's Daughter", "Forty-First" - it is difficult to list all the sensational paintings with his participation.

The Strizhenov brothers were very close throughout their lives. The older brother has always been an example for the younger, always supported and protected him. The death of Gleb was a heavy blow for Oleg, because he simply idolized him.

Death of a star

Gleb Alexandrovich passed away early, although he could have played many more bright roles. The cause of death of a talented actor was lung cancer, which developed against the background of chronic pneumonia. Strizhenov died in October 1985, he was only sixty years old. The star of Soviet cinema was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery. Many people gathered to see Gleb Alexandrovich on his last journey.

It has been suggested that the famous artist brought his death closer on his own. Tired of the incessant pain and not wanting to create problems for loved ones anymore, Gleb Alexandrovich took a lethal dose of sleeping pills. However, this is just a legend that has not been confirmed.

Creative achievements, biography, personal life, children of Gleb Strizhenov - you can read about all this in the article.
