Philosophical lyrics by M. Lermontov

Philosophical lyrics by M. Lermontov
Philosophical lyrics by M. Lermontov

Lermontov's philosophical lyrics are saturated with bitter sadness, pessimism, gloomy mood, longing. The thing is that Mikhail Yuryevich lived in an era of timelessness, at the time of his youth and growing up there was a period of political reaction that followed the unsuccessful uprising of the Decembrists. Many smart and talented people were immersed in themselves, scared, freedom-loving moods were banned. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the gloomy and pessimistic works of Lermontov.

philosophical lyrics of Lermontov
philosophical lyrics of Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich suffered from the fact that he could not speak out, openly declare his ideals, thoughts and desires. He poured out all his pain and suffering on paper, because he wanted to be heard by at least someone. Lermontov's philosophical lyrics are dedicated to a wanderer, a lonely wanderer who has no place in society. The poet does not see the light at the end of the tunnel, his contemporaries only make him smile bitterly, because his generation is not able to think, feel andcreate.

Mikhail Yurievich despises not only society, but also himself, because he has to live in an autocratic-feudal state and at the same time he is unable to change anything. The features of Lermontov's lyrics are that the poet considers young people lost to society, they were already born old men with a barren soul. In the view of the poet, Russia appears as a country of masters and slaves. He blames high society and angrily addresses the crowd, who are "images of soulless people."

analysis of Lermontov's lyrics
analysis of Lermontov's lyrics

Lermontov's philosophical lyrics are saturated with the Russian national spirit. Mikhail Yuryevich in his works singled out two Russias: secular and folk. The poet admits that he loves his homeland, but with a "strange love." Military victories, secular conversations are not important to him, his soul rejoices at the contemplation of Russian nature, the festivities of ordinary peasants. In the last years of his life, only people's Russia is recognized by Lermontov, she is closer to him, dearer and more understandable. The writer was one of the first to criticize his country, openly talk about its shortcomings, but it was not gloating, but pain and bitterness from resentment for the homeland, which deserves a better fate.

Analysis of Lermontov's lyrics shows that the poet pays a lot of attention to the issue of the poet's mission and his role in society. This theme in the works very often acquires a hostile and aggressive attitude, because Mikhail Yuryevich's relationship with the crowd did not develop in the best way. The relationship between society and a creative person is especially vividly described in the poem "Prophet". The writer tells how difficult it is to bring people the truth, to live in misunderstanding, to endure the disbelief of others.

features of Lermontov's lyrics
features of Lermontov's lyrics

Lermontov's philosophical lyrics are imbued with a gloomy mood, disbelief in better times, disappointment in people, contempt for contemporaries, hatred for autocracy. Almost all works are deeply pessimistic. The theme "poet-society" is the main one in philosophical lyrics, Lermontov revealed it in the poems "Poet", "Death of a poet", "Journalist, reader and writer".
