Alexander Galibin: filmography, biography and personal life

Alexander Galibin: filmography, biography and personal life
Alexander Galibin: filmography, biography and personal life

Actor Alexander Galibin, whose filmography dates back to the Soviet historical era, was remembered by an attentive viewer back in the late seventies of the last century. His creative destiny was by no means simple and included many unexpected twists and turns. But the actor continues to hold the audience's attention for the fourth decade.

How it all began

Alexander Galibin was born in the city on the Neva in 1955. It is difficult to say how close his family was to the creative environment. Alexander's father worked as a decorator at Lenfilm, and therefore the road there was known to the future actor from childhood. For the first time, Alexander Galibin appeared on the stage in a performance by the Leningrad Theater of Youth Creativity. And this was one of the factors that determined the life choice of a young man. In 1973, he entered the acting department of the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography.

Alexander Galibin
Alexander Galibin

Movie debut

Alexander Galibin made his film debut while still a student at a theater university. His role is notwent unnoticed and were favorably received by both professional critics and ordinary viewers. Of the debut works of the actor, his sharp-witted character from the detective story "Tavern on Pyatnitskaya" remained in the memory of moviegoers.

But Alexander Galibin from his first cinematic roles immediately declared himself as a very diverse actor. He could not play the same thing, and did not want to. And new impressive works were not long in coming. The most significant role of the early period of the actor's work was the image of Emperor Nicholas II. His Galibin had a chance to play twice - in the television project "The Life of Klim Samgin" and in the film "The Romanovs. Crowned Family" directed by Gleb Panfilov. The young actor was very good at conveying the doom of the last Russian emperor in the face of a whirlwind of catastrophic revolutionary upheavals approaching the state. Nicholas II, played by Galibin, perfectly understands what is happening, but he cannot change anything either in his fate or in the fate of the country.

alexander galibin personal life
alexander galibin personal life

In the theater

Alexander Galibin, whose filmography includes dozens of works, nevertheless, never considered the sphere of cinematography the only direction for the application of his talent. Since 1988, he again becomes a student, this time at the director's department of GITIS.

Alexander combines his studies as a theater director with work in several theater and film projects at once. After graduation, they were delivered more than fortyperformances in different cities of Russia. Galibin's productions were staged at the Petersburg Theater on Liteiny, at the Novosibirsk Academic Youth Theater "Globus", at the Alexandrinsky Theater and the Stanislavsky Theater.

Galibin's theatrical career was very impulsive, she was repeatedly interrupted by both film work and creative conflicts with actors. But the performances of this director enjoyed the constant attention of the public. One of the most important qualities of Alexander Galibin is the ability to always be unexpected and never repeat a second time what has already been found once and brought a well-deserved success.

alexander galibin filmography
alexander galibin filmography

At the Shchukin school

Neither the theatrical nor the cinematic career of the actor can in any way be considered completed. But at present, Alexander Galibin is also actively teaching. He scored and conducts his course at the Shchukin Theater School. And it will not be an exaggeration to say that his students are very lucky with the teacher. Alexander Galibin takes his mission as a mentor to young actors very seriously.

actor Alexander Galibin
actor Alexander Galibin

Screening of Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita

Artists sometimes have to wait a long time for a real role. In all the power of his outstanding talent, the actor Alexander Galibin was able to turn around only on such dramatic material as the brilliant novel by Mikhail Bulgakov. Today it is already difficult to imagine that the main role in the television adaptation of this book in 2005could have been performed by someone else. But many have tried it. Nevertheless, the director Vladimir Bortko chose Alexander Galibin, whose participation in the project was not even originally intended. But the choice turned out to be unmistakable.

alexander galibin family
alexander galibin family

The result could not overshadow even the fact that the role of the Master, at the behest of the director, was voiced by the actor who played Yeshua. Alexander Galibin could not make such a decision and even refused to attend the premiere of the film. But even such an unfortunate turn of events for the actor could not cross out the role he played. It is rightfully considered one of his strongest cinematic works.

Filmography of Alexander Galibin

The list of cinematic roles of the actor inspires respect for its volume. At the same time, Alexander Galibin himself never specifically sought to increase it and, considering himself primarily a theater director, was not particularly drawn to working in films. It remains only to regret that there are not so many main roles in Galibin's extensive filmography. Most often, his film work was limited to supporting characters or short episodes. But his images were always vivid and remained in the mind of the viewer.

With all his work in the cinema, Galibin once again confirms Stanislavsky's idea that there are no small roles. Among the most expressive images created by the actor on the movie screen are the following characters: Pashka Antonov ("Tavern on Pyatnitskaya"), Lieutenant Kondratiev ("Battalions askfire"), Vasily Kapralov ("Jack Vosmyorkin - "American").

alexander galibin wife
alexander galibin wife

Screening of "Demons" by Dostoevsky

The latest work of actor Alexander Galibin will soon be introduced to the general public on television screens. Filming of the TV series has already been completed, and it is being prepared for the show. Alexander Galibin plays a very significant role in it - the governor von Lemke. In the novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky it is impossible to find simple and unambiguous characters for understanding. Equally difficult is the mayor of the provincial city performed by Galibin. He is one of the few who opposes the dark forces that are preparing a rebellion and popular indignation in the city. Any of his actions, as well as refusal of them, can lead to very serious consequences and numerous human casu alties.

Alexander Galibin: the personal life of an actor

People who have achieved wide popularity have different attitudes towards it. For some, this state of affairs is a pleasure, and they constantly flicker before the eyes of a curious public. Alexander Galibin, whose personal life always took place in a theatrical environment, nevertheless, he never experienced any pleasure from increased attention to his person. He just had to accept this state of affairs as something inevitable.

It can be assumed that Alexander Galibin, whose family has always been related to the theater or cinema, did not draw an insurmountable boundary between art and life. Currently, the actor is in his third marriage and is the father of two daughters. Alexander Galibin himself, whose wife, Irina Savitskova, worked under him at the Globus Academic Youth Theater in Novosibirsk, does not like to comment on his personal life. Nevertheless, we note that the two previous spouses of Alexander - Olga Narutskaya and Ruth Wienenken - also had the most direct relation to the theatrical world.
